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Chapter 18-19

Moments later, Cana notices that Mira has been freed from the clutches of the Giant Mage, thanks to Aira who defeated Sol of the Element 4, and is relieved. She almost collapses out of exhaustion, but gets up with determination, telling Macao that they should focus on the enemy in front of them and both take out a few more Shades. Macao notes that it's the women that are the strong ones in their guild. Most of Fairy Tail looks exhausted like Cana, but they continue to fight. She orders them to spread out and not clump together. Laki notices that Loke is suddenly gone and Alzack explains that Loke said something bothered him and he went to Lucy's safehouse. Wakaba complains about Loke's sudden disappearance, but they explain if Abyss Break isn't stopped, there's no safe place in Magnolia anymore.

Natsu, meanwhile, has a plan. He believes that if he defeats Master Jose, the fight will be over. Happy scolds him based on the fact that Master Jose is just as strong as Master Makarov. Natsu thinks that no one is left to defeat him, so he has to, and this makes Happy think about the fact that Natsu's presence gives hope to everyone. They run into a hall and find Aria.

In the meantime, Gray encounters Juvia. It starts raining as soon as she approaches and after Gray boldly states that he will not forgive anyone who hurts his friends, Juvia blushes, bails on him, and gives up. She falls in love with Gray, which renders her unable to fight him.

However, the fight begins, albeit in an odd way. She tries to make Gray hers, so she locks him in water. Gray freezes it and releases himself. He hits Juvia with ice, but her body, made of water, recomposes itself. Juvia asks for Lucy, going as far as saying that she will make their master retreat, but Gray doesn't hear any of it. When he calls Lucy an ally, and worse, when he says he will give his life for one, Juvia is shocked to find a "Love Rival". This makes her feral and the water she used boils. She attacks rapidly and Gray doesn't even have the time to create ice for counterattack. He is forced to retreat to continue looking for a way to stop the giant, as he doesn't know the power source yet, but Juvia ambushes him. He is shot in mid-air, and so he jumps straight into Juvia's boiling water and freezes the whole stream as well as Juvia herself. He makes a "little" mistake, and out of embarassment, releases her.

Juvia says that she cannot harm him and tries to tell him she loves him, but Gray comments on the rain being gloomy. This makes Juvia remember about past relationships that were dissolved (partially) because of the rain. The rain that followed her turned her into a recluse and she unleashes all her anger on Gray, in the form of super hot water. She screams that Phantom Lord is the only one that accepted her, but Gray frees himself from the beam of water, and delivers the final attack on her, Ice-Make: Ice Geyser.

She precipiates and thinks she is facing her end as she falls down, but Gray saves her. By this act, she is so touched that the skies clear, and when Gray asks to restart the battle, she faints leaving him confused.

Much later, the Giant Mage slows down even more after Gray and Juvia's battle. Cana and the other Fairy Tail members notice this. They also notice that a long time has passed since the Abyss Break Magic Seal was first activated. The Mages start to grow anxious. Cana only says that they can only pray for Natsu and the others' success and all they can do is take on the Shades so they don't get in Natsu's way.

Mira and Aira find Gray with Juvia. "Gray!"

"Aira! Oh, Mira too?" Gray notices them.

"So she's the third Element 4, huh?! Why does she look so happy...?" Aira asked.

"Dunno. Maybe she's having a nice dream or something?" Gray responded.

"Only one left! We can stop the Abyss Break if we defeat the last person." Mira said.

"Turns out this spell and the giant are powered by the members of the Element 4." Aira stated.

"There's still time! We can make it!" Mira and the others nod in agreement.

After apologizing for hurting him, Lucy is told what happened. As Reedus paints her picture, Lucy wishes to go out despite his nudging otherwise. Suddenly, the safe house is attacked by Phantom Lord members Gajeel, Satsuki, Boze, and Sue.

Natsu is slightly injured, and Aria says that he is impressed that Natsu is still able to stand. Natsu dashes towards Aria with a fist covered in flames, and Happy thinks to himself that he had never seen Natsu losing so badly in a fight before. Aria uses Airspace to create an invisible wall that pushes Natsu back, and Happy asks himself what should they do since Aria's Magic is invisible. Aria asks Natsu if he can still get up and he responds that he can't just be beaten there since he is a Mage of Fairy Tail. Natsu then yells that he is now fired up.

"Oh, you're right!" Aira exclaimed.

"It's drawing the magic circle much slower now." Gray stated.

"Exactly." Mira said.

"Fire, water, wind, and earth..." Gray said.

"So the magic giant is powered by magic of the four elements..." Aira muttered.

"And the source of that power is the Element 4. Totomaru of the Great Flame was in Jupiter. Aira defeated Sol of the Great Earth. And Gray defeated Juvia of the Great Sea..." Mira stated.

"That leaves just one to go." Aira commented.

"The giant will stop if we defeat the fourth one." Mira stated.

"Meaning we can stop the Abyss Break." Gray said.

"The last one is Aria of the Great Sky... The most powerful wizard in the Element 4... And the terrifying man who robbed our master of his magic..." Mira stated.

Aria uses Zetsu to continuously attack Natsu. Happy thinks to himself that Aria is too strong, Natsu curses at Aria, and Aria tells Natsu that there is always someone stronger. Natsu uses Fire Dragon's Roar to attack Aria, but he teleports using Airspace. Natsu asks where did he go, and Aria says it is over for Natsu and that he is about to experience the same pain as Master Makarov. Aria appears behind Natsu, uses Metsu and says that his magic will be reduced to nothingness. Natsu screams in pain as his Magic Power is sucked out, but Erza appears and kicks Aria in the face, freeing Natsu from Aria's Magic.

Natsu asks Erza if she is sure she should be moving around in the bad condition. Erza expresses her anger at Aria for what he did to Master Makarov, but the latter replies by saying it's sad that he will defeat both of them. He then says that he should take it seriously if he is going to be fighting Erza so he takes off his blindfold, revealing his eyes.

"His eyes?" Gray asked.

"Yes." Mira replied.

"What about 'em?" Aira asked.

"Aria normally has his eyes closed. Keeping them closed apparently holds back his overly powerful magic." Mira responded. "Whatever happens, if we find Aria, we have to beat him before he opens his eyes! If he opens them, we could lose our only chance at victory..."

The Magic Circle outside the guild gets bigger as more Shades increase. The Mages of Fairy Tail continue to fight them.

Aria tells Erza to come at him, having activated the airspace of death, Zero. Erza, however, is angered by Aria's words and asks how he can steal people's lives so easily.

Aria ignores her question and tells her to just have fun. Erza then rushes forward towards Aria, with the latter wondering if she can survive the airspace. Nevertheless, Erza slices through the airspace, requips to Heaven's Wheel Armor and attacks him using Blumenblatt. Aria falls and Erza says that Master could have never been defeated by the likes of him.

After Aria's defeat at the hands of Erza, the Abyss Break Seal starts to glow then disappears. The Giant Mage seems to deactivate as its eyes lose their light and its arms droop.

Erza quickly runs out of Magic Power, causing her to faint. Natsu quickly catches Erza, worried about her condition.

"What the...?!" Gray wonders why the Guild is shaking.

"Did Natsu get him?!" Aira asked.

"It stopped! The Abyss Break went out!" Mira cheered.

"Are you serious?!" Gray excitedly said.

"Which means..." Aira added.

"The four elements powering it have been taken out..." Mira responded.

The members of Fairy Tail cheer when they see the Abyss Break Magic Seal disappear and the Giant Mage collapses. Loke notices it as well, but gets distracted by a sudden explosion near Lucy's safe house.

Meanwhile, Gajeel's team has reached Lucy. They quickly incapacitate Reedus, and seize Lucy. Loke interferes, but he is, unfortuntely, too worn out to fight. Gajeel feels something odd from him, and in a moment of Loke's weakness, defeats him.

Later on, the defeat of the Element 4 angers Master Jose, who calls out for Gajeel and Satsuki. The Iron Dragon Slayer and The Earth Dragon Slayer appear with Satsuki holding the injured Lucy and commenting that she and Gajeel should have been sent from the start. Master Jose is surprised that Gajeel and Satsuki managed to find her, to which Gajeel replies that his and Satsuki's sense of smell is sharp. As other Phantom Lord members ask whether Lucy is alive, saying that they wouldn't be able to get a reward if she is dead. Satsuki kicks her and gets a reaction, proving that she's still alive. Master Jose is delighted and compliments Gajeel and Satsuki on their good work.

Master Jose does an announcement. "Members of Fairy Tail! Listen closely to this!"

Natsu and Happy listen to the announcement. "It's Master Jose!" Happy said.

Satsuki grabs Lucy by the hair causing her to scream in pain.

"That voice!" Gray recognizes her voice.

"Lucy?!" Aira called out.

"Oh, no..." Mira gasped.

"We have captured Lucy." Master Jose said. "That's right. Our first goal has been achieved. That leaves us with one other goal... Destroying all you pathetic brats!"

"Bastard...!" Natsu growled.

Reedus blames himself for not protecting Lucy and for her kidnapping. Loke is still trapped inside the mirror, blaming himself as well and telling himself that he is weak and pathetic for being scared of Lucy. After he says that, he asks Karen if that is the truth. An illusion of a woman appears behind Loke, disappearing afterwards.

The Fairy Tail Mages are left to keep up with the rising number of Shades despite their exhaustion and injuries.

"Watch Lucy." Master Jose ordered Gajeel and Satsuki. "There are a few insects inside the guild."

"And a salamander?" Gajeel asked.

"As well as a tsunami..." Satsuki muttered.

"Yes. But..." Master Jose replied. "I'm going to make them realize there will be no more miracles. I'm going to take care of them personally!"s. But..." Master Jose replied. "I'm going to make them realize there will be no more miracles. I'm going to take care of them personally!"

Downstairs, Erza wakes up, and tells Natsu to let his sleeping power awake. She states that he will be the one to surpass her, and sends him after Lucy; this statement fires Natsu up, even more than ever before.

Master Makarov awakens. Porlyusica tries to make him stay, but he won't listen. He leaves to join the fight. Earlier in the day, she thought she heard something; it was Master Makarov's power returning to him.

"Erza!" Mira cried out as they find Erza injured, sitting on the floor against a pillar.

"This place has been trashed too...!" Gray stated.

"Guys..." Erza weakly said.

"When did you get in here?" Aira asked.

"You should be lying down!" Mira said.

"H-Hey!" They look over at Aria who's unconscious. "Don't tell me you fought in your condition?!" Gray asked.

"What were you thinking?!" Aira asked. "Wait..."

"Did you beat Aria?!" Mira asked.

"I never thought you'd see me in such a deplorable state..." Erza said. "I guess I still have a long way to go..."

"What the...?!" Aira feels a weird type of Magic Power.

"What is this?!" Mira feels it as well.

"I sense death!" Erza said.

"What is this feeling?!" Gray asked.

"The air is filled with evil energy!" Mira stated. They hear someone slowly clapping their hands behind them.

"That was truly impressive, my Fairy Tail wizards. To be honest, I never imagined you would entertain me with this much." Master Jose taunted. "To think that you would destroy the Jupiter, take down the Element 4, and bring my magic giant to it's knees..." A dark aura surrounds Master Jose.

They glare at the Phantom Lord master. "So much evil magic! Just facing him makes me sick!" Mira covers her mouth with her hand.

"Now, then... You were kind enough to entertain me, so I really must return the favor." Master Jose said.

"Gray!" Aira is ready to fight Master Jose.

"Yeah!" Gray stands in front of Mira and Erza to protect them from Master Jose.

"Return it in the full..." Master Jose extends his hand.

"Water Dragon's..." Water surrounds Aira's right fist.

"Ice Make..." Gray combines his two hands, creating an object.

"...Wave Fist!" Aira pulls his fist backwards, charging at Master Jose.

"...Saucer!" Gray charges at Master Jose.

"How absurd!" Master Jose easily attacks them, using Dark Pulse.

"Aira! Gray!" Mira cried out. Erza struggles to get up. Master Jose swipes his hand and attacks the Water and Ice Mage along with Mira.

Erza charges at Master Jose with her sword. Master Jose attacks her with Death Wave. Erza requips into her Black Wing Armor She tries to slash him, he dodges, grabs Erza's leg and sends her flying through a wall. Erza lands on her feet and Master Jose asks how she can still stand after taking on the full force of Jupiter. She responds that her friends strengthen her heart, and if she is fighting for those who she loves, she doesn't care what happens to her body. Master Jose, with a smile, says that she is a woman worth killing.

Meanwhile, Aira gets up from his place on the ground. Knowing that Natsu is probably looking for Gajeel, he sets off to find Satsuki, leaving Erza to deal with Master Jose.

Lucy is then kidnapped by Gajeel after he, Satsuki, Sue, and Boze fight and defeat Rufus and Loke. Natsu battles Gajeel to save Lucy while Aira battles Satsuki.

The Fairy Tail Mages are slowly being overpowered by the Shade troopers. Suddenly, the Shade troopers come together and form a large ball of dark energy with plenty of arms. This one big ball of energy created by the Shade troopers moves to the Fairy Tail Guild and throws multiple punches at it, causing it to start to crumble. This reduces Cana to tears and the guild members try to stop the Shades from destroying their guild.

The Water Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail and the Earth Dragon Slayer of Phantom Lord engage in battle. After nearly defeating Aira, Satsuki sees the wrath of Aira after he manages to recover from all the blows he took with the help of thinking of his guild mates, and the inspiration to protect their guild.

The Shades continue to destroy the guild while the Mages try to stop it. Macao tries to calm Cana down.

Aira struggles against his fight with Satsuki as he is laying on the ground. Satsuki comes up to him and forces him to watch his guild be destroyed.

Aira clenches his fist as he remembers the memories he made since he joined Fairy Tail.


"What do you want? You got this ugly look." A young Water Dragon Slayer stares at Natsu like he has a bad feeling.

"What?" Natsu growled.

"Oh, an argument?" Macao watches the Dragon Slayers argue for the first time.

"Do it! Do it!" Wakaba chanted.

"Why do you keep staring at me? You got a problem with me or something?" Aira shouted.

"You're the one with the problem, idiot." Natsu turns around, unintereted.

"Who're you calling an idiot, slanty eyes?!" Aira crashes his head against Natsu's.

"You, bluey!" Natsu shouted back. Then the two started to brawl in the middle of the guild.

"He's certainly feisty." Master Makarov stated.

"This is great." Reedus watches the two fight.


Aira watches the banner of the guild fall off.


A young Erza breaks the Dragon Slayers' fight, almost breaking their necks. "Stop it."

"You pickin' a fight?!" Natsu shouted.

"You idiot...!" Aira gives him a worried expression.

Erza easily beats them up, throwing them into the wall. "Fools."

"Why me, too...?" Aira weakly said.

Erza glares at them. "No fighting. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-Yes...!" Aira raises his hand in the air.

"S-So strong! S-So scary!" Natsu rubbed the back of his head.

"What is your name?" Erza asked.

"N-Natsu..." He mumbled, looking away from her.

"Natsu, huh? Listen. Everyone who joins Fairy Tail is like family. And this is their home. Home isn't a place for fighting. Do you understand?" Erza asked.

"Uh-huh..." Natsu agreed, but he didn't actually understand.

"I'm Erza. It's good to meet you." Erza introduced herself.

"Erza is scary..." Natsu commented.

"Yeah, huh?" Aira agreed. They both smile at each other, but turn away in annoyance.


The entire guild collapses.


"Water breath! Let's finish our fight from the other day!" Natsu shouted.

Aira who was sitting with a younger Gray looked up. "Oh?"

"Come fight me! Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu let out his breath attack on him.

"You're so freakin' annoying, ash for brains! Water Dragon's Wave Fist!" Aira shouted, punching Natsu backwards.

They both began fighting as Natsu punched with fire and Aira punched with water.

"Here they go again..." Cain sighed, flying down next to Gray.

Erza, however, stops them once more. "What did I say about fighting?"

"S-Scary!" Natsu and Aira said in unison.


"How come you and Natsu are always fighting? Can't you get along for once?" Cain asked.

Aira scoffed. "It's pretty obvious, Cain. I'm a Water Dragon Slayer and he's a Fire Dragon Slayer. Water and Fire don't mix. That's why we don't get along."

"What a shame. Your guild hall is ruined. I guess it's time I finish you off, Tsunami." Satsuki said.

Aira clenched his fists as his whole body got covered in water. As it did, it turned to boiling hot water.

"Damn you!" Aira shouted, sending Satsuki flying through the wall.

"Water Drive." Aira said. His dark blue hair stood up as dark blue markings appeared on his face and arms.

"What did you say?!" Satsuki asked.

"Dragon Force?" A member questioned.

"Earth Dragon's Rock Fist!" Satsuki said as Aira blocked it. A dark blue and light green Magic Circle appeared from both of their fists.

"You will pay!" Aira shouted as his water got scolding hot as he got angrier.

Aira started punching Satsuki. "Levy... Jet... Droy... Macao... Nab... Gramps..." Aira aimed once final punch at Satsuki.

"...And Lucy!" Aira shouted as Satsuki went backwards.

"This is for attacking them!" Aira said, hitting her with streams of scolding hot water.

"And destroying our guild hall!" Aira continued hitting her with streams of water.

"Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Scalding Hydro Gun!" Aira shouted as he sent a blast of hot water sending Satsuki flying and landing in a pile of rumble, defeated.

Aira sighed to himself as he deactivated Dragon Force and fell to the ground, out of magic power.

The Shades then separate and return to their individual forms. Even with the disheartening loss of their guild building, Fairy Tail keeps on battling the Shades and declare that the fight isn't over yet.

Aira feels a warm feeling around him. "This magic... it's so familar..."

He suddenly realized what it was. "Fairy... Law?"

The Fairy Tail-Phantom Lord war ends with the defeat of Gajeel, Satsuki, and Phantom Lord Guild Master Jose. Fairy Tail emerges victorious.

"We beat Phantom Lord!" All the guild members of Fairy Tail cheer.

Master Makarov stands tall on the top of the Phantom Lord guild, looking down at his children as they look up at their Master in pride. "This victory was not by my hand alone! This victory belongs to our entire family..."

"I knew you could do it, Gramps..." Aira chuckles to himself as he thought about the war that was finally won.