
Fanfiction Dog


Pop_CornDig · Others
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253 Chs

Chapter 16-17


Aira asks the Phantom Lord member about their headquarters. The member doesn't want to speak, but Aira engulfs him in water. He tells Aira of their headquarters, and Aira tells Natsu who goes there immediately.

Lucy awakens, bound and left in a prison. Master Jose arrives and the two have a conversation. Master Jose offers better conditions, but Lucy wants to know the reason of Phantom's attack on Fairy Tail. Master Jose states that it's just a passing effect, and tells her that it was actually her father who ordered her kidnapping, and the destruction of Fairy Tail is just an added bonus. Lucy is devastated to hear this, and screams that she will never go back. She demands to be released because she has to go to the bathroom. Master Jose thinks its just a trick and laughs, but when she insists, he gives her a bucket. Lucy pretends to strip, and when Master Jose turns around, she kicks him in his genitals. He is instantly incapacitated, and Lucy tries to leave, but then she sees she is kept in a sky prison.

Unwilling to go home, she jumps off the sky prison while saying that she had heard his voice. She screams Natsu's name and when she is about to reach the ground, Natsu catches her. Natsu then bickers with Happy, on whether to go home or not, and in this moment Lucy starts to cry, telling him it is her fault all this happened. However, she still wants to be in the guild because she loves it. Natsu puts Lucy on his back and they leave. Up on the sky cell, Master Jose, still in pain, swears vengeance on Lucy, and shows his true face, one of pure evil.

Master Makarov has been brought to Porlyusica. She slaps him, saying that he behaved too recklessly for someone of his age and then she angrily asks Alzack and Bisca why they are still present. They say that they want to help, but Porlyusica tells them that the stench of worried faces is like poison to a sick man. She then says that his condition was because of a Magic called Drain, a powerful Magic that forces the opponent's Magic Power to flow out and where it eventually dissipates. She says that if they could gather up Master Makarov's lost Magic Power it would speed up his recovery, but that it's and that his recovery will be prolonged. Alzack and Bisca tell her they'll inform the guild to which she angrily asks them why they are still here, to which they say that they thought that she wanted them to stay and listen to which she then chases them out. She then thinks to herself that the more Magic Power one has the more Drain affects the victim. She then thinks that if Master Makarov doesn't keep fighting he'll die.

The guild is in bad shape. They're all saddened and mad that they had to retreat and their master's condition.

"Their headquarters are here. If we use long-distanced magic to snipe from this hill to southwest..." Macao pointed to a map.

"Next time I'm takin' all the explosive lacrimas!" Wakaba puts the lacrimas in a sack.

"Get the powerful spell books for holder-type wizards from the archives!" Macao shouted.

Aira looks at Lucy who is all depressed, sitting on a barrel. "What's the matter? Still feel uneasy?" Lucy doesn't speak for a second.

"No, it isn't that..." Lucy responded, looking at the ground. "It's just... I'm sorry..."

"Well, it's the destiny of rich daughters to be targeted by people." Elfman said. "And men are duty-bound to protect them."

"Don't say stuff like that!" Aira glances at him.

"But it came as a shock to me. Why did you hide the truth, Lucy?" Happy asked.

"It wasn't that I was hiding it. I was a runaway, so I just never really wanted to talk about it..." Lucy replied. "He didn't give a care about his daughter being gone for a year, but then suddenly he wants to drag me back... Daddy did all this to bring me back... He's the worst!" The others feel bad for her as she speaks about her father. "Still, it was my running that caused all of this..."

"That ain't right! Your dad's the one to blame!" Elfman stated.

"You idiot!" Aira interrupted him.

"Oh, I mean Phantom is!" Elfman nervously smiles.

"I never thought my selfish actions would cause you all so much trouble... I'm really sorry... This would all end if I went home, wouldn't it?" Lucy apologized.

"I dunno about that..." Natsu spoke. "I just can't see you being called "Lady." If anything suits you, it's laughing in this filthy pub and freaking out while on an adventure." Lucy remembers about the adventures she went on with Natsu and the others. "You said you want to stay here, right? Why would you go back to somewhere you don't want to?" Lucy realizes what he just said. "You're Lucy of Fairy Tail. This is where you belong." Lucy starts to shred tears once again.

"Don't cry. It ain't like you." Aira said.

"That's right! Men are weak against tears!" Elfman trembled.

"I can't help it..." Lucy continues to cry. Loke stares at Lucy for a while, thinking about things.

Cana does her fortune telling with her cards. She throws her cards in the air after giving up. "No good! I can't tell where Mystogan is!"

"Oh. That's too bad..." Mira commented.

"If they're after Lucy, then they'll attack again. We have a lot of injured people, too. This is bad..." Cana starts to drink booze out of a beer bottle.

"The master is seriously hurt and we can't locate Mystogan... You're our only hope now... Laxus." Mira speaks with Laxus through a communication lacrima.

"Huh?!" Laxus looks at her in confusion.

"Please, come back. Fairy Tail is in trouble." Mira begged.

"Man, that ol' geezer's pathetic!" Laxus laughs out loud. "It's not my problem. Deal with it yourselves."

"Hold on, Laxus!" Cana shouted.

"It's true, though. The geezer started it. Why should we have to clean up his mess?" Laxus grinned.

"They're going after Lucy! One of us!" Mira replied.

"Huh? Who's that? Oh, you mean that newcomer?" Laxus asked. "Tell her I'll consider helping her if she'll be my woman!"

"You're unbelievable..." Cana yelled.

"Hey, now. Is that how you act when asking someone for something?" Laxus taunted. "Also, tell the geezer to step down already and make me the new master." Laxus laughs out loud until the communication lacrima is broken by Mirajane.

Mira starts to cry. "I can't believe it... Is he really a member of Fairy Tail...?! In that case, I'll just have to fight too!"

"D-Don't be stupid!" Cana protested.

"My staying here didn't help Lucy from being kidnapped!" Mira stated.

"No. You'll only get in the way as you are now. Even if you are a former S-Class wizard..." Cana tries to console her.

While in the shower, Erza pounders on how they will continue the fight, as they had many injured members and their master is currently out of commission while Mystogan and Laxus are not in town. Suddenly, she and the other members of Fairy Tail feel a tremor.

"Wh-What's that?!" Aira asked, feeling the ground shake.

"Outside!" Alzack shouted.

The townspeople see a large building heading it's way to the Fairy Tail guild. The guild members rush outside to find the Phantom Lord Guild literally walking on six legs towards their guild, much to their shock. "It's a walking guild!" Happy said.

"Phantom?!" Loke questioned.

"Wh-What do we do?!" Wakaba asked.

"I never anticipated that they would attack like this...!" Erza trembled. The Guild settles in the middle of the water.

"Ready Jupiter, the focused magic canon..." Master Jose ordered. The Mages of Phantom Lord use the Magic and combine it. A long canon comes out and aims at the Fairy Tail Guild, combining all of its Magic. "Eradicate it."

"Yes, sir!" The Mages follow their master's orders.

"Not good! Everyone get down!" Erza ordered. Jupiter's Magic gets bigger and bigger with a ton of Magic Power. Erza dashes towards the edge of the hill.

"Erza!" Mira cried out.

"What are you doing?!" Macao asked.

Erza requips into a shiny silver, bulky armor. "I won't let you destroy the guild!"

"Adamantine Armor!" Happy yelled.

"Don't tell me she's going to take the blast herself!" Bisca said.

"Not even armor as powerful as that can withstand it...!" Alzack stated.

"Stop, Erza! You're gonna die!" Wakaba shouted.

"Get down!" Erza shouted.

"Erza!" Natsu shouted, attempting to save her, but Aira is holding him back.

"Natsu! All we can do is have faith in Erza now!" Aira said. They all focus their attention at Erza and the canon.

Jupiter shoots directly at the guild and its members. Erza puts her shield out and blocks the Jupiter attack. She struggles to block the attack as her armor breaks by small pieces. Erza successfully blocks the attack, but she is knocked back.

"Wh-Whoa... She stopped it..." Macao and the others stare in amazement.

"We're saved... She's really something..." Elfman said.

Erza is breathing heavily as her armor fades away. Natsu runs to her side checking to see if she's okay. "Erza! Say something!"

"Neither Makarov nor Erza can fight now." Master Jose stated. "Victory is now beyond your grasp. Hand over Lucy Heartfilia. This instant."

"The hell with that!" Alzack argued.

"What guild would just hand over one of their members to the enemy?!" Bisca angrily yelled.

"Lucy is one of us!" Macao stated. Fairy Tail members argue with Master Jose, refusing to hand over Lucy.

"Hand her over!" Master Jose demanded. Lucy cries again in sadness and joy as she sees her guild mates fight for her.

"We would rather die than betray one of our own!" Erza yelled as the others agree.

"Our answer won't change no matter what!" Natsu shouted. "We're gonna destroy all of you!" Lucy can't stop crying when she sees her guild mates fighting for her, protecting her at all costs.

Master Jose watches them through the lacrima. "In that case, I'll give you an even bigger taste of the Jupiter! You have fifteen minutes until it recharges! Tremble in fear!"

"What?!" Elfman nervously sweats a bit.

"The Jupiter?!" Cana asked.

"He's gonna fire it again...?!" Loke asked. Erza struggles to get up, but fails.

"Erza! Damn...! Even Erza barely managed to stop one blast from it!" Aira snarled.

All of a sudden, shadow like figures fly out of the Phantom Lord Guild. "Wha...?! I thought he was gonna fire the Jupiter?!" One of the members asked. "He's merciless!"

"Prepare to witness hell, Fairy Tail. You have only two choices left." Master Jose said. "Be destroyed by my soldiers, or be eradicted by the Jupiter!"

"Unbelievable! He'd kill his own men with the Jupiter too?!" Macao asked.

"H-He's bluffing! He won't shoot!" Wakaba believes that the Jupiter canon won't strike again.

"No, he will." Cana responded which makes Macao and Wakaba lose hope. "Those are Jose's "Shades." They're not human. They're phantom soldiers of his own creation."

"What?! Shades...?!" Bisca questioned.

"They're ghosts?!" Alzack added.

"We have to do something about the Jupiter." Cana said.

"I'll take it out!" Natsu volunteered, slamming his fist and hand together. "Fifteen minutes, right? I can do it!" Cana nods in agreement as Natsu starts to run. "Happy!"

"Aye, sir!" Happy catches Natsu and flies him towards the guild.

"Gray! Let's storm the place too!" Aira said as he started running. "Cain!"

"Right!" Cain grabs his partner as they started following Natsu.

"All right!" Gray follows the two on foot.

Cana takes out her cards, ready to fight. "We'll make a stand here! Got it?"

"Lucy! Come with me!" Mira takes Lucy's hand and leads her to Reedus. "We have a secret hideout! Let's stay there until the fighting is over!" Mira renders Lucy unconscious and sends her to a safe location. "I don't have the strength to fight as I am now... But I will protect my friends!" Mira transforms into Lucy.

Cana stands as the leader as Erza falls. She has all the remaining Fairy Tail members defend the guild. She casts her Card Magic to attack the Shade troopers while Alzack and Bisca use Guns Magic. One of the shades manages to touch Wakaba and he notices that his energy is being drained.

Loke warns them that the Shades are cursed and uses his Ring Magic to eliminate some Shades in his way. Master Jose confirms that the Shades, indeed, are cursed and that being touched by them could sap away their life.

Alzack and Bisca hear this, note that they don't have to be touched to defeat the Shades and attack together. Alzack charges his gun and uses Sunlight Shot that blows away a large number of Shades while Bisca requips and uses two rifles and simultaneously shoots at numerous Shades.

By then, the members of Fairy Tail have already eliminated many of the Shade troopers, however, each one of the Shades they were able to eliminate, reformed. Fairy Tail realized that there would probably be no end to this. While in the fight, Loke has a sudden bad premonition.

Natsu reaches the canon, but its outside cannot be destroyed by brute strength.

The guild mates are fighting against the Shades, but those are too indestructible. Loke then has a bad feeling about something, and runs towards Reedus and Lucy.

Natsu gets inside the Cannon. He and Happy see a giant Lacrima, but when he tries to destroy it with a fire punch, his own punch hits him, and he falls down. Totomaru is then introduced, the Fire Mage of the Element 4. He claims that he is able to control every kind of flame, and, from what we see, it is true. Natsu is unable to land one single hit, because the moment his fire is ignited, Totomaru gains control. As Natsu is forced to do battle, Jupiter grows dangerously close to fully recharging.

The Lacrima is reaching its full potential. Neither Natsu nor Totomaru seem to get the upper hand since both of their abilities make the other's ineffective. Natsu then pretends to hit him with fire, but in fact spits, and Totomaru retaliates by releasing stinky fire. Natsu then gives up his fire and uses melee combat, but Totomaru has a Katana. Natsu then devises a plan; he expands his fires greatly, and using Flames of Emotion, makes Totomaru unable to control them. He aims for the Lacrima and it is fortunately destroyed, making the cannon unusable. Natsu's victory inspires the other members of the guild and the reinforce their counterattack.

However, Jupiter's destruction causes Master Jose to activate the strongest weapon of Phantom Lord.

"Destestable brats. I'll teach you to get cocky..." Master Jose said. "Wake the giant."

"You can't control my fire anymore! Now it's your turn to get ruined, Phantom!" Natsu said. The ground starts to shake as the Guild starts to reform.

"It's tilting!" Happy said.

"Don't tell me he's planning to use that?! There's no horizontal stabilization in this room!" Totomaru said.

"Stabilization?!" Natsu asked.

The Phantom Lord guild starts to move. "The giant is awake! You guys are through- Wha...?!" Totomaru notices that Natsu gets motion sickness.

"Natsu! Pull yourself together!" Happy consoles him.

"What is that?! You have to be kidding me!" Cana asked.

"It's a giant... A magic giant!" Loke said.

"Kneel before me, detestable brats..." Master Jose ordered. "...and know your place! Savor the final moments of your lives while filed with despair!"

"The Shades are coming!" Alzack reloads his gun.

"A giant and ghosts! How are we supposed to deal with that?!" Bisca asked.

"We'll focus on the Shades! I'm sure Natsu will stop the giant for us!" Cana said.

"B-But..." Wakaba said.

"Natsu and vehicles..." Macao stated.

"Oh." All the guild mates forgot about Natsu's motion sickness, losing hope.

"Come on, Natsu!" Happy gently shakes him.

"Wait, he gets motion sickness?" Totomaru asked. "Now you can't eat fire. I'll turn you into dust with my most powerful spell!" He is about to use his Fire Magic to attack Natsu. "This will blow you away, Dragon Slayer! Wait... what?! Wh-What's this?!" The flames in his hands immediately gets put out and then ice covers his body.

"Water Dragon's Talon!" Aira sends Totomaru flying through the ceiling.

"G-Guys..." Natsu gets up, feeling fine afterwards.

"Aira! Gray! You guys are too cool!" Happy said in excitement.

"I'm here too, you know." Cain flies down next to his partner.

"Man, that was pathetic, Natsu." Aira commented.

"You should learn how to control your motion sickness." Gray said.

"So, is this what's left of Jupiter?" Aira asked.

"Aye!" Happy replied.

"Good job, then." Aira said.

"Oh! It stopped moving at some point!" Natsu stands up, feeling normal.

"I'll see what's happening outside!" Happy flies outside the Phantom Lord guild.

From the outside, the Giant Mage seems to start writing symbols. Fairy Tail realizes that it's a Magic Seal and Mira notes that it's the seal for Abyss Break, a type of forbidden magic that uses the four elements in order to destroy.

"What?! This is insane!" Natsu screamed.

"Guess our only option is to split up and find the power source." Gray said.

"Geez. It's one thing after another..." Aira commented.

"All right! Let's do this thing!" Natsu and the others agree on it.

"Mira. How much time until that spell activates?" Cana asked.

"I'd say about ten minutes. If only we could take out it's power source..." Mira replied.

"I'm certain the guys inside have the same idea." Cana said.

"Natsu's not the only one in there?" Mira asked.

"Aira and Gray are too." Cana replied.

Mira thinks about the situation they're in. "I need to move forward..." Mira, disguised as Lucy, walks out of the guild to surrender herself to Phantom Lord.

Master Jose notices Lucy heading their way. "Oh?"

"I'm the one you want! Stop attacking our guild this instant!" Lucy (Mira) shouted. "This should buy us a little time!"

"Begone... imposter!" Master Jose knew that Mira disguised herself as Lucy. "I've known from the very start that Lucy isn't there!"

Mira turns back into herself. "I'm... so powerless to do anything...!"

Aira runs through the hallways of the Phantom Lord Guild. "Damn you Phantom Lord...!" He steps on a tile and an eye appears. Aira turns around as he hears someone behind him. "Huh?!"

A figure appears behind him which happens to be Sol. "Salut."

"An Element 4, huh?" Aira unbuttons two of the buttons on his dark blue button up shirt.

A Magic Circle appears under Mira. "Oh, no!" Cana notices Mira being taken away underground. "Mira!"

Mira is taken to the guild, held as hostage. "Deplorable girl, attempting to fool us like that..." Master Jose said. "Now you will witness the end of your friends as you are slowly crushed."

"Mira!" Cana cried out.

"Nee-chan!" Elfman called out.

"Damn! This is insane!" Macao commented.

"Mira-chan!" Wakaba shouted.

"Hurry and stop that giant! Natsu! Aira! Gray!" Cana thinks to herself.

"My name is Sol. You can call me Monsieur Sol." Sol introduces himself.

"Perfect timing. You're gonna tell me how to stop this giant." Aira said. "Water Dragon's Roar!" Aira uses his breath attack, but Sol disappears underground and back on top.

"Dragon Slayer?" Sol waves his arm around.

"Enough of your blabbering! Water Dragon's Gale Force!" A dark blue Magic Circle appeared as a blast of ocean blue water headed towards Sol, who dodges it.

"Oh? You had a father, didn't you?" Sol asked as Aira glares at him. Sol jumps back to prepare an attack. "Sable Dance!" Sand surrounds Aira who can't see where Sol is going. "Roche Concerto!" Rocks attack Aira underneath him as he jumps back. "Non, non, non!" Sol digs underground and appears next to Aira, wrapping himself around Aira's arm. "Salut."

"Creepy bastard!" Aira surrounded his arm in with water so Sol can unwrap himself.

"Freezing water!" Sol unwraps himself from Aira's arm.

"Enough playing around, Monsewer Sol!" Aira shouted.

"That's Monsieur Sol." Sol kicks Aira back.

"This guy's stronger than he looks!" Aira jumps back, glaring at Sol.

"Tell me, I heard you had a horrible past and lost the woman that you loved dearly and made you afraid of loving another woman?" Sol taunted him.

"Shut up!" Aira shouted as he charges at Sol. "Water Dragon's Wave Fist!" He stops when he sees a medium-sized status of Kaito. "Kaito!"

"I took the liberty of reading through your memories when you stepped on me earlier!" Sol stated.

"You little...!" Aira growled.

"What a magnificent dragon you have. I wonder where he is right now?" Sol taunted. "Oh, my apologises. He abandoned you." Aira remembers the being alone on the day that Kaito disappeared and the countless days searching for him. "Oh, what a shame."

Aira growls as he shouts in anger, trying to forget his memories he locked up. His Magic Power gathers around him. "I can't let him get to me."

"Non, non, non! That's no good!" Sol strokes his mustache. Aira tries to get rid of his memories that haunted him, pulling on his hair. Aira gathers up his Magic Power, breathing heavily. "It seems you already used up a great deal of magic just now!"

"Dirty bastard..." Aira growled. "Face me fair and square with your fists!"

"Non, non, non!" Sol gathers up his Magic, creating a whirlwind of sand. "Platre Sonata!" A fist of plaster punches Aira, crashing through the wall, making a hole.

Mira notices Aira on the ground after being punched through the wall. "Aira!"

"Mira-chan... What... What are you doing there?!" Aira shouted.

"Oh? A close friend of yours? Does that mean she's Miss Mirajane, once feared as the "She-Devil"? Her magic has deteriorated so much. Poor girl." Sol slowly walks behind Aira. "She is being punished for trying to deceive us. She'll be crushed before long."

"Let her go!" Aira demanded, yelling at Sol.

"You are about to lose another friend before your very own eyes. A woman no less. Because you are a powerless wizard with no heart!" Sol casts a Magic Spell on Aira. "I will not forgive you. Therefore, I will give you eternal torment. Sealing Magic: Merci la Vie! You will become a part of earth and wander inside your detestable memories forevermore!" Aira screams in pain as he is being cast under a spell.

"S-Stop!" Aira screamed.

While in a trance, Aira sees past memories of himself as a young teenager.


"That's... me..." Aira thought, remembering this day.

A young teenager, about fourteen years old, is sitting in the pouring rain as he cried to himself. A woman, about sixteen years old, notices him crying so she decides to talk to him."Hey, are you okay?" She asked. Her voice was gentle. She had long dark green hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black tank top, black jeans, and white sneakers. She also had a light green Blue Pegasus emblem on her right shoulder.

The younger teenager looked up to see the woman towering over him. He wiped his tears away. "I'll be fine."

"You don't look like it. Tell me. What's bothering you?" The woman sighs as she sits down next to him.

"I just feel... out of place. Alone." Aira replied, looking away.

"How come?" The woman asked.

"My dragon... He disappeared a long time ago." Aira replied. The woman seems shocked to hear this.

"Dragon? Do you happen to be a Dragon Slayer?" The woman asked. Aira nodded in reply. "What guild are you from?"

"Fairy Tail." Aira said, moving his white button up shirt aside and showed the woman his dark blue Fairy Tail guild mark that was on his right pectoral.

"Good choice. Do you have any friends there?"

"Yeah, but... I still feel alone sometimes... I try not to think about my dragon, but it keeps coming back to me." Aira replied. "So I try to clear my head when I go on a mission or do things that ticks the Master off."

"Like what?" The woman asked.

"I get in trouble with the Magic Council a lot..." Aira chuckles.

The woman chuckles as she thinks of something that might cheer him up. "I'm Ryoko. I'll be your new friend." Ryoko smiles at Aira, holding out her hand.

"Airavata, but call me Aira for short." He takes Ryoko's hand.

"The day I met her..." Aira smiles to himself as he relives the memory.


This time, Aira sees himself at sixteen years old, at the guild.

"Aira!" Master Makarov shouted, sitting at a bar with Macao and Wakaba.

"Do you need something, Gramps?" Aira asked as he walked over to the bar.

"I got a letter from the Magic Council saying you put a whole village underwater!" Master Makarov responded, showing the papers.

Aira laughs to himself as the Master looks at him seriously which makes him stop laughing. "I went overboard during one of my jobs. Oops."

Macao just shook his head in disapproval.

"Next time, if I get another letter from the Magic Council. I won't hesitate to do something rash!" Master Makarov warned as Aira freaks out a bit.

"Okay, okay! I promise it won't happen again." Aira said, trembling in fear.

"Take another job. And try not to destroy anything this time." Wakaba said.

Aira looks for a job that he could do. He grabs one from the request board that caught his attention. "I guess this will work... I'll be back, Gramps!" Aira runs out of the guild.

"Wait a minute... Don't tell me this was when..." Aira watches as his younger self is running to the location that the job was in.

Aira is now standing in a city where it's all damaged and blown up.


Aira is almost completely covered in stone, unconscious. "Aira! Pull yourself together! Snap out of it, Aira!" Mira cried out.


Aira sees a large beast, stomping on the ground. Aira trembles in fear as soon as the beast looked familar. "D-Deliora!"

"Damn it..." A woman, about eighteen years old, was panting and injured as she was fighting Deliora.

"Ryoko!" A familar voice called out from behind her. Ryoko turns around to see Aira running her way.

"Aira...?!" Ryoko watches Aira catch up her. "What are you doing here?! Get out of here!"

"What?! I had a job request here, but what is that?!" Aira looks at Deliora who is destroying more buildings.

"The Demon of Destruction, Deliora! Now leave before you get hurt!" Ryoko shouted.

"No way! I'm going to help you!" Aira refuses to leave. Aira and Ryoko continue to argue as Deliora notices them.

"You idiot... Why didn't you listen to her?!" Aira talks to himself, scolding his younger self.

Deliora roars out loud as he is about to attack. Ryoko and Aira notice the demon's rage. Deliora swings his arm, tossing Aira away as he falls to the ground.

"Aira!" Ryoko shouted, tears start streaming down her face, thinking that Aira is dead. Ryoko turns to Deliora and starts to attack him. "You demon! Just die already! Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Vine Garden!" A light green Magic Circle appeared in front of her as a small garden of vines showed up, but nothing happened. Since Ryoko is injured and used up most of her magic power, she was not able to make her attacks as powerful as they should've been. Deliora easily kills Ryoko by smashing her with his fist.

Aira drops down to his knees as he sees Ryoko, his first love, being killed by Deliora.

The sixteen year old slowly wakes up. "Damn it. Ryoko..." Aira can barely move due to his injuries. He pushes himself up and looks around the destroyed down where he was supposed to take on the job.

Aira walks slowly through the town, seeing dead bodies and destroyed buildings until he sees a familar woman with dark green hair. He realizes it's Ryoko as blood was coming down from her forehead and her clothes were torn apart. Aira could clearly see her light green Blue Pegasus emblem slowly disappearing. "Hey! Ryoko! Wake up!" There was no response from her. Aira sits there, crying to himself, seeing his friend and his first love dead in his arms. "Ryoko!" He shouted. After a moment of silence, he closes Ryoko's eyes and kisses her forehead. "Rest easy, Ryoko... I love you..." Aira leaves her dead body behind as he heads back to Fairy Tail, not looking back.

Aira remembers what he told himself that day. "I won't love anyone else... Because everyone I end up loving and caring for, always die..."


"Ryoko..." Aira lets one tear out of his eye.

"Aira...!" Mira called out as Aira snaps back into conscious. "Aira! Pull yourself together!"

"Now, then! It's about time for the finale!" Sol said.

"Why...?" Aira growled.

"Oh?" Sol turns around and sees Aira's rage build up.

"I will kill you!" Aira shouted as his Magic Power builds around him.

"It's no use! You cannot simply defeat me with such weak magic!" Apparently, Sol gets knocked back as Aira releases his Magic Power. "My word!"

"Die..." Aira gives Sol a death glare, standing over him as his Magic Power increases.

"His Magic Power?! It increased!" Mira stated.

"Non, non, non..." Sol sweats nervously. "With three nons, this is misunderstanding! I gave you that ordeal to help you overcome your painful past! That's all! So bonsoir! I always knew you would overcome it!" Sol acts innocent and comes up with different reasons so Aira cannot kill him. "You know?" Aira growls at him as he slowly walks towards him. "So I'll just be going now..." Aira punches Sol backwards. "Curse you! Platre Sonata!" He attacks Aira, jumping down thinking he landed an attack. "Non, non, non! You let your guard down!"

Aira appears behind him, grabbing his head. "You let your guard down." He uses his magic to drown him and then slams his head to the ground. "Die!" He punches him countless times.

"Aira...!" Mira gets worried for him.

"Oh... Oui..." Sol groaned. "Je t'aime... Non!" His soul leaves his body, but Aira catches it and puts it back so he can hurt him some more. "Non! At least knock me out!"

"Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Death Tsunami!" Aira puts his hand back as a dark blue Magic Circle appeared and huge wave of water appears. He aims it at Sol, as the water comes down. Sol is now unconscious, drowned out by all the water.

"Aira!" Mira cried out.

"That's right... I have to save Mira-chan...!" Aira runs outside, releasing her from the clutches of the Giant Mage.

"Thank you, Aira." Mira thanks Aira who softly smiles at her. The Giant Mage starts to slow down. "The magic circle it's drawing... It's slowed down!" Mira noticed. "The forbidden spell of the four elements... Abyss Break... The four elements... Fire, water, wind, earth..." She thinks about the elements and how the Giant Mage slowed down. "Aira! How many of the Element 4 are left?!"

"Huh? Let me think..." Aira thinks about it for a second. "There are two, I think..."

"That's it! The giant is slowing down because they've been beaten! Basically, the giant is powered by the four elements! If we defeat all of the Element 4, we can stop this spell!" Mira explained.

"Really?!" Aira exclaimed.

"Hurry! The remaining two should be inside the giant!" Mira and Aira go search for the two remaining members of the Element 4.