
Anything You Say Can And Will Be Held Against You (AU)

Sirens sounded behind Lena as she sped down the street. She pulled off to the side of the road. The officer walked up to her window and bent down to look at her.

"Again, Lena?" The police woman chuckled as she started writing a ticket.

"Yes, again." The green eyed woman let out a groan as she rested her head on the steering wheel.

"That's the third one this month." Officer Danvers said.

"Yeah, I know. I'm guessing warnings were only a first time thing huh?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid your gonna have to come with me Ms. Luthor." The blonde woman said while backing up, allowing Lena to exit her vehicle. "What's your rush? Why don't you go the speed limit?"

"Busy. Got a job I can't be late for. If I am, I get fired and if I'm fired, lose my home. You get the picture." Lena replied.

"Sorry to hear that." Kara said as she began putting the hand cuffs on Lena. "Well, you know how it goes and such. Anything you say can and will be held against you and such."

"Kara Danvers." Lena smirked.

"What?" The blonde officer furrowed her brows.

"Anything I say, can and will be held against me. Lena said huskily.

"Uh.. Oh.. Um. Ha.. Well.. That's.." Kara was at a loss for words. "I.. Don't.. Think that'd be very professional." The blonde was suddenly very flustered. She was definitely crushing on the dark haired woman but this couldn't happen.

"I'm just messing with you Officer Danvers. Not that I would mind anything like that with you. But, staying professional is important."

Kara began removing the woman's hand cuffs.

"Why?" Lena furrowed her brows in confusion.

"This stays between us, but I'm not gonna arrest you. But, now you owe me Lena." Kara whispered.

"Yeah? Okay. You didn't have to do this, but thank you, really." Lena smiled softly. She liked this woman. May be the reason why she sped this morning, she was only going to get coffee, but knew Danvers was gonna be watching for speeding cars soooo... Yeah.

"Let me take you out." Kara suggested smiling warmly at the woman in front of her.

"I'd love that." Lena happily took her up upon her offer.

The two exchanged numbers finally and planned going out that evening. ______________________

"I'll be there soon." Lena said. Kara smiled as she hung up the phone. She was going on a date with Lena Luthor. Hopefully, she won't get fired for this.

She looked in the mirror. The blonde was happy with her appearance; baby blue dress, matching blue heels, her curly blonde locks fell nicely upon her shoulders. She couldn't stop thinking about what Lena would look like. Probably stunning as always. Kara remembered even on one of the woman's worst days, Lena still looked beautiful.

Not too long after, the doorbell to Kara's apartment rang. She quickly left her bedroom and went to answer the door only to find probably the most beautiful woman Kara had ever laid eyes upon.

"I had no idea we were supposed to dress up." Lena stated as she gawked at how ethereal Kara looked. Lena was in a simple black pullover and black skinny jeans, her make up was mainly a natural look and her hair was pulled back into a bun. "God I feel so stupid now.." She mumbled shifting her gaze to the floor.

"No! Don't! You look amazing!" Lena looked up at Kara with a questioning face. "Well, to me at least. Let go change and well leave then, is that okay?" Lena only nodded still embarrassed.

Kara went back into her room to go and change. And Lena walked around the apartment. Everything looks fairly normal, she didn't know why she expected anything weird.

"Hey uh, where are we even going?" Lena called. She heard a faint answer, but couldn't make out what was said. "Wait, what?" She called again.

"Just come here and talk!" Kara yelled as she fiddled with the zipper on the back of her dress.

Lena walked in and her eyes landed upon Kara, she quickly decided the floor was a very interesting sight.

"Well, I was thinking dinner at this new restaurant but now, and don't judge me, but maybe laser tag or something?" Kara suggested laughing.

"Sounds great." Lena laughed as well resting her hands in the pocket of her hoodie.

"I can't seem to get this zipper undone, can you help?" Kara asked as she turned a deep shade of red.

Lena's head snapped in Kara's direction as she swallowed hard. "Y-yeah, sure." She squeaked.

She crossed the room and stood behind Kara. Kara lifted her blonde hair and held it away so Lena could undo her dress. The Luthor slowly unzipped it, her heart racing the further it went down revealing Kara's skin.

"Uh.. Um.. Done!" She said quickly before running out of the room. The officer laughed to herself about how flustered Lena had just been. Kara quickly changed into a regular T-shirt and leggings and took out her contacts, replacing them with her glasses and finally pulling her hair up into a pony tail.

"Ready to go?" Kara asked the green eyed beauty as she exited her bed room.

"Yup!" Lena replied happily, wearing an adorable smile.

"After you milady." Kara said goofily as she held the door open for her date.

"You're so weird." Lena laughed and shook her head. Kara closed the apartment door behind them as they walked down the hall.

"But, in a good way, right?" Kara asked as she took Lena's hand in her own.

"Maybe." Lena giggled.

"You have sort of an accent, it's cute." Officer Danvers addressed, wearing a goofy grin.

"Oh yeah, sometimes it slips through. But, I'm glad you thinks it's cute." She replied.

The two walked down streets and turned corners until they came to a small arcade.

"You weren't kidding?" Lena mumbled with a smile.

"Nope." Kara said as she dragged her date inside.

It was pitch black except for neon lights and designs and little kids running around with glowing vests and guns. Dubstep music played as laser lights danced everywhere and the yells and laughs of kids sounded.

"Wow, what an idea for a first date." Lena chuckled.

"Here." Kara handed the dark haired beauty a vest and laser gun.

"Okay, prepare to lose Danvers." Lena challenged as she out on her vest.

"Oh really? Try me." Kara scoffed playfully.

"It's on." Lena replied with a smirk.

"Bring it Luthor." Kara laughed as she jogged away. Lena wandered around aimlessly trying to find the blonde woman. A couple kids ran into her and stared for a moment confused as to why an adult was there.

Lena's vest glowed red and made a sound as she was shot by Kara. "Not fair!" Lena called.

"Yeah it is!" She heard the woman's voice but couldn't she wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Ugh! Come here real quick I need to ask you something! Truce!" Lena yelled using her hands as a microphone.

"Promise?" Kara called back.


"Fine! I'm coming!" Lena felt arms wrap around her waist from behind.

"Where in the hell were you?" She giggled.

"Secret." Kara replied. Lena turned to face her date and she smiled fondly at Kara.

She connected their lips together. At first Kara was surprised but quickly acted and kissed her back. Kara's vest sounded as Lena's gun was pressed to the back of Kara.

"Now , is not fair." Kara giggled. She really liked this girl, she was different. "You're evil." She joked.

"What can I say? I'm a Luthor, runs in the family." Lena narrowed her eyes and smirked playfully.



Kara feigned confusion as she stared at nothing behind Lena. "Oh my god what is that?!" Kara yelled. Lena quickly turned around startled but laughed at herself and faced Kara again.

evil, Kara." Lena giggled.

"Me? No way. I'm super!" Kara disagreed as she rested her hands on her hips and took a heroic pose.

"You could've fooled me." Lena laughed. "Comere'" the green eyed beauty said before pulling the blonde into a hug. She really liked Kara; she wasn't like anyone she'd ever met. Not that she had very many people in her life, but she was different. More down to earth and goofy.

"I like you a lot." Kara admitted smiling like a child.

"I like me a lot too. I mean food. I mean you! I like u a lot too. Oh my god, what are you to me woman!?" Lena rested her head on Kara's shoulder as she practically died of embarrassment and laughter.

"You're so cute." Kara laughed.

"We should do this again sometime." Lena manage to get out through laughs.

"Glad you think so, because you're stuck with me now. Remember? Anything you say, can and will be held against you; you said my name." Kara reminded her.

"Best thing I've ever said then." Lena replied grinning.

"I agree." Kara nodded and smiled back.

"You should kiss me." Lena suggested while staring into Kara's eyes adoringly.

"Maybe. I. Will." Kara said before leaning in and capturing the dark haired woman's lips with her own. Both of them smiled into the kiss and laughed.


"Ugh.. I'm kinda cold." Kara said as they exited the arcade.

"Here, love." Lena said pulling off her black hoodie and handing it to Kara.

"Thanks." The blonde smiled as she pulled on the hoodie as was overtaken by the scent of mint and cologne. Lena was going to get her sweater back.