
Fatal Hopes

Amber_Duhon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

" what? " I said looking at everyone.

I knew that Nezu never recommended anyone, but damn. I didn't exactly expect this kind of reaction. I thought I might hear someone at least say "what" or "Nezu?". As if right on cue,

"What do you mean 'recomended by Nezu' he never recommends anyone.." said a certain flaming trashbag.

"Exactly as I said. Nezu is my recommender." I replied nonchalantly.

"Why do you deserve to have such a high praise, huh? You think you're better then us?" Someone yelled out. These people are annoying.

"I got in for my intelligence and the way I fight. I don't think I'm better than anyone, I'm just clearly stating I'm more qualified then the rest of y'all extra's." I spat out with more venom then needed.

Everyone around me flinched. I just sighed.

"Pops, can we just go to the exams now?" I said looking at him pleadingly.

"Sure, bug" he said. He knew not to anger me more then I already am.

---- Time skip to when they were separated into the units and was at the gates ---

The gates open as Hizashi said "GOOOO!".

As everyone else stood dumbfounded, I ran into the fake city.

"REAL LIFE DOESN'T HAVE FUCKING COUNT DOWNS!" I yelled as I ran up to the first robot I could see.

I run around climbing the backs of robots and cutting the main wires to their circuit board, I realize I have around 89 points now.

As I was destroying robots I also was helping people who were injuryed, stuck in rubble or having trouble.

What I didn't realize was there was a secret scoring system involved. No clue. Yeah. No, I knew exactly what that system was. I mean, if you think about it, people have quirks that are more built around healing. There has to be more then just beating those robots to pass.

As I was helping out a purple headed insomniac with his robot, I think I felt an earthquake? No. This was somehow worse.

I look around Ground Beta before I spotted it. A fucking huge ass robot. What the hell was Nezu thinking?

I was about to run away, when I saw a brown-headed girl stuck in some rubble. In an instant I ran up to her and attempted to get her out the rubble.

When I realized that I couldn't get her from undern it, I look around to see the damage. 'okay. Shes bleeding from her head. So she has a concussion. Her arm looks beat up to. Wait.. is she breathing?'. When I felt her pulse my heart dropped. It was just barley there.

I started to panic. Once I gather my senses and realize that robot was coming closer, I took off after it. At least trying to prevent it from actually killing her. If she doesn't die before hand.

I ran up to it, close enough to see it but not close enough for it to step on me for another few steps. I look around it's facial area trying to find the wires. But its closed off. 'how the hell?' I thought.

Okay. Stay calm. If you get up to it's head there should be a panel by sector F. Should be at least 4 inches from the eyes. Okay.

I ran toward the monster looking for the best possible way to climb up it. As I got close to the foot I saw that it had bolts screwed out just enough for handles and foot rests. I climb my way up.

-- Teachers POV --

Aizawa- "Nezu! Aren't you going to do something? I will not have my kid going to be killed!" He called out. You could tell he was more worried then mad.

Nezu- I do suppose you are correct. Midnight, All Might I would like you to go asset Mr. Midoryia." He said staring intensely at the small boy climbing his way up the robot.

Instead of doing so, All Might pushed a yellow button off to the side. As he did so, the doors to the observation room went into lock down.

"WHAT THE HELL ALL MIGHT! JUST WHAT TO YOU THINK YOURE DOING! THATS MY KID DOWN THERE!" Hizashi yelled. This time he didn't even use his quirk, he was just yelling, still, everyone flinched.

A.M. - "If this kid was recommended by Nezu himself, he will pass that robot. And for the girl, who's to care if she dies." He said with no emotion at all.



Long story short, he is not a main teacher but a meere assistant for heroics.

-- Back with Izuku --

I finally made it to the top of the robot and was searching for panel F. I looked down back at the girl and she was surrounded in a puddle of her own blood.

I realized she probably was about die. I quickly found the panel and searched for a button. After what seemed to be a million years, I found a red button that said, "destroy" and quickly pushed it.

After a few seconds, the robot started to make weird noises and shortly after fell toward the ground. I tried running down the head to jump off, but before I could the I was trampled in falling debris.

The bell sounded.

It was cold.

Very cold.

All I could remember was a heavy weight on my back, the sound of a bell, and people screaming.

I opened my eyes one last time to see Dad running toward me, Auntie Midnight yelling at other Pro's, and All Might. Just standing there.

Everything went black from there.