
Fate/DC Universe

Raiden Kagawa was an ordinary human whose life took an unexpected turn when he found himself thrust into the chaotic realm known as the DC Universe. Struggling to comprehend the enigma of his sudden transference, he discovered an extraordinary system bestowing upon him the abilities of heroic spirits from bygone eras. As Rai embarked on his journey in this unfamiliar world, he encountered numerous challenges and adversities that would undoubtedly redefine his character. The question that looms over him is this: how will a man endowed with the combined might of countless heroes confront the dual forces of hope and darkness that pervade the vast expanse of the DC Universe? . Also . If you wish to read more or simply support me just because ?  than check out my patréon at "https://www.patréon.com/Riadooo" Don't forget to change "é" to "e" //********************************************************\\

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

The New Recruit

For the past hour, Raiden had been engaged in close-quarter combat training with Artemis. He had experienced a series of defeats, to be precise, nothing but defeats. He understood that the journey to becoming a proficient martial artist was arduous, but what he had just gone through seemed almost comically challenging in his eyes.

Effortlessly dodging Raiden's wild punches, Artemis swiftly maneuvered, ducked, and then seized him by the collar, slamming him to the ground.

"Ughh! DAMN IT."

"That move is known as [tsuri komi goshi], a Judo technique. It's more effective against amateurs who act without thinking, which, in this case, effective against you. You need to regain your focus, Raiden. It's like you've given up on learning the techniques and just attacking wildly because you want to strike me regardless," explained Artemis.

"Yeah, that tends to happen when you spend an hour getting your ass kicked without landing a single hit... not even one, damn it," Raiden complained.

Injecting some energy back into Raiden, Megan chimed in, saying, "Just so you know, it took Connor a week before he landed a single hit on Miss Dinah."

"What? That's not true!" protested Connor.

Before the training could resume, a robotic voice announced, "Authorization Red Tornado A-04."

Emerging from the gate was none other than their team's observer, Red Tornado, a tall red robot with no ears or nose. His mouth and eye sockets were black, giving him an emotionless appearance. A yellow T symbol adorned his chest, and a yellow arrow was on his forehead. He also wore a blue cape.

"I see that you've already become acquainted with your new teammate," inquired Red Tornado.

"Yeah, we're trying to teach him martial arts. Progress is at a solid zero, but it's fun," said Artemis.

"You sadistic monster, there's no fun in this," Raiden protested.

"Why are you here? Do we have a mission?" Miss Martian asked excitedly.

"Unfortunately, no. I'm here to introduce myself to our new resident and show him around the cave, unless you've already done that," said Tornado.

"Nope, no one showed me a thing. They just took turns bullying me. So, anyway, I'm Raiden Kagawa. Nice to meet you, Mr. ? Red tornado ? is that what I'm supposed to call you ?" asked Raiden

"You can call me Tornado. I'm the team's supervisor. Please follow me, and I'll give you a tour of the cave."

Following Tornado, Raiden spent the remainder of the evening exploring the cave alongside Tornado and the other team members.

As he concluded his day, Raiden inquired, "Hey System, display my human stats."


Name: Raiden Kagawa

AKA: Rai

Gender: Male

Attribute: Man

Alignments: Chaotic・Neutral

Basic Traits: Humanoid, System's Host, Loved by Gaia

Passive Skills: Martial Arts F

Active Skills: None

Noble Phantasms: None


Strength: C (F) … Endurance: C (E)

Agility: C (F) … Mana: A+++

Luck: A … NP: Null


"C-Rank is equivalent to Robin Hood, yet today I felt utterly inferior to Artemis, an ordinary human. Is that why the 'F' is there?"

{The host's actual physical abilities are indicated in parentheses. The host perceives C-Rank for physical abilities because the system enhances the host's power to facilitate summoning. The host's power can only increase when about to transform, as attempting to transform with their true physical abilities would cause the host's body to explode.}

"Geez, it seems like you're deliberately weakening me or something. Anyway, what about the 'Loved by Gaia' part? What does that mean?"

{The host is favored by the will of the planet Gaia. The reason for your reincarnation and acquisition of the Throne of Heroes system is unknown. There have been instances in the past of ordinary humans reincarnating, but it typically requires accumulating a significant amount of karma. As for the system, it's a mystery why you were granted such an ability. The system has no knowledge of your past.}

"Karma, huh... Isn't karma meant for those who perform great deeds? I don't recall ever doing anything outstanding. I was just a college student, and that's all I can remember. I've even forgot my name."

"So many enigmas. Why this DC universe? Why me? What's my purpose here? Will I simply become a hero, befriend the team, and become a full-fledged member? Besides dealing with Ivo and Lex Luthor, it seems I lack a defined purpose in my new life. I don't have a reason..."

Ruminating in solitude, Raiden found himself somewhat vexed. Not knowing the reasons behind such a significant gift is always disconcerting. What if this is all an illusion? What if he awakens, and it's all gone? What if there are demands in return?

"AGHHHHHHHHH, forget it! I've been granted a second chance at life with incredible powers and a rejuvenated body! I won't squander it. I'll live life to the fullest, assist the team, resolve matters with Evo, and then set out on my own. Yes! I'll travel not just the world but the entire universe! yeah that's a bit much, but fuck it !"

With a declaration of his life's purpose, Raiden felt a rush of excitement and anticipation for the future


A week passed, and Raiden's days were filled with nothing but training. While the other team members didn't visit frequently, they all checked in on Raiden from time to time


One morning, Raiden was pleasantly surprised to find most of the team members gathered. Wally rushed to his side, exclaiming, "Yo! What's up, dude? How have you been? Excited for today?"

Raiden responded, "I've been doing well. Excited for what?"

Artemis chimed in, "We have a mission today, Raiden!"

"Oh, finally! I get to do something other than training."

"Hold your horses, newbie! It's your first mission, so you'll follow the lead of your seniors and do as we say," Rocket cautioned.

Raiden retorted, "I'd rather take orders from you all day than endure Artemis's 'training' that ends up with me getting my ass kicked."

Rocket assured him, "It's alright, newbie. I'll watch out for you in the field."

Wally interrupted, boasting about himself, "Hold on a minute! Rai, dude, she's also a newbie! Follow my example! I'm one of the founders of this team! I was supposed to be the leader, but I was too busy to lead, so I let Kaldur do it."

Artemis mocked Wally, saying, "You? A leader? You can't even lead a team of chimps!"

Wally, seeking support, exclaimed, "Artemis, you were supposed to have my back!"

Megan rushed toward Rai and said, "Rai, I got you something! Since this is your first official mission, I decided to create an outfit for you. I made it using special Martian fabric. It'll look just like your regular human clothes, but now, they have added defenses and a stealth mode, just like all of ours."

Raiden was taken aback as he examined the outfit Megan had designed. It appeared exactly like his usual attire but was sturdier and more versatile, boasting a self-cleaning mechanism and enhanced defensive capabilities.

Raiden expressed his gratitude, saying, "Megan, I don't know what to say... Thank you!"

With genuine happiness, Raiden thanked Megan, touched by her kind gesture.

"You're welcome, Raiden! This was my gift to you for joining us. Oh, hello, Megan! I won't take all the credit. While I did create the outfit, the design was done by Artemis, so she deserves the credit too," Megan said, encouraging Artemis to accept her part in the gift.

Raiden playfully suggested, "Actually, how about you take all the credit? I don't want to thank this sadistic monster."

Artemis, in good humor, punched him in the gut and asked, "What did you call me?"

Raiden chuckled, "Ugh, I said thank you for the design!"

Batman observed the team's interaction and remarked, "Looks like they are getting along."

Kaldur agreed, saying, "Yes, it seems Raiden has already integrated well with the team."

Batman praised Raiden, saying, "Good, I need you to help him adapt to being a hero. The life he's lived isn't ideal, and his mental fortitude is impressive. Smiling and playing after going through so much is something not everyone can do."

Kaldur added, "I agree. Artemis has been training him for the last week, and she mentioned that he has a strong will. She keeps pushing him all day, yet he doesn't give up. He genuinely wants to overcome the limitations of his power."

Batman received a message on his hand monitor and announced, "Team, get ready. It's time for the briefing."

Raiden, momentarily confused, asked, "Uh, Batman, sir? Sir Batman, Robin and Zatanna aren't here. Shouldn't we wait for them?"

"Robin and Zatanna are on a separate covert mission. This mission will be carried out by the members currently present," Batman explained.

Projecting a location on the wall, Batman continued, "There have been sightings of meta-human gene experiments on teenagers right here in Qurac, near the borders of Bialya." Batman Pointed at the projection map and continued 

"We have intel that the perpetrators have been using Bialyan children as test subjects. Your mission is to infiltrate, identify the culprits, gather evidence, disable critical equipments, and, of course, rescue any survivors if found."

Raiden thought to himself, 'This could be the work of Ivo... If I find him...'

Batman added, "Raiden, you will act as an observer for this mission. You can accompany the team, but do not use your powers or actively participate in the infiltration, unless your leader deems it necessary. Since this is your first mission, I want you to observe and learn how the team operates."

Despite his disappointment in not being an active member, Raiden was still eager to leave the cave. He didn't voice any complaints about Batman's decision and simply said, "Okay, let's get ready."