
G. Callen x Doctor!Reader x Kelly Severide Part Two

You moved into the blankets, "Well I have time." Kelly laughed. G. looked over at you. "It's top secret." You snorted, and reached for his phone, "Then I'll just ask Sam, he may embellish it so he's the hero though."

"All right, I'll tell you but no asking Sam for anything on this. Deal?" You nodded pouting a little but overall happy he had caved so easily and handed his phone back. Kelly watched the interaction with a smile. "Well, it involves the Crimeleon and the Comescus."

"You name the criminals, you catch?" Kelly asked incredulously, you snorted. "The Comescus are a crime family that want us dead. The Crimeleon is his fault." You waved your finger at your brother who looked offended. "I didn't name him." You shrugged and waved your hand. "Continue." G. sighed. "They were going to come after you and they made it know through a series of mysterious fires."

"Why didn't you tell me that someone wanted me dead?!" You practically shrieked at him. "I was trying to protect you."

"You didn't think I needed to know this." G. shrugged, "It was need to know and under control." You scoffed, "You hardly ever have anything under control." Kelly chuckled breaking you both out of your mini fight. "Go on." You told your brother, who gave you a mocking look. "Demanding." But he continued. "Kelly was helping with the arson investigation. But he met with Sam because I was undercover."

"As..." You prompted wanting to know more. "Fire inspector." You snorted, "That's what got you caught right?" Your brother looked offended, Kelly snorted. "Anyway, some guy tried to start a fire, Kelly ran after him while someone else put out the fire. He punched the guy but ended up getting a gun pulled on him. I dropped my clipboard..." He paused while you cackled. He looked really offended while you just kept laughing. Kelly cracked a smile. "You done?" Your brother asked. You nodded wiping tears away. "I pulled my gun and arrested the guy. Kelly was confused at who I was. I told him I was a fed."

"That's the story?" G. nodded. "Cool, no explosions or anything? Didn't get Hetty mad?" G. shook his head. "Damn, I mean that's good." Kelly laughed at your expression of annoyance. G. rolled his eyes, his phone rang. "Hetty." He told you and picked it up, leaving the room. Kelly got up from his chair and sat on the side of the bed. Taking your hand, "You had me really worried for a moment there." You smiled at him softly and grasped his hand tighter. "I'm never going to leave you, Kelly." He smiled and kissed your forehead, "Promise?" You propped up while he leaned down and your lips met in the middle. The kiss was soft, delicate with a hint of fear that Kelly felt when he had almost lost you. You pulled apart but didn't leave much room between you, you kissed again.