
Farming And Learning Martial Arts To Bring Peace

Chi Qiaosong was transmigrated to a world of martial arts. Unfortunately, he did not have any talent in martial arts and he was about to give up when he noticed that the farming mobile gaming he had played in his past life had transmigrated with him. He was given a piece of land from the start where he could plant the Tree of Martial Arts and these trees would be able to bear Fruits of Martial Arts. Grade 1 Normal Farm: 6000 square feet (able to plant 1 Spiritual Root) Fertilizer: 1 bag Origin Spiritual Root (1): Sweet Bay Tree (4% condensation of Raging Bull Heavy Punch) Outer Spiritual Root (0): None Spiritual Plant: None While others were busy with their training, Chi Qiaosong was busy with his farm work.

Bai Yuhan · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Yu Sword Skill

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Chi Qiaosong! Why have you been missing so many classes recently? Do you still want to learn martial arts or not?" Hu Hangyu, the class president of Class 7 of Year 57, approached Chi Qiaosong and questioned him.

The students of the Military Academy were free to choose whichever courses they wanted to participate in.

However, students would still be separated into different classes, and every class would have a class president and a lead instructor. The class presidents would also act as the disciplinary committee to maintain the order of the academy.

"I got the approval from the instructor," Chi Qiaosong replied with a sigh.

He had just finished helping out at home. The moment he got back to the academy, he had to run into the class president.

"Yes, you can leave if you have the approval, but you can't slack off as a martial artist!" Hu Hangyu lectured. "Aren't you supposed to work even harder since you lack the talent? You are already lucky enough to have the chance to master a skill."

Hu Hangyu was an 18-year-old boy and wasn't a bad person.

However, he was a typical authoritarianist who always thought of himself as the leader of Class 7 and as if the rest of the students in the class were under his command.

"But, a martial artist should hone their mental strength first. Just practicing every day won't get you anywhere. This is something I've understood on my own. Think of it as my gift to you."

Chi Qiaosong was too lazy to argue with the class president.

He had recently learned that Xu Jingyang, an instructor who taught the Hawk Breaking Palm, knew of a beginner sword skill called the Yu Sword Skill. It was one of the rare beginner external skills that focused on a weapon.

Most martial artists would strengthen their muscles at the beginning of their training, and learning martial arts that involved punches and kicks was the best way to do that.

That was why many beginner skills either focused on punches, kicks, palm strikes, or strengthening skills.

One would be able to use weapons more easily once their muscles were strengthened, which could also reduce the risk of injuries. That resulted in most martial arts involving swords and daggers being limited to those who had reached the Wrestler Plane.

However, the Yu Sword Skill had no limitations. That was why it was rare.

"Stop spouting nonsense!" Hu Hangyu scolded, thinking that Chi Qiaosong was making excuses. "Are you saying you understand martial arts more than the instructors? You are just finding excuses to slack off even more!"

"Whatever. I still have other stuff to do." Chi Qiaosong wanted to leave.

Yet, Hu Hangyu blocked his classmate's path. "I'm your class president. We have to talk. I have the responsibility to make sure that you are working hard!"

Chi Qiaosong sighed. There was nothing for them to talk about. He had already reached the Wrestler Plane and had already mastered two physical martial arts. He did not need to waste his time with the class president.

The young man wanted to push Hu Hangyu to the side, and the latter noticed that. The class president decided to stand firm so that Chi Qiaosong could understand that he had also mastered the Crazed Bull Heavy Fist.

However, in the next second, a wave of powerful energy pushed the class president away as if he was a little chick, and he almost tipped over.

Chi Qiaosong proceeded to leave right away without even looking back.

Hu Hangyu had to rest his hand by the door to steady himself. He was completely shocked by what had just happened. "How can he be so strong? Who gives him the right to be so strong?"

"You want to learn the Yu Sword Skill from me?' Xu Jingyang raised an eyebrow as he looked at the gifts on the table.

It was a pack of Gold Saint, an expensive cigarette brand, and two bottles of Hazy Wu, which were fine alcohols. The gifts were considered to be very expensive.

Chi Qiaosong got a pack from the wholesale store through his uncle-in-law. However, he had pretty much spent all of his savings and could only pay for half of the cigarettes. He still owed the seller the other half and had to pay them back later.

His family was also once again knee-deep in debt to help build the greenhouse.

However, everyone now knew that Chi Qiaosong had been successful as a student at the Military Academy and that his future was pretty much set. That was why the family could borrow some money easily this time around.

"Yes, Mr. Xu. I didn't have any talent for learning martial arts, but I was lucky enough to have the chance to fully master the Crazed Bull Heavy Fist. However, now I can't find a way to improve myself, and I'm looking for another method," Chi Qiaosong replied.

At first, he wanted to wait for a few students to reach the edge of breaking into the Wrestler Plane to announce that he had already achieved that. He could become the first in his year to do that, but that wouldn't attract too much attention.

However, after a few weeks of waiting, he realized that his peers weren't as talented as he thought. Not a single one was on the verge of advancing and was still struggling to strengthen their physical abilities.

Still wanting to keep a low profile, he decided not to reveal his advancement yet.

But, he still wanted to learn a new martial art, and that was how the Yu Sword Skill caught his attention. Since it was a rare beginner weapon-related martial art, he would not lose anything from mastering it.

"I can teach you, but this pack of cigarettes won't be enough," Xu Jingyang said as he took the cigarettes and sniffed them. "At least this is the real thing."

"How greedy." Chi Qiaosong scolded in his head and replied, "I'll get another pack for you."



Chi Qiaosong quickly left and got another leave of absence from Kong Hongcai. Then, with Hu Hangyu's angry and terrified glare directed at him, he left the academy on his uncle's bicycle.

Since it was the rainy season and dried food could get wet easily, his uncle decided to close his shop until the season was over and helped build the greenhouse instead.

With his shop temporarily closed, he didn't need to use the bicycle and lent it to Chi Qiaosong.

It was a second-hand bicycle, and it was a good one, but its bell would keep ringing when ridden. It didn't take long for Chi Qiaosong to reach the grocery shop where his uncle-in-law, Wen Yixiang, was squeezing oil out of rapeseeds.

"Qiaosong? What's wrong?"

"I need another favor. Can you help me get another two packs of Gold Saint cigarettes? I'll pay them back later." Chi Qiaosong got straight to the point.

"Another two packs? Why?"

"The presents weren't enough."

"A pack of Gold Saints and two bottles of Hazy Wus aren't enough? Those are enough to get the magistrate to help you with something!" Wen Yixiang was completely speechless. "Isn't the tuition expensive already? And we have to give them presents for you to learn martial arts? This doesn't make any sense."

Despite his complaints, Wen Yixiang still managed to get two packs of Gold Saints for Chi Qiaosong. "You'll have to bring me the money soon. The owner gave us one month at most to pay him back."

"Don't worry. I will."

With two more packs of cigarettes on his table, Xu Jingyang finally nodded in satisfaction. "Come to the third field every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening."

"Thank you, Mr. Xu."

"Don't worry about it. There's no way I won't teach you when you've given me such expensive gifts."

Although Xu Jingyang was a little greedy, he was still a responsible teacher. He had been teaching Chi Qiaosong the Yu Sword Skill three times every week, just as he had promised.

The Yu Sword Skill was derived from the Yu Step, which was created in ancient times. It was a martial art that focused on both external skill and internal strength. Since it was hard to master, fewer people chose to learn it over time.

However, many new martial arts were derived from the Yu Step, and the Yu Sword Skill was one of them.

"This skill mimics the Ursa Major. It traces the path of each star. Following those paths while swinging your sword is the first step to understanding the skill. That is why this skill is considered a beginner skill. Since it is a beginner skill, it doesn't have many practical uses. Instead, the skill focuses more on one's growth. Watch and learn. I'll teach you the movement first."

Xu Jingyang grabbed his sword in his right hand with his index and middle fingers pointed toward the tip of the blade. He moved across the grass as the sword flew elegantly next to his body. He looked more like a dancer than a martial artist as he performed the skill.

Chi Qiaosong grabbed a wooden sword and mimicked the instructor's movement. However, he couldn't find the right rhythm that Xu Jingyang had shown. He had realized that his coordination with his body was off.

Even after mastering the Crazed Bull Heavy Fist and the 12 Paths Spring Kick, his movement's awkwardness was still present.