
Connor Rhodes x Cardiothoracic Surgeon!Reader

You and Connor exited the OR, ripping your masks off. "Clean air, air without lint." You sighed breathing in. Connor twitched his nose and sniffed. "I'm with you on that."

"And the cardiothoracic team strikes again." You cheered as you rounded the corner. Throughout the day as you rushed around the floor, finishing your paperwork and checking on your patients. Your pager beeped, calling you down to the ER, you rushed down the stairs rather than waiting for the elevator which seemed to be taking forever. Connor was already there when your arrived and you simply jumped into the fray. Doris tied a cover over your scrubs. Doctor Latham arrived and told you, that he was going to take over as Connor and the nurses rushed the patient to the OR. After cleaning up, you headed to the observation room. You watched as Connor moved brilliantly. You always had had feelings for the heart surgeon but had never made a move wanting to preserve your unique friendship. The way Connor was able to perform the surgery fascinated you despite having completed this operation multiple times yourself.

At the end of your shift you grabbed your gear. Connor caught you as you were heading out of the building. "Hey," He grabbed your elbow gently, "Do you want to get some dinner?" You shook your head, "Some other time, I'm really tired." You could have sworn he looked disappointed. He nodded, "Rain-check? Tomorrow?" You smiled and nodded, you leaned up and kissed his cheek, however he moved his head slightly and you ended up kissing the corner of his lips. You flushed, and his cheeks ended with a slight hint of pink. You smiled at each other before you hurried out the door embarrassed.

The next day you woke with a light groan, you checked your alarm and swore viciously you were going to be late. You wanted to tell Connor of your feelings today. You got ready quickly and grabbed your bag which you had packed the night before like, you always did. You checked everything, grabbing your phone and keys. Jumping in your car, you sighed and calmed your heart rate wanting to drive safely to work. Pulling out of your driveway you began the short trip to work. The lights flickered to green and you began to pull into the intersection missing the car that was racing towards you. The next moment all you could remember was the sound of twisting metal and glass flying everywhere. There were wailing sirens in that were coming closer. Your eyes fluttered closed as your door was opened with a groan. There was shouting then darkness clouded your vision.

"Car accident, female, Y/A, oh god." Maggie halted in her yelling when she saw it was you. "Page Rhodes." She yelled as Choi took you to Baghdad. Choi began working you with April and Will began to help. Rhodes entered with "What do we have?" He faltered when he saw it was you on the gurney. "Y/N?"

"Car crash." Will told him as he tended to your abdomen. Choi was working on your head wound while Connor checked your heart. Choi and Connor ran with you to the OR while April and Will stood in shock in the trauma room. Maggie, Natalie, Goodwin and Daniel entered the doorway. "Is she going to make it?" Goodwin asked. Will shrugged, "If she makes through the surgery, she didn't have a bad head wound. It was a few minor cuts." Goodwin nodded, everyone moved back to work.

A few hours, you crawled back into consciousness. Connor was asleep in the only chair in the room. You groaned. Connor woke with a jerk. His hair was mussed, "Hey." He helped you take a few sips of water. He ran his fingers through your hair and down your cheek. "I love you." You croaked out. "I love you too." You shook your head slightly, "I really love you, more than a friend." Connor grinned at you. "I love you too, more than a friend." He leaned down and kissed your forehead. "Get some rest." You tilted your head up slightly and he moved down and kissed your lips lightly. "Rest." He told. "You'll be here when I wake up again?" You asked meekly. He nodded, "Yeah, I'll be here." He kissed your forehead again. He smiled at you his eyes warm and reassuring.