
Fantasy: I Can Instantly Comprehend Everything

Author: Loaded Dice
Eastern Fantasy
Completed · 1.7M Views
  • 203 Chs
  • 2.5
    46 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Fantasy: I Can Instantly Comprehend Everything

Read ‘Fantasy: I Can Instantly Comprehend Everything’ Online for Free, written by the author Loaded Dice, This book is a Eastern Fantasy Novel, covering CULTIVATION Fiction, EASTERN Light Novel, FANTASY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Zhou Yun transmigrated to a fantasy world and was bound to the God Tier Epiphany System. He could enter into a state of ...


Zhou Yun transmigrated to a fantasy world and was bound to the God Tier Epiphany System. He could enter into a state of meditation and achieve epiphanies that others desired regardless of what he did. Other cultivators immersed themselves fully in hardcore training in order to achieve some improvements in their swordsmanship. On the other hand, Zhou Yun achieved enlightenment in swordsmanship by merely picking up a sword and playing with it a little. His swordsmanship attained perfection in an instant. Other cultivators trained hard in order to break through to the next plane. Zhou Yun merely swept a glance at the fallen leaves in the courtyard. Then, he had an epiphany and broke through to the next plane on the spot. He had insights into everything in the world, and his rate of plane progression skyrocketed. When other cultivators finally became powerful existences after going through various hardships, Zhou Yun had already become the supreme existence through having countless epiphanies.

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Table of Contents
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Volume 1


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I hate this story. Ahem. So basically, the MC decides to start refining pills, so he rents a room to do so. And somehow, the gang of antagonists are inside the room, mocking him constantly. Like, HOW? WHY? Can't the MC kick them out or something? I thought he rented a room, not a theatre. Don't the antagonists have better things to do? There's an assessment coming up soon, shouldn't they be cultivating? Faceslapping is manageable but this story, the author just pours it on the plot with no regard to logic, while the MC just sits there and lets it happen... is unbearable.


Unbelievable, just as thought the cheat are pretty good. This novel is centered only on faceslapping, of course it doesn't really bother me normally. But this story spent an entire chapter describing some random mocking MC and another half on MC faceslapping them. ON THE NEXT CHAPTER, IT CONTINUES!!!, chapter dropped, braincell gone, trash confirmed


The logic behind this story is rather incoherent. The MC breaks through 5 stages of Qi cultivation in one day, then in another 3 days he breaks through 3 stages, then it takes him two months to breakthrough to the 9th stages of Qi cultivation? Like really? I know it's trying so much to make the MC the underdog but anyone who reads this and thinks it's okay should just go to the psych ward, something is probably wrong with their minds. Then there is the logic behind the sword cultivation as well, I mean it takes him one day to go from a clueless novice to achieving great sword intent, then he is expected to take one month to advance again? I mean the one about cultivation would have made more sense if he was practicing his swords techniques or alchemy but we are being given a load of mind reducing illogical chapters and we are supposed to make do with it? Web novel has really deteriorated in their choice of trial novels because this right here is a waste of time. Read at own risk.


神级顿悟系统 only 14 chapters dont know if its ongoing or dropped................................................................................................


What a waste of time read this trash Mc is on a whole new level of stupid


*cough* attention yall. THIS. NOVEL. IS. TRASH. 100% females side characters. 100% males as villians. 100% simp. 100% magnet for troubles. 10000000% disgusting. Read to end if u can. Tsk. Novel only for braindead reader. End.


Reveal spoiler



I’m beginning to hate novels like these it’s just filled with soooo much filler with how the mc has absolutely no chance of being able to do something but it isn’t said once it’s said like 100 times then when he proves he can he flexes for like 2 chapters I’m sick and tired of novels like this I don’ know what these Chinese novels are anymore like seriously ughhhhh I hate it so much [img=faceslap][img=recommend]


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in cultivation type novel ..there is a difference in immortal cultivator and mortals..not only in strength..but also intelligences and thinking.a young cultivator thinking and intelligence exceed ordinary mortal of same age .this logic is missing in this novel. characters behave too childish mc portrayed as too dumb ..like he can not speak up is mind only complain in his head.he does not like attention.but in some scene he thinks why no body is looking at me?.. MC can comprehend every thing and any thing but first he need to compared how to talk is mind out. and a bit of intelligence FL character is too irritating ,brainless,very lustfully, its OK to portrait her as loli but there is limit to it. author need to be mature. story can be great if author can take care of certain thing while portraying the behavior of the characters. otherwise reader will lose interest .what is use if plot is powerful but character behave silly


so stupid. i dont even know how to begin, i just hate this faceslaping no brain story so much




I refuse to believe this novel was more voted for than some of the others ones. They're not even trying to hide their under the table deals at this point.


it's like saying Issac Newton discovered gravity so he was able to manipulate it, this story makes no sense. This is like the author wants to see him self as the MC of this story and is venting himself on people he couldn't in real life.


It wouldn't let me post my review.........


The MC is hella stupid and has an ego the size of the moon, instantly revealing his abilities the second he gets them just for some face slapping action. I bet all the 5 star reviews are fake.


The title should be changed from "Fantasy: I can instantly comprehend everything" to "Fantasy: I always date with my junior sister" or "Fantasy: My junior sister always harass me"


Just pick it so I can continue reading this!


Not much to write about. 25 in and I am hooked. Just pick this Webnovel so I can enjoy life!


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