
Farmer in a cultivation World

kedman · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Fighting the Snake and Exploring

The giant snake had just jumped down and was prepared to bring the prey that it had hunted home, but all of sudden, they disappear, after searching for a while, it decided to leave.

But before it could get too far it was attacked.

"Pyro, shoot your flame spit at it! Ice and blue, go around and use your bite attacks on its back!"

I shouted out these orders, but these three creatures were only low-level pets who hadn't ever been in a fight before. The moment they heard the orders from me, all they did was cutely tilt their heads like they were asking for food…

The giant snake turned around and moved in front of them not long after, but all that did was make the three pets run behind me like they were using him as a body shield.

I was pushed to my limit seeing all of this and I could do only one thing…

I grabbed all three pets and threw them right at the giant snake.

The three little pets didn't expect this at all. As they flew out, they looked out at the giant snake with wide eyes filled with terror.

Seeing that they had no other choice, the three pets steeled their hearts and used the only skills that they had.

The lava worm took a deep breath before releasing a plume of flames that was aimed right at the giant snake's head, while the storm wolf and the dire frost crocodile used their bite attacks respectively.

Even though they had the bloodline of ancient creatures, they were still all newly created and hadn't unlocked any of their powers at all.

As their attacks landed on the giant snake, all they did was leave a few small scratches which surprised the snake itself before they all were beaten down and crushed by it.

"Your pets Lava worm, Storm wolf, and Dire frost crocodile have been killed, do you wish to revive them?"

I immediately said yes as soon as the book's voice appeared in his mind.

The three pets were revived right by me and before they knew what was happening, he had picked them up and thrown them at the giant ape again.

When the three of them realized what happened, they knew that they had no other choice. While feeling aggrieved over how I treated them, they finally decided to steel their hearts and follow his instructions since there was nothing to lose from doing so.

The lava worm released a widespread Flame spit this time to obscure the view of the giant snake, while the storm and the dire frost crocodile went in different directions to appear behind the giant snake and used their bite attacks to attack the snake's tail.

The giant snake saw that the pests that it had killed had suddenly come back and was confused, but receiving their attacks, it became enraged.

After receiving minor injuries from the attack, it smashed all three pets once again.

"Your pets lava worm, storm wolf, and dire frost crocodile have been killed, do you wish to revive them?"

Once again, the three pets were revived at my side, and once again they were thrown out.

The three pets continued battling the giant snake, dying again and again.

The three pets had died over a hundred times each by the time the giant snake was finally taken down.

During this time, I had also died a few times when the giant snake realized that just killing the three pets didn't do a single thing, but he revived each time and continued throwing the three pets at the giant snake.

Eventually, the three pets realized a few things from dying after their attacks had no effects.

The lava worm realized that its flames were too scattered, so it focused the power of its Flame spit into a single point, creating a denser mass of flames with more destructive power.

As for the storm wolf, it realized that it could gather lightning energy in the air and collect it in its fur sending out a shock wave that can paralyze its target, which was much stronger than a single bite attack.

And for the dire frost crocodile, it learned to gather up the water around it, and it selects large areas around them and creates with low temperature and strong winds which slow down and do ice damage to the target.

Even with the large difference in levels between the three pets and the giant snake, their powers came from their bloodline, which allowed them to skip levels to hurt the giant snake.

In the end, the giant snake collapsed under the combined efforts of the three pets, but they were all exhausted.

I had been silently observing from the side, so he had noticed a few things.

One important thing that he noticed was that every time that pets had revived, they had been revived back in perfect condition.

After the pets had finished taking down the giant snake, even with how tired they were, they proudly came over to me looking for praise.

I had a smile on his face as he patted the pets on their head, hugged them. But when they let their guards down from receiving this praise, then I said you should never let your guard down in a dangerous place, then I stabbed out three times with the sharp stick in his hand …

"Your pets lava worm, storm wolf, and dire first crocodile have been killed, do you wish to revive them?"

When the three pets had revived, they all looked at me and felt wronged, but seeing the same smile on my face that now seemed a bit more eerie, they immediately felt a chill run down their spines before they went back to acting cute.

After that grueling battle, while the three pets hadn't broken through, they were much stronger compared to before.

Respectively, the lava worm, the storm wolf, and the dire frost crocodile had gone up to combat strength of over six, which was comparable to a rank of Iron 6.

Seeing that everything had calmed down, I decided to continue exploring this cultivation farm realm since it didn't matter if he died.

Walking through the forest, many strange plants grew all around them, many of which released strange energy.

Now that I was finally a cultivator, I could sense all of this natural energy that was around me. And I could feel the variety of elemental energy that the plants around him contained.

The three pets were all wandering around looking for plants on their own. Whenever they found a plant that had the same type of energy that they had, they would drool over it a bit before bringing it over to me. Remembering the cold smile he had when he revived them, there was a natural fear in them that made their first instinct to offer it to me.

I saw my pets cutely bringing the plants over.

"It's alright, you can eat them," I said as I patted them on the head.

I could tell that the elemental energy inside these plants would be helpful to his pets, so he wasn't against them eating it. However, what made him happy was that they had learned the meaning of fear, knowing to ask for his permission first.

The worst thing for me was to have them turn on me so I was a firm believer in teaching them some discipline.

As they continued forward, the pets kept finding all different kinds of plants that increased their power that they gobbled down with my permission and I also keep some.

After around an hour, they had finally walked out of the forest to find a large castle standing in front of them.