
Fate/Dragon Ball Wars

A god was playing with some 'beads' when he had an idea. Why don't we start a Holy Grail War, but instead of the Holy Grail, the Servants and Masters have to compete for Dragon Balls? BOOM! Fuyuki City, 1994. The stage is set, and each Master receives one Dragon Ball and summons a random Servant. Saber: Yeah, it’s the usual cute King Arthur. Archer: It's the same usual arrogant prick wearing golden armor. But who the hell are these other Servants who don’t appear in human history?! Lancer: This Lancer is a 14-year-old magical girl with red hair. Rider: He is a certain prince of the Holy Britannian Empire who is extremely intelligent and rides a giant Gundam. Caster: He is a blond teenager who wants to duel with cards and has extremely high luck. Assassin: With a cross scar and red hair, he is the man-slayer. Berserker: No one can understand his origin since he could be in any class. He doesn’t speak, but his strength is no joke. --- English isn’t my first language, and I don’t own this story. If you have any complaints, please reach out in the comments or provide a review. I will be providing the necessary information since this fic includes many anime mixes. Anime so far: Fate franchise, Rurouni Kenshin, Code Geass, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Final Fantasy Read advance chapters here: www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Explosion!

The situation was dire, far more passive than Kiritsugu preferred.

He couldn't pinpoint the opposing Servant's perception range or situation, and acting rashly was out of the question. A single glance earlier had nearly exposed him.

"Maiya, be careful over there. The new Servant is located northeast."

Kiritsugu spoke into the walkie-talkie, his voice tense as he strategized his next move.

Clang! Screech!

The constant clang of clashing steel echoed from the seaside, where Saber and Assassin were locked in a brutal duel on the beach.

'His swordsmanship is remarkably sharp and swift.'

Saber thought, impressed despite the pressure of the fight.

'And so much flexibility for an Assassin. It's almost unbelievable.'

The longer they fought, the more evident Assassin's superior swordsmanship became.

Only her concern for the Holy Sword hidden within her weapon prevented him from unleashing a more aggressive assault.


Saber yelled, deflecting a leaping overhead strike with forceful exertion, pushing Assassin back and refusing to underestimate him.

'Saber is being suppressed?'

Irisviel's eyes widened in surprise as she witnessed the scene unfold.

Saber, after all, was widely acknowledged as the strongest of the seven Servant classes. Only the other two major knight classes, Lancer and Archer, were considered her equals in a head-on confrontation. Assassin, according to historical records, shouldn't be able to achieve this level of dominance.

The fact that he could not only match Saber but suppress her swordsmanship was even more astounding.

Thankfully, he belonged to the Assassin class. If they were facing another Saber, wouldn't they already be overwhelmed?

'Who is he?'

Irisviel pondered. Such exceptional swordsmanship wouldn't have gone unnoticed in history. Considering his attire and weapon, he was clearly of Japanese origin.

'The cross-shaped scar on his left cheek... A local Heroic Spirit?'

The possibility dawned on Irisviel. He might have gained fame and land bonuses in this region, explaining his ability to contend with Saber head-on.

A sudden whoosh tore Saber from her thoughts as Assassin charged towards her.


Just before they clashed, however, Assassin made an unexpected move, darting sideways.

"What the…!"

Saber exclaimed, swiftly pivoting around. The Holy Sword in her hand flared with an astonishing pressure, forcing Assassin back with a surge of power.


Kenshin clicked his tongue in frustration. He had been a hair's breadth away from severing Irisviel's neck when Saber's blade erupted with a surge of magic. The invisible force of her attack propelled him backward with a sickening gust of wind.


Irisviel groaned, the realization of her near-death experience dawning belatedly. The crimson stains marring her neck and the faint cuts spoke volumes of the danger she had just been in.


Saber rushed to Irisviel's side, her face contorted with a mixture of anger and protectiveness.

A mere moment's delay, and she would have lost her Master.

The audacity of the opponent! To feign an attack, engage her in a fierce but calculated duel, only to exploit an opening to strike at Irisviel?

"As expected... intuition?"

Kiritsugu muttered to himself, piecing together the scene from his vantage point. His earlier assessment had been spot on.

Any attempt at a surprise attack on his part would have been met with an immediate response, rendering the effort pointless.


"Kirei, Assassin is displaying a surprisingly formidable combat prowess. If they can truly go toe-to-toe with Saber, then this may turn the tide in our favor."

Tokiomi spoke, his voice laced with a hint of satisfaction as he and his disciple, Kirei, observed the battle from the workshop windows.

This line of thinking made perfect sense.

With Assassin engaging Saber directly, Kiritsugu's Servant, the formidable blonde warrior, would be forced to fight on two fronts.

It was a classic pincer maneuver, effectively neutralizing a powerful adversary.

"The moment an opening presents itself, we shall request that Gilgamesh take action. A decisive strike from the King of Heroes will surely eliminate them both in one fell swoop."

As each player on the grand chessboard of the Holy Grail War maneuvered, formulated strategies, and calculated their next moves, a sight unseen by ordinary human eyes unfolded high above the battlefield.

"Rider, are we really doing this?"

Waver trembled in the cockpit, his voice laced with fear as he peered down at the scene unfolding below. He desperately sought reassurance from his Servant.

"Don't fret, Waver. Their abilities won't detect this unit."

Lelouch, a confident smile plastered on his face, responded. His gaze remained fixed on the screen displaying the live feed from Gawain.

Perhaps the ascension to Heroic Spirit status had significantly altered Lelouch's possessions.

This "Gawain," his signature Nightmare Mecha, should have been a relic of the past, riddled with damage. Yet, here it stood, fully operational and at his command.

Moreover, its capabilities had been amplified by magic. Its performance and weaponry far surpassed the limitations it possessed in Lelouch's original world.

While this enhanced form offered undeniable advantages, it also came with a drawback: the machine required a constant magical supply to function. Thankfully, for Lelouch and Waver, this wasn't a significant hurdle.

"Three Servants?"

Waver exclaimed, his voice laced with surprise.

"Saber, Assassin, and who's that guy in the golden armor?"

Ignoring his earlier questions, Waver pointed at the figures on the screen – a bewildered Maiya and a stoic Kiritsugu. The advanced technology integrated within Gawain allowed them to pinpoint life signatures with incredible accuracy. Waver couldn't help but marvel at the sheer convenience of technology compared to traditional magical methods like familiars.

"Enough observations."

Lelouch declared abruptly, his eyes glued to the confrontation on the screen.

Waver gulped, a nervous tremor running through him.

Lelouch had already outlined the plan, and now, Waver watched with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation as his Servant readied for action.

A successful execution could eliminate one or even two of their most formidable opponents in a single blow, significantly easing their burden.

"Let the spectacle commence."

Lelouch announced with a flourish, activating a button. Purple energy crackled and surged within Gawain's chest. A moment later, a beam of concentrated purple energy erupted downwards, streaking across the night sky.




The figures below instantly felt the imminent threat from above. The danger was palpable even without looking up, a chilling premonition emanating from the illuminated night sky.

"With the power of Command Spell! Saber, return to my side!"

Kiritsugu roared, his voice laced with urgency.


Saber cried out in protest as Saber vanished beside Irisveil, leaving her alone with the lurking Assassin.

The aerial bombardment slammed into the ground with a deafening roar.


The explosion bathed the entire sea surface in a blinding purple light, shaking the very earth beneath their feet.


The shockwave swept across the coastline, causing tremors that reached the city, startling many from their slumber.

"What was that?"

"An earthquake?"

Panicked voices echoed through the disturbed city. The unnatural tremors fueled unsettling speculations. ,

"A fourth Servant? And a Rider-class one at that?"

Tokiomi, eyes narrowed in surprise, spoke from within the workshop. Even he, alongside Kirei, hadn't foreseen this development.

"How's Assassin faring?"

Concern etched on his face, Tokiomi turned to Kirei. Their own Servant's well-being took priority.

"The contract remains intact, but Assassin seems gravely injured."

Kirei, feeling the mana pull weakening within him, furrowed his brow.

"That's a relief."

Tokiomi conceded. Such an attack wouldn't incapacitate the Heroic Spirit King. Losing Assassin unnecessarily would be a significant setback.

"But who is this new arrival?"

The frustration in Kirei's voice was evident. Even the familiar they'd dispatched to gather intel was caught in the blast, making it impossible to discern what transpired on the battlefield.


Read advance chapters here:

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