
Love You (Kara x Lena Oneshot)

"Lena.. You're better than this. Please, stop." Supergirl tried, but deep down she knew her words were of no avail. She'd hurt Lena too badly this time.

"I thought we were friends, You lied to me. You were the first person I let knock down my walls, the first person to stand by me, the first person who truly cared about me other than Lex, I really believed you cared. But just like always, I was wrong." Lena yelled, tear after tear streaming down her cheeks.

"I didn't mean to hurt you! I was doing it to protect you! I care about you! Please believe me when I say that!" Kara pleaded, her own tears threatening to spill over.

"How can I believe you care when you've already so easily lied to me before!? So many times Kara!"

Kara took cautious steps towards Lena who had her hand on a gun pointed to an innocents head.

"You think it was easy to lie to you? You think it was easy to look you in those beautiful green eyes and not tell you everything? I lied to protect you!"

"And now your lying to protect him. This alien. You're lying to me so his life won't be in danger anymore, aren't you? That's why you're slowly inching closer to me. We both know you never really cared for me Supergirl."

"I do! I do care! Otherwise I wouldn't be trying to be understanding with you! I could easily take you right here, right now. But, I want you to hear me out without me having to lock you up. I am not lying. And I know you won't hurt him, you are a good and kind person Lena. You have a good heart, and a beautiful mind, I know you." Kara said as she outstretched a hand towards Lena.

"Lena said before pulling the trigger and ending the alien's life.

Kara shot awake, panting and her forehead beaded with sweat. She looked around and saw Lena's sleeping body next to her in the bed.

"It was only a dream.. Only a dream.. Lena is good.. We're okay.." The Kryptonian muttered to herself. She stealthily slipped out of bed and crept to their balcony.

She looked out upon National City. The lights twinkled brightly against the dark sky, the city buzzed with life and noise. Everything was okay.

Kara nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind.

"Another nightmare, love?" Lena asked sadly.

"Uh, um.." Kara stuttered as she decided whether to be honest or not. "Yeah.." She admitted.

"What about?" Lena questioned resting her chin on the hero's shoulder.

"Lena, there's something I need to tell you, but please don't do anything drastic." Kara said hesitantly.

"Okay. Go on." The CEO replied.

"I..I'm not just Kara. I'm.. Her. I'm Supergirl. I go around saving people and fighting extraterrestrials. I lied to you, and I'm so sorry. It was never my first choice. I'm only trying to protect you." The blonde confided in her girlfriend ashamed of herself.

"We've been together almost two years now Kara, you really think I didn't know?" Lena laughed softly. Kara turned around quickly to face the dark haired beauty.

"You knew?" She gasped.

"I've known for a while darling. I just figured you'd tell me when you're ready. I'll admit, I'm a bit hurt you took this long, but I understand. After everything Supergirl goes through day and night, and everything with my so called mother, I understand waiting. I was angry when I first found out, you were lying straight to my face; but in a more mature aspect, I tried taking a look from your perspective." Lena answered and smiled sweetly. She looked at Kara with very loving eyes. Kara smiled slightly.

A sudden wave of relief washed over the blue eyed woman. Nothing bad was going to happen. Lena and her were okay.

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask you something Kara." Lena said before kneeling down on one knee and presenting a ring.

Kara's crystal blue eyes widened as she looked down at Lena. Tears started welling up and she didn't know how to speak; the words physically wouldn't come out.

"Kara Danvers, would you do me the blissful honor of marrying me?" Lena asked with the most adorable smile Kara had ever seen. The blonde collapsed into a hug with the young Luthor repeating 'yes' a million times over.

"I love you Lena." Kara said softly. At first, the green eyed woman didn't know how to react, they'd never really said 'I love you' before. Small things like, 'Going to work, love you.' Or 'see you soon, take care,' but never really

"And I love you Kara." Lena cooed as she pecked Kara's cheek.

Lena thought.

Kara sat erect and cupped Lena's face with both of her hands.

"You're so darn beautiful, you know that?" The blonde's eyes studied Lena's face closely, her gorgeous emerald eyes, her soft pink lips, her cute nose. She really was beautiful. In reply Lena only blushed heavily.

Kara leaned in and connected their lips. They moved in sync passionately and innocently until Lena swiped her tongue along Kara's lower lip asking for entrance. Which Kara happily granted. Their tongues danced together, exploring the familiar setting which was each other's mouths.

They stood up slowly not once disconnecting from their kiss. Lena picked up Kara and held under her thighs as Kara swung her arms around the Luthor's neck. Lena headed for the bedroom and dropped Kara onto the bed.

"What do you plan on doing to me Ms. Luthor?" Kara asked huskily.

"Loving you." Lena replied softly before lowering herself onto the blonde beneath her. She attached her lips to the Kryptonian's neck kissing up and down until she reached her pulse point. Lena sucked on the spot, eliciting a small moan from Kara.

"I love you, Kara." Lena whispered in her ear.

"I love you too Lena." Kara whispered back sweetly.