
Farmer in a cultivation World

kedman · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Meeting the Natives

"Book, are natives living in this cultivation realm?" I asked in a shocked voice.

"Host I did not know about this either." The system said in a surprised voice.

Seeing that the book had no information on this either, I had no choice but to continue forward and explore the castle.

As he walked through the main gates, he entered a hall that was made completely of white crystals. In the center of the hall, there was a throne upon which an elf was sitting.

The elf had snow-white skin and jet black hair as dark as the night. She had a perfect hourglass figure with perky round balloons on her chest and nice round mountains on her behind. She was wearing nothing more than a white dress.

The moment I walked in, the elf suddenly opened its eyes, revealing its completely white iris that didn't have a pupil.

I was in shock at the beauty of this elf when I suddenly heard a voice in my mind.

"*********" It was a voice that was soft and gentle, like being wrapped up in a bed of clouds, filling him with comfort when he heard it, but he couldn't understand a single word.

Still, it didn't seem like the elf was hostile, so he went forward with a smile and said, "Hello, my name is …"

Before I could even finish my sentence, the elf had lifted its hand to materialize a blade of wind out of the air.

With a casual wave-like cutting through butter, she flicked the sword and my head and it was chopped off.

The last thing he saw before turning into a ghost was his own decapitated body.

I was in shock, but I still chose to revive on the spot since this was the first local that I had met her in.

When the elf was about to forget his existence, she suddenly felt something and knit her brows as she looked in the direction I had revived in.

"Eternity code manipulation?" The elf said aloud in a shocked voice, which was still in the language that I couldn't understand.

I knew that the barrier between our communication was she spoke different languages, so this time I tried communicating in gestures.

The elf completely ignored what she considered a bumbling idiot as she tried probing me with her life energy, but she couldn't find a single trace of the eternity code that she felt earlier.

"Just who are you?" The elf asked aloud again, but still, I couldn't understand her.

I just continued trying to speak in slow and broken words, while gesturing, like I was talking to a foreigner, but all it did was make me look like an idiot. I even tried speaking a few words of French that I had learned back in high school.

The elf saw that she wasn't going to receive an answer from him, so she decided to take matters into her own hands.

The sword of wind was once again formed and it slashed through me like a hot knife through butter, but this time she cut him to hundreds of pieces because she wanted to see what he contained. In the end, she was disappointed since she found that there was nothing special about him.

When she was about to forget this matter again, she once again felt the fluctuations of eternity code manipulation as I was revived once more.

I had finally lost my patience this time, as he picked up his three pets and threw them at the elf, "I'm just trying to talk and you keep attacking me, you think I'm easy to bully!"

All the elf had to do was narrow her eyes slightly as she looked at the three pets to make them completely freeze in fear. After flying through the air from being thrown, the three pets bounced right off the elf-like stuffed animals before falling to the ground.

She completely ignored them as she stood up this time, heading towards me step by step.

Her face was ice-cold as she said, "Who are you and how dare you invade my realm?"

I knew that this wasn't good for me, so I just waved my hand like I was clearing up a misunderstanding and slowly backing off.

The elf finally lost her patience after not receiving an answer and this time she cut me up until there wasn't even a single molecule left of me.

I knew that I had no chance of communicating with her and I had no chance of beating her in a fight, so with a heavy heart, I chose to revive in a random location.

Seeing that I didn't revive this time, the elf slowly relaxed, but she quickly knit her brows again as she said, "Space and eternity code manipulation? Just who are you?"

Since I was gone, she knew that I must have run away, but I should still be somewhere in this world. She released her life energy to try and pinpoint me, but there was a strange aura that completely shut her off, making her unable to search for me at all.

Sensing this aura, the elf completely lost her temper as she exploded with energy, roaring into the sky, "How dare you invade my home and my realm!?"

But unfortunately, she couldn't find me to vent her anger at all, so all she could do was fume and rage.

When I had revived again, I found that instead of a forest, I had been sent into the middle of an empty field this time.

Looking around, it was a large grassy area that was devoid of any creatures and any form of plants.

Thinking about what had just happened, I couldn't help but sigh.

That elf was too strong, I stood no chance against it at all.

While remembering that elf, he couldn't help wonder why the book did not help at all.

"Book, couldn't you have helped me translate her language?" I ask the book.

"Host, you have earned enough money to unlock language skills." The book coldly said back.

Since there was nothing else to do right now, I went around looking for other beasts and to fight to keep training his three pets, and plants I could grow on my farm.

The four of them continued walking around this field, fighting all kinds of different monsters, and collecting different kinds of plants.

As night settled, I realized that I didn't know just how long I would be in this world, so I asked the book.

"Host, this mission will last for seven days and you will be graded based on what plants you have collected and grown and the level of those plants power your plant pets have when the mission ends."

Hearing this, I knew that I had to work even harder.