
Fangs Over Claws

"Welcome to Mystic Heights" Akira is a werewolf who came with the purpose of finding her father but get pulled into a fate she has no control over. She ends up mates with the Vampire Prince and get tangled in a love web. she ends up also getting the attention of all realms by unlocking powers she never knew she had. Just how far is Akira from her main goal? Will all this end up to much for her to bear?

Tabidolly_1234 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Much to Akira's disappointment their tour didn't come to an end as quickly as she longed for. By the time they were done, the day was approaching noon and they had successfully covered more than half of the school premises during their tour. Exhausted they both retracted to their dorm rooms to prepare for dinner. This was Akira's first time using the main hall dinning as she had missed out on dinner time last night. The dining hall was located in a separate building and placed where all the dorms could easily access it. It was a huge building decorated beautifully with hundreds of long dining tables and having the capacity of serving thousands of students. At the elevated extreme end of the dining hall, there were two long, golden layered dining table shimmering with beauty. That was the first place Akira noticed when she and Carin walked in dressed in their pajamas. "Hey, who sits there?", Akira asked nudging Carin by the side. "Important guests, the clan leaders and their families", Carin answered as they made their way to find a seat. "Don't think of seeing them anyways", Carin added noticing Akira's prolonged stare at the golden area. Akira turned her head to Carin, "Why?" "Well, they don't usually eat at the same time as we do. You may see them only once in a while", Carin replied sitting down. They had finally chosen their spot and sat down. "Babe!" Carin looked up to look at who had made the call. "Romeo!", Carin called back in smiles. Akira who hadn't looked up previously paused her eating briefly before turning to Carin. "Hey", a chest nut coloured hair guy said acknowledging Akira's presence as he them. "Carin has told me a lot about her wonderful best friend", he added taking a seat next to Carin. "I see", Akira replied, cleared her throat and properly dropped her cutleries. "You are Romeo?", she asked to clarify and gained a nod of approval from him. "Isn't he gorgeous?", Carin sighed, having a large smile on her face. Akira took another look at him, from head to toe. He looked like a high school boyfriend in her eyes as he lacked maturity on his outward appearance. "No need for awkward questions babe", Romeo stated feeling slightly embarrassed. "It isn't an awkward question babe", Carin stated with a pout as she acted lovey dovey with him. Akira had a look of cringe on her face. 'So this are how mates behave', she thought within. That was another reason she wasn't in a haste to find her mate. "Mhm Mhm", Akira cleared her throat. She had ended her meal and was ready to excuse herself. "You're done already?", Carin questioned shocked as she looked at Akira's half eaten meal. "Yeah", Akira answered taking a sip of her water. "And you are full?", Romeo added in the questioning "Yeah", she repeated once again. "You're sure?", Carin leaned closer to Akira staring at her as she poked her tummy like one seeking answers from it. "Yeah", Akira grinned as she swatted Carin's hands away. "Is it just me that noticed the different intonation to your yeah" , Romeo chuckled. Akira narrowed her eyes at him, "Funny". "I don't think we have introduced ourselves properly", Romeo stated ignoring Akira's sarcasm. "That's right!", Carin chipped in "How about I leave you two to talk?". Akira sighed. She didn't feel like having a conversation with Romeo at that moment. "It's cool, you can stay", Romeo stopped her from getting up. "Nope, I insist. Good night babe", Carin leaned in towards Romeo and gave him a peck. "Night", he replied. "Goodnight Missy", she turned to Akira and also landed a peck on her cheeks before leaving them. Akira didn't reply, she began playing with her remaining food. After Carin left, Romeo turned to face Akira. "I'm Romeo, Carin's mate", he stated trying to start up a conversation. Akira paused her fiddling and faced him properly, "I know who you are to Carin" "I'm guessing she must have been eager to tell you", he stated with a smile on display. "I'm rather curious about you guys relationship, how did you two meet?". Romeo leaned on his chair, rocking gently as he awaited her response. "You can choose to call us sisters or close friends, anyone that suits you", Akira replied getting up. She tucked in her chair and began walking away. "Hey! Wait up", Romeo got up too and followed her. He grabbed her hands earning a reaction of shock from Akira as he pulled her away from the dining to a table outside. "Please sit", he gestured. Akira let out a sigh before she sat down. She was exhausted and needed to sleep desperately. Romeo sat down opposite her. "Hear me out, pardon my disturbance. I just want to be on the good side of my mate's sister and if possible be friends". Akira raised a brow at him. Romeo gasped getting all red in the face. "Don't get it all wrong! I just want to avoid awkwardness with my in-laws" "Sure thing In-law", Akira chuckled using her fingers to make quotations in the air amplifying the word 'in-law'. Romeo groaned from her teasing feeling embarrassed. "I just don't want you to feel like I'm taking Carin away from you", Romeo stated. Akira grinned upon hearing his words, "How so?" Romeo scratched his neck. He felt like he was being evaluated by his mother-in-law already". "Well judging from your attitude in the dining hall, it felt just like that", he blurted out. "Oh", Akira knew she acted hostile although he wasn't the reason for her attitude. "I'm sorry, I'm just in a tired mode tonight" "Shit!", Romeo exclaimed realizing something "I'm keeping you up! Goodnight" "Night and it was nice meeting you Romeo", Akira stated with a smile. "Like-wise", he replied. "Let's meet up again", he quickly added gaining a nod of approval from her. She got up and gave a light wave before making her way to her dorm to retreat for the night.