
Fate/Dragon Ball Wars

A god was playing with some 'beads' when he had an idea. Why don't we start a Holy Grail War, but instead of the Holy Grail, the Servants and Masters have to compete for Dragon Balls? BOOM! Fuyuki City, 1994. The stage is set, and each Master receives one Dragon Ball and summons a random Servant. Saber: Yeah, it’s the usual cute King Arthur. Archer: It's the same usual arrogant prick wearing golden armor. But who the hell are these other Servants who don’t appear in human history?! Lancer: This Lancer is a 14-year-old magical girl with red hair. Rider: He is a certain prince of the Holy Britannian Empire who is extremely intelligent and rides a giant Gundam. Caster: He is a blond teenager who wants to duel with cards and has extremely high luck. Assassin: With a cross scar and red hair, he is the man-slayer. Berserker: No one can understand his origin since he could be in any class. He doesn’t speak, but his strength is no joke. --- English isn’t my first language, and I don’t own this story. If you have any complaints, please reach out in the comments or provide a review. I will be providing the necessary information since this fic includes many anime mixes. Anime so far: Fate franchise, Rurouni Kenshin, Code Geass, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Final Fantasy Read advance chapters here: www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: Kirei’s Desire

"Get out of here, now!"

Overwhelmed by a torrent of frustration, Kyoko Sakura could only scream at her Master cowering inside the car.

A crimson chain, spear-like in form, whipped through the air, deflecting the enemy's onslaught.

'At least my standard attacks are sealed. Otherwise, in this state, Master's escape will be impossible.'

Kyoko thought with a sardonic twist of luck.

Her gaze flickered to the glowing magic circle etched onto her skin. Otherwise, her Master might not have had the chance to escape.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Sparks erupted as shimmering silver droplets, like slimes, defended the perimeter. Yet, their increasingly dented forms spoke volumes of their dwindling effectiveness.

Volumen Hydrargyrum.

Kayneth wielded this magical artifact, which boasted remarkable offensive and defensive capabilities. He had specifically brought it to bolster Sola's protection.

'Even without her spear, Lancer's attacks are relentless. We won't last much longer.'

Kayneth, his brow furrowed in concern, shielded Sola, but their escape was far from smooth.

Lancer, under Caster's control, was an unforeseen calamity. More accurately, they had never encountered such a bold method of manipulation.

"Sola, activate a Command Spell!"

The situation demanded drastic measures. Outrunning a Servant like Lancer was a fool's errand. With the enemy's control method a mystery, reclaiming Lancer through a Command Seal was their best bet.

"But... what should I order?"

Sola hesitated, voicing the inherent challenge. A Command Seal might hold absolute power over a Servant, but a vague directive rendered it ineffective.

"Command Lancer to stop immediately!"

Kayneth instructed, his voice firm.

"Given the circumstances, other Servants and Masters will likely converge on this location soon. We need to vanish from the spotlight. Staying here is courting disaster."

Caster's unorthodox tactics had thrust them into a desperate situation. These legendary heroes, it seemed, always possessed their fair share of enigmatic techniques.

With a resolute glint in her eyes, Sola obeyed.

"By the power of the Command Seal! Depart from this place, Lancer!"

A crimson light erupted on the back of her hand, momentarily halting the crimson chains that danced across the sky. The relentless attacks ceased.

Seizing this fleeting opportunity, Kayneth slammed his foot on the accelerator, the car surging forward. He steered them away from the scene, whisking Sola towards a safer unknown.

"Heh, quite agile!" Kyoko Sakura let out a relieved sigh, her body unfreezing.

She'd feared her Master wouldn't get the hint and make things worse by trying to fight. Exposing herself now wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Tsk. I can feel the flow of magic diminishing. It seems Caster's magic isn't all-powerful. There's a counteractive effect between her control magic and the Command Seal."

The binding control over Kyoko was already weakening, but the glowing magic circle on her skin remained a glaring target. Her brow furrowed in concern as she contemplated ways to counter Caster.

Dealing with just one opponent was already a hassle; she couldn't stomach the thought of facing the others.

While her "magical girl transformation" had restored her inherent magical girl abilities, using them was a last resort.

Once these skilled fighters saw them, the element of surprise would be lost.

"This war... is much more difficult than fighting witches!"


"Only Rider and Berserker remain unseen."

 Tokiomi mused, his brow furrowed in contemplation as he sat in his meticulously organized magic workshop. Familiars had relayed the events of Caster and Lancer's confrontation.

Considering the Servants revealed thus far, only Rider and Berserker were unaccounted for.

"Was Caster truly responsible for the bombardment last night?"

He questioned aloud, his voice laced with uncertainty. Caster's tactics today offered little clarity on the perpetrator of yesterday's attack.

"Rider or Berserker..."

Tokiomi muttered, tracing a finger along his desk. One of these two enigmatic figures was the likely culprit.

"The Matou involvement is curious,"

He remarked, a frown deepening on his face. While the Matou family hadn't initially made their participation in the Holy Grail War apparent, he'd later discovered their inclusion. However, their chosen Servant remained shrouded in secrecy.

Tokiomi had previously dismissed the Matou threat due to their lack of outward ambition. Now, their silence seemed suspicious. Were they playing a hidden game?


His disciple Kirei entered the room, his voice a low murmur.

"What is Assassin's condition?" Tokiomi inquired, his tone serious.

"His injuries are severe. He's currently incapacitated."

"Troubling news."

Tokiomi acknowledged a hint of frustration, which was evident in his voice. Assassin's role in investigating the unfolding events would have been invaluable.

"Dispatch a familiar to observe the Matou family,"


Kirei raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity momentarily disrupting his usual stoicism.

"They undoubtedly have a participant. We must maintain vigilance."


Kirei replied, his expression returning to its usual impassivity before he exited the room.

Kirei's motivations had shifted dramatically compared to Tokiomi's singular pursuit. Perhaps his past obedience as a "good boy" had been shed.

Merely absorbing Assassin's life experiences ignited a kaleidoscope of emotions within him – emotions he'd never known existed.

Was it a cocktail of sadness, astonishment, or perhaps a twisted form of pleasure?

The urge to act, to finally feel something, brought a startling revelation to the man who had always existed in a state of apathy.

These nascent emotions shattered his obsession with his former calmness. The once-indifferent Kirei was no longer fixated on the absence of desire.

"Indeed. The possibilities between humans are boundless. The answers I crave are becoming increasingly clear."

Initially, witnessing Kiritsugu Emiya firsthand had been his goal. Now, it seemed irrelevant.

"To spark such curiosity within me... The Holy Grail War is truly a catalyst for the extraordinary."

Kirei's voice trailed off, a low chuckle escaping his lips.

Consumed by a newfound thirst for exploration, the priest had embarked on his own clandestine investigation.


Kirei addressed the shadowy figure lurking in the corner, his voice devoid of emotion but laced with a subtle undercurrent of authority.

"My master's orders may be flawed. Sending a familiar is a gamble. You should handle this task yourself. But proceed with caution."

As Kirei spoke, his hands naturally fell behind his back, a gesture that spoke volumes about his composure.

A blur of movement, and the figure vanished. Kirei couldn't help but marvel at the efficacy of the medicine procured from Gilgamesh. Such grievous injuries healed within a single night.

The notion of exchanging for the Dragon Balls now held little significance to him. Qualifications and such trivialities were mere details. As long as his partnership with Assassin flourished, opportunities would abound.

Control over the Servants guaranteed the eventual return of new Dragon Balls onto the playing field. Even those retrieved by Gilgamesh posed no real threat.

Through their participation in the war, the Masters had access to knowledge far exceeding that of the Heroic Spirits—knowledge bestowed upon them by the Dragon Balls. The white wolf with the empty gloves, his master's deception—these bold actions alone ignited a spark of unfamiliar satisfaction within him.

'Gilgamesh, in all his arrogance, is ultimately naive. Does he truly believe regaining the Dragon Balls renders them eternally out of reach?'

Kirei mused, a sly smile playing on his lips.

The prospect of witnessing the fabled "king" lose his composure filled Kirei with morbid anticipation.

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