
Fate/Dragon Ball Wars

A god was playing with some 'beads' when he had an idea. Why don't we start a Holy Grail War, but instead of the Holy Grail, the Servants and Masters have to compete for Dragon Balls? BOOM! Fuyuki City, 1994. The stage is set, and each Master receives one Dragon Ball and summons a random Servant. Saber: Yeah, it’s the usual cute King Arthur. Archer: It's the same usual arrogant prick wearing golden armor. But who the hell are these other Servants who don’t appear in human history?! Lancer: This Lancer is a 14-year-old magical girl with red hair. Rider: He is a certain prince of the Holy Britannian Empire who is extremely intelligent and rides a giant Gundam. Caster: He is a blond teenager who wants to duel with cards and has extremely high luck. Assassin: With a cross scar and red hair, he is the man-slayer. Berserker: No one can understand his origin since he could be in any class. He doesn’t speak, but his strength is no joke. --- English isn’t my first language, and I don’t own this story. If you have any complaints, please reach out in the comments or provide a review. I will be providing the necessary information since this fic includes many anime mixes. Anime so far: Fate franchise, Rurouni Kenshin, Code Geass, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Final Fantasy Read advance chapters here: www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: Attack

Fuyuki City.

This city, which should have been peaceful, had now welcomed many uninvited guests.

"Hey, Rider. How did you manage to do it?"

Waver, looking around the surroundings a bit nervously, asked in a weak tone.

"Of course, I had a friendly chat with the owner. They were so happy that they just gave it to us."

But Rider's response left Waver with no way to argue back.

This luxurious villa was something Waver would never have dared to even think about before. But with one sentence from Rider, "I'll handle it," it was settled.

The main point was that it wasn't obtained through killing ordinary people or using force.


Although at first, Waver did use magic to hypnotize someone, it was clearly not as effective as what Rider did.

But thinking about Rider's class, it didn't seem possible for him to use hypnosis like a Caster would.

'Could it really be possible that Rider can use Caster-level magic?'

Shaking his head, Waver gave a wry smile, dismissing the idea of class abilities.

'Such an easy-to-read Master.'

Sitting on the sofa and sipping old tea, Lelouch looked at the young boy in front of him and thought.

Although he was much sharper than Suzaku in terms of understanding the situation, he was a lot easier to deal with than Suzaku.

'Command Seals.'

Shifting his gaze to Waver's hand, looking at the red mark, Lelouch pondered whether he should find a chance to get rid of those three magic tattoos.

The best method would be to use the power of Geass to control Waver. That would be the safest option.

But considering that there might be contact between Masters, which could be noticed by some meticulous individuals, it would be very troublesome later on.

The ability of Geass was Lelouch's greatest trump card. Whether it was against Servants or enemy Masters, it was a perfect killing tool that shouldn't be revealed until necessary.

Additionally, the class of Rider could provide Lelouch with a great cover for his Geass. Who would think that someone piloting a mecha robot was actually a Servant with a "magic trump card"?

It would be a lot of trouble if others found out about Geass's controlling ability in advance and started taking precautions against Lelouch.

This was also why Lelouch hadn't made a move on Waver yet and revealed his abilities to anyone.

'For now, I'll just observe.'

Lelouch sighed with a smirking smile.


"Assassin, it seems you went out without permission."

Kirei sensed the movement in the room and suddenly spoke his complaint.

"I just went out for a look."

The cold voice responded, reflecting the speaker's emotions.

"Himura Battōsai, I've searched through numerous historical records and haven't found anyone who matches your identity exactly," Kirei responded to his servant, Assassin.


Hearing Kirei's words, Kenshin didn't respond, but there was a strange gleam in his eyes.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Although you might lack the boost from name recognition, I believe you can perform exceptionally in the tasks ahead."

On this point, Kirei didn't press further and just followed the instructions from his father and teacher.

However, deep in his heart, Kirei had a small doubt about Assassin's real identity.

The man in front of Kirei might also have the answers he was looking for.


The sky bled through a kaleidoscope of colors, the passage of time heralding the gradual rise of the stage.

"This is truly incredible,."

Saber whispered, awestruck.

"Have you never witnessed this spectacle before?"

Irisviel, her features obscured by a disguise, turned to her.

Inside the sleek black car, Saber and the disguised Irisviel were blissfully unaware that their every move was being scrutinized by unseen eyes.

"A careless duo indeed. Were it not for the need for secrecy, they would have been eliminated long ago."

High atop a building, a figure materialized in spirit form, his gaze fixed on the unsuspecting pair below. "Saber and her Master," he muttered, a sneer twisting his lips.

The hidden figure tightened his grip on the intangible railing, a silent promise hanging heavy in the air. Given the chance, he wouldn't hesitate to strike them down.

After all, Saber's potential to shield her Master from a lethal blow couldn't be ignored.

That wrinkle in his plan necessitated a more cautious approach.



Saber and Irisviel strolled along the beach, the night sky a vast canvas of twinkling stars when…


Suddenly, a wave of killing intent stuck Saber, chilling her to the bone.


Irisviel, usually optimistic to a fault, couldn't ignore the unsettling atmosphere.

"Such blatant killing intent..."

Saber muttered, her voice hardened.

"There's a saying, isn't there? Whoever my blade senses death upon, they shall meet their end."

A figure emerged from the shadows, his form solidifying before them. The sword strapped to his waist was a clear declaration of his hostile intent. Saber interpreted his approach as a blatant provocation.


In a flash, the figure lunged at them, his blade a blur in the darkness. But instead of responding with words, he launched a surprise attack, his spectral form moving with incredible speed.


Saber's instincts screamed a warning. Reacting purely on reflex, she yanked Irisviel aside, the woman barely dodging the incoming slash.


The ground split open under the force of the attack, but the figure himself was already gone.

"What is...?"

Saber trailed off, her eyes fixed on the gouge in the earth. A single glance at the sharp edge of the blade confirmed her suspicions - her opponent was a skilled swordsman, a master of his craft.

Pulling Irisviel protectively behind her, Saber assumed a guarded stance, her gaze sweeping the area for any sign of the attacker.


'So fast…! And his footwork is unpredictable…'

The vast beach seemed to morph into the attacker's playground, his nimble movements making him a blur.

Afterimages flickered in the air, forcing Saber to react. With a swift motion, she shed her outer garment and drew her holy sword.

A barrier of light materialized around them, obscuring the true length of her blade. The attacking figure was forced to retreat, surprised by the sudden development.

"A sword hidden within the wind? Is that some kind of ability?"

No longer content with lurking in the shadows, a figure materialized directly in front of Saber.

Kenshin, his eyes narrowed, studied the sword pulsating with unseen power behind the shimmering barrier.

"Are you Assassin?" Saber inquired cautiously, her gaze fixed on the opponent's blade and his unusual tactics.

"An Assassin who attacks head-on?" Irisviel chimed in, her brow furrowed. Common knowledge gleaned from the Holy Grail War dictated secrecy, and Assassins were notorious for their hit-and-run tactics. Why would one confront Saber, arguably the most powerful Servant class, so brazenly?

"For me," the figure replied, his voice firm, "if action is required, the time of day matters little." This wasn't mere arrogance; as Battōsai the Manslayer, Kenshin had a past steeped in bloodshed. Countless enemies and high-ranking officials fell before his blade, with only a select few from the Shinsengumi's elite ranks escaping his wrath.

Only when he encountered a certain loved one did he turn away from his relentless killing. But this time, the stakes were different. Winning this Grail War meant his gravely injured loved one, and perhaps even the world, could be saved by those legendary Dragon Balls. Therefore, Kenshin was prepared to cut down any obstacle in his path, even unarmed Masters like Irisviel.

"An Assassin openly challenging Saber? Ha, then show me a good show, mongrels."

Gilgamesh boomed from afar, his amusement piqued by the reckless confrontation. A foolhardy challenge?

Not necessarily, in Gilgamesh's eyes. At least it promised some sort of entertainment.

This Assassin, though possessing a noble heart, was undeniably a 'manslayer.'

Once his resolve hardened, there would be no turning back.

"Hmm? It seems a swarm of pesky insects has infiltrated my domain."

Gilgamesh mused, a glint of predatory interest flickering in his eyes.


Kiritsugu stiffened as he lay sprawled on the rooftop floor. Irisviel's frantic communication had spurred him to find a nearby support point and set up his sniper rifle.

But what he hadn't anticipated was encountering another formidable presence lurking nearby.

The figure, clad in gleaming gold armor, left no doubt in Kiritsugu's mind – a Servant. He held his breath, instinctively melting into the shadows. Revealing himself now would be a tactical blunder.

However, the escalating battle down below sent a tremor of worry through him.

While Saber could likely handle facing just the Assassin, another unknown Servant lurking in the darkness significantly altered the equation.

This was not how he envisioned his first day in Fuyuki City playing out. The situation was spiraling out of control at an alarming rate.

"I need to get Saber out of there."


Read advance chapters here:

www.patr eon.com/OberonLA