
Fastest Sorcerer Alive

Worī Nishi is an anamonly on the level of Satoru Gojo. Maybe even greater. Born to two of the Three Great Jujutsu Families, watch as he speed runs the Jujutsu world. Exorcising Curses, kicking ass, and taking numbers….all at the speed of light

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Character Bio

Name: Worī Nishi-Gojo

Aliases: Fastest Sorcerer Alive, The Black Flash, God of Speed

Species: Human (?)

Age: 18

Birth: August 16, 2000

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1

Weight: 200 lbs

Hair Color: Ginger Red

Eye Color: Brown

Blood Type: Positive AB

Relatives: Iris Nishi (Mother)

Barī Aren (Adopted Father)

Satoru Gojo (Cousin)

Naobito Zenin (Great-Uncle)

Yuta Okkotsu (Distant Relative)

Kashimo Hajime (Ancestor)

Sugawara Michizane (Ancestor)

Occupation: Second-Year Jujutsu High Student

Part-time Abroad Jujutsu Sorcerer

Traveling Photographer

Affiliation: Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College




Gojo Family (Tenuously)

Zen'in Family (Tenuously)

Grade: Special Grade



Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Mostly Self-taught, and later Trained by Gojo)

Herculean Strength

Infinite Speed and Reflexes

Immense Intellect

Supernatural Durability and Endurance

Superhuman Senses

Superhuman Mental Processing

Accelerated Healing

Tachyon Particle Emission

Superhuman Agility


Unlimited Cursed Energy

Black Flash (Mastered)

Reverse Cursed Technique

Various Barrier Techniques

Masterful Cursed Energy Control/Manipulation

(Innate Technique)

Speed (Main Technique)- At the base level, Speed is an original innate technique which is theorized to have been derived from the Zenin family's Projection Sorcery. This technique grants its user the ability to think, process information, move, and exist at Unfathomable superhuman speeds; resulting in multiple subsequent results and techniques within the overall ability. With the main application of Speed, Worī is capable of covering 7,000 miles in 6.25 seconds and even accelerates far beyond lightspeed. He is able to travel around the world at high-speeds in practically seconds. Then with the manipulation of Speed at just the base level of the technique, it has four non-standard form applications.

Molecular Acceleration (Technique Application)- The Neutral Form of Speed, Molecular Acceleration is the result of the user directing Speed into their molecules, and speeding up their molecules and body, allowing for phenomenon such as phasing through objects, becoming Intangible, and running so fast their bodies split into corporeal Speed Clones

Aerokinesis (Cursed Technique Lapse )- The reinforced version of the neutral Speed; Aerokinesis is the byproduct of amplifying his Speed and negative energy while running or moving at high speeds; creating disruptions and contortions in the air resulting in weather phenomenon such as Hurricanes and Tornadoes. Along with smaller, more controlled and localized attacks.

Shockwave (Cursed Technique Reversal)- By pouring Reverse Cursed energy or Positive Energy into his Speed technique while running, Worī is able to use the shock waves generated by the breaking of sound barrier in localized attacks, capable of mass destruction

Reverse Cursed Energy Projection (Cursed Technique Reversal)- A natural occurrence when flooding Reverse Cursed Energy in his innate technique, Worī's body is overloaded with so much energy he is able use the excess to project blasts, waves, and beams of Reverse Cursed Energy

Electrokinesis- An Advanced Technique that combines the Lapse of Speed and the excess Reversed Cursed Energy naturally produced by Worī's body, resulting in the generation and manipulation of electrical energy that surrounds his body as he runs. This lightning emanates off of him, especially when he moves at super-speed. When generated at high volumes, Worī's energy is powerful enough to disrupt cursed technique's as well as easily destroy matter upon contact. Worī has stated that it takes great control to make sure the energy in him stays put, describing it as the world's most dangerous weapon.

(Inherited Technique)

Limitless- An inherited technique, through his Gojo heritage, that allows him to control space to a certain degree. Though due to certain restrictions and circumstances Worī isn't able to use the technique and its applications to full effect.

Infinity- An application of the Limitless, Worī can use cursed Energy to create a barrier that protects him as he runs at speeds that are harmful to the body and surround others with it to shield them as well.

Blue Fist- An application of Limitless with an increase of Cused Energy, that allows Worī to delete space and create an attraction effect.

Red Body- An application of Limitless that uses Reverse Cursed Energy to create a repulsion effect upon the world.



In exchange for never gaining the Six Eyes, even in the event of Satoru Gojo's death, and a massive limitation in his inherited technique, Worī gains Unlimited Cursed Energy, an increase in power to his Innate Technique and its applications, and such an intrinsic bond with his innate technique; that it affects his natural body without cursed energy. Effectively making him a natural Superhuman.

(Domain Expansion)

Speed Force: Worī's Domain Expansion creates a plane of pure energy. Speed Force has a unique trait; it doesn't create a separate space using a barrier. A binding vow is formed by allowing an escape route, which vastly increases the guaranteed hit's effective area with a maximum radius of over 400 meters