
Farmer in a cultivation World

kedman · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: First Two Customer

Over the next six days, I found all different kinds of monsters to challenge with my three pets and by the end of it, all three of his pets had reached a combat strength of over 30.

The seeds that I have planted had leveled up from Iron 1 level to iron level 9.

This meant that even though all three pets were still at the Iron 1 level, they could match a pet that was at the Silver 1 level!

"Evaluation, host has raised all pets to over 10 combat strength, and plants went 8 levels."

"Evaluation, host has raised all pets to over 30 combat strength and raised the level of his plants iron 9."

"Evaluation, host has passed the first main quest with flying colours."

"Special reward has been given along with normal reward."

"Host has opened the books shop."

When I finally returned to my world, I appeared in a farm shop that was completely different from the one that I just left.

The farm shop looked like it was brand new with plenty of new areas with different functions.

"Books, are we in the right shop?"

"Host, the shop has been remodeled as a reward for completing the first main mission."

I began looking over my shop, finding all kinds of new and different things.

But after calming down from my excitement, I suddenly remembered I had a new family and I had been away for a week now.

When I was panicking about what to tell my new parents, the book's voice suddenly rang in his mind.

"Host, only 2 hours have passed in this world."

I looked over at the clock on the wall and found that indeed only 2 hours had passed.

When I tried asking the book about this, the book began explaining in detail about eternity compression using eternity code, but it was too complicated for me to understand, so I had the book stop.

Now that I was back, it was finally time for him to start running my farm shop, but unfortunately, there were no customers at all.

I was excited and raring to go at the start of the day, but all I did the whole day was sit at the register until the afternoon waiting for a customer to come in.

"Sir, please give me a bag of food for a flame hound." A young man in leisurewear came in without looking up from his phone.

I searched on the shelf and finally found some food that a flame hound could eat. "Here you go. Blazing banana is just the food for the flame hound pet of the fire family. The price is 340," I said.

"Okay." The young man in leisurewear answered without thinking. He was just about to pay when he suddenly raised his head, shocked. "How much?"

"340," I said. "This food can increase the intensity of fire elements in pets of the fire lineage. With a long-term administration, there is a chance that the low-rank pet in the fire lineage can evolve into a more advanced pet," I explained.

"Intensity of the fire element? Evolution?" The young man in leisurewear raised his eyebrows. He looked at the counter behind me. The prices for those foods stunned him. When he saw the " enlightenment flame peach" at a price of over 20,000 credits, the young man said nothing and left right away.

"Sh*t. It's just some dog food and you're telling me about evolution. F*ck you…"

Su Ping watched as this young man left, interspersing his talk with curses. Su Ping pulled a long face. He was angry but he managed to suppress it eventually.

Judging by price alone, it might seem high. But that food had excellent quality and was reasonably priced. I didn't fool anyone. Rather, as far as he could tell, he was sacrificing part of the profit!

I started on the wrong foot, But I was not frustrated. As long as his goods were of high quality, they would be eventually sold. Gold is bound to shine!

"Hi, do you sell bird food?"

At noon, another customer came.

I looked up at him. It was a seasoned man wearing a brown suit with a bird pet about half as large as a human.

This bird was covered with Scarlet feathers and it looked like an ostrich with its head dangling down. The bird seemed to be lifeless.

I was surprised the moment he saw this bird.

"Sir, do you have some unique bird food? Something tastier?" Carlton looked at the seemingly young man who was behind the counter and stepped forward to talk to him.

"Tastier pet food?" I didn't expect this question. But I understood after I looked at the depressed bird. "Its appetite is not good recently, is it?"

Carlton nodded. He sounded displeased. "It began to eat less a few days ago. I don't know why. I took it to the doctors but none of them found any results."

I said that I understood the problem. I turned around and took out a bag of "lava pineapple Fruit."I think it will like this," Su Ping proposed.

"Oh?" Seeing that I was confident, Carlton picked up the lava pineapple Fruit and took a look. "What is this pet food? How come I've never heard of it?" Carlton asked.

I didn't know how to explain the details. After all, he had no idea whether the cultivation farm realm that the book sent him to was in the past or still in existence. Maybe this food was from ancient times.

Either way, I trusted the book's judgment.

"You can let it try the food," I added.

Carlton had his fair share of bird food studies, and yet, he failed to recognize this type. On second thought, he believed I would not sell something that could harm a pet given this was an official shop. He opened the bag and took on out.

The moment he opened the bag, the upset firebird suddenly flapped its feathers. Then, the bird looked up. The depressed and lazy looks in its eyes turned into a radiant glow. The bird was staring at the one lava pineapple Fruits in Carlton's hand.

"What?" The bird's reaction took Carlton off guard. He felt confident about the food. He lowered his hand and fed the fruits to the bird.

The firebird pecked at his hand quickly and ate up the fruit. As soon as it finished, the bird began to chirp happily. Its short wings were flapping quickly. Next, the bird turned its sight to the entire bag of fruits placed on the counter, glaring at it with passionate anticipation.

Carlton was stunned. This little guy had been suffering from a loss of appetite for days. It was a surprise that the bird could gobble down the food and it seemed to be wanting more.

Since the food was good, Carlton had no more concerns. He asked me at once, "Sir, what kind of food is this? Give me several bags, please."

I saw that the firebird was licking its chops as if it was going to pounce on the food because it could no longer wait. Calmly, I grabbed the bag and moved it back to his side. "This is the lava pineapple Fruit, the most favorite for sacred flame raven. This is the only bag available in the store. One fruit is 130 credits and we have 34 here. Do you want all of them?"

"Well, 130 credits for one bag …" Carlton felt this price was reasonable. He came to his senses in the next second. "For one fruit?"

I nodded. "For one fruit."

Carlton was speechless. He looked into my eyes; since he saw that I was serious and composed, Carlton was sure that he wasn't hearing things.

At the same time, from the corner of his eye, Carlton noticed the other products behind the counter. He was taken aback as he saw the prices. The food he had chosen was not the only pricey one. There were others even more expensive!

He then understood that I was not deliberately ripping him off.

I was surprised that this customer could stay this collected. "The food available has different effects, but the majority can help pets to improve their abilities. Some of the food varieties can produce extra effects. They are far from being mundane pet food. Your money will be well spent," I said honestly.

"They help pets improve their abilities?" Carlton was intrigued. Pointing to the "enlightenment flame peach" with the highest price, he asked, "This price is over 20,000 credits. What can it do?"

"This one can enhance a pet's power of understanding of fire-type moves," I answered.

"Improve the power of understanding of fire-type moves?" Carlton was dumbstruck. His eyes flickered but soon, he covered up his interest. "This lava pineapple Fruit… give me ten. I will come back if my pet likes it," Carlton said.

I didn't see this coming. Was this man placing an order?

That was to say… I was making money, right?

I felt a surge of emotions as if I could see the farm points waving at him. On the outside, he remained calm. He did the calculation fast. "Ten fruits will be 1300 and your sacred flame raven has eaten two, so that is 260 coins, which makes for a total of 1560 coins."

Carlton nodded and transferred the money to me. "How long can the ten fruits last?" Carlton asked.

I gave it some thought. "If you want it to be full… the ten won't even be enough for one meal. But, if you want to save, you can mix the lava pineapple Fruit with other pet food. This way, those will be enough for 10 meals."

"Eh…" Carlton didn't find this food pricey, to begin with, but he realized it was expensive after considering My suggestions.

He was not in want of money but when he thought about 1500 credits for one meal…

"Thank you, sir." Carlton left the farm store after this gesture of appreciation. When he was about to step away, he turned around and took a look at the shop sign—farm goods shop.


Having sent away the customer, I checked his account immediately. There was an addition of 1560 credits!

If converted, it would be 15.6 farm points!

For me to collect the plant mission, it would only cost him 10 farm points and he could plant new seeds. That was to say, he could already finish his mission!

"Lucky for me, the cultivation farm realm I chose was not desolate. It would have been a bad start if I had chosen a barren world…" I felt fortunate.