
Fangs Over Claws

"Welcome to Mystic Heights" Akira is a werewolf who came with the purpose of finding her father but get pulled into a fate she has no control over. She ends up mates with the Vampire Prince and get tangled in a love web. she ends up also getting the attention of all realms by unlocking powers she never knew she had. Just how far is Akira from her main goal? Will all this end up to much for her to bear?

Tabidolly_1234 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Time seemed to be moving slowly the next day for Akira. She called it her lazy Tuesday as she had woken up feeling sluggish and had slept for most of her classes. It was her last class and Akira was glad as she would soon be receiving the comfort of her bed immediately she reached her dorm. "Earth to Akira", Carin called out snapping her fingers in front of her. She had been mindlessly talking to Akira for a long while, not knowing that her friend wasn't paying the slightest attention to her, instead, she was yawning and zoned off as they were walking together. "Yeah", Akira yawned closing her eyes as she paused her movement to lean on the wall. "Are you alright?", Carin asked looking at her intensely. She wasted no time in taking out her phone and turning on the flashlight. She directed its rays at Akira's face. "Aah!", Akira cried out. She raised her hands to block the flashlight rays from Carin's phone. "I'm just exhausted", Akira stated leaving the wall's comfort and began to mentally prepare herself for her next class. Carin sighed. She turned off her flashlight then hugged Akira before leaving to go for her next class. Sadly they didn't have the same class together. Akira replied her with the same gesture before also making her way to her last class of the day. Akira's last class was history, one of her favorite class to attend. On a normal day she would have been eager to sit in the front row, but today, being in a mood far from what she would have been on a normal day. She began mentally praying that the back rows do not get occupied. With that thought in mind she hastened her steps as she continued her walk. To her luck, her wish came true. She lazily smiled as she made her way to the vacant seat at the last row of the class. Just as quickly as she sat down, her head came crashing downwards onto the desk. She was so quick to doze off into her slumbers that she was unaware of the slight chuckle she earned for her hilarious action from the person sitted next to her. Some time passed and the rest of the students slowly filled up the classroom. Soon lectures began. While class had begun to progress Akira was far into dreamland to realize that. She imagined herself sitted with a banquet of food surrounding her, this was definitely going to be one of her favorite dream. Her mouth watered as she salivated upon looking at the food one after another. As she was about to dip in her fork in the roasted chicken dished in front of her, the wings began flapping. She let out a gasp, pushed the plate away panicky and got up. Suddenly the pudding at her side began to wiggle. "Akira…", Akira stared puzzled at the pudding that seemed to be whispering her name. Now she wasn't too sure if she was in fantasy land or having a nightmare. "Akira! Akira! Akira!", the pudding shouted at her developing a mouth. Akira let out a horrifying scream in fright, gasping she woke up to reality. She patted her forehead staring at the empty classroom. "Sleeping Beauty is finally up" Akira gasped turning her view to her side, she had not taken notice of the other person in the class. The boy smirked at her showing off his white dentals, "You might want to clean off the droll on your cheeks". Akira's hand quickly flew to the side of her face to wipe of the imaginary droll. Seeing Akira's confused state, the boy fell into laughter, he found her confusion to be amusing. "I lied", he leaned into her reaching in to whip her cheeks. "See", he retracted his hand to show her his bare palm. "No droll". Akira gave him a deadly look, scoffing at her stupidity as she had been deceived by a jerk. She got up to leave, picking up her bag she made her way towards the exit of the classroom. "I won't try that if I were you", he stated calmly sitted with his legs crossed on the table top as he played with his pen. Akira halted in her steps and turned to face him. "Why do you say that?", she asked him. He grinned, dropping the pen as he stood up and began approaching her slowly. "A certain girl dozed off and slept all through an entire lecture, I wonder how the teacher must feel about this action". Akira stared at him dryly. "Are you just playing with me?". She crossed her arms keeping her gaze at him. He grinned, "Yeah, teasing you seems fun" Akira groaned annoyed. 'How dare he trick her twice!' she thought angry with herself for wasting her precious time to listen to him. Mumbling curses under her breath she made her way to the class exit. "Bye Akira". His mocking voice made her more annoyed but she didn't spare him a single glace again. "Nice meeting you…". Akira slammed the door interrupting his statement. She stormed off to her dorm. The hall way was not filled with students as it was before. Akira figured that a majority must have gone out of the study building to their dorms, probably. Akira stretched her body as she made her way out of the building. "Rrr..." Her phone vibrated in her bag. She paused to bring out her phone. Without looking at the caller's id, she picked up the call. "Hello", she answered and continued her walk. "Where are you?" "Heading out of school", Akira replied. She recognized the voice as that of Carin. "Meet me at lucky pond Café" "What for?", She asked but received a beep as a reply. She groaned staring at the disconnected call. Letting out a sigh, Akira made her way to the Café. 'At least she gets to eat', she thought as she continued her walk.