

The old man and the doctor continued to talk while carrying me into the next room. I listened in on their conversation but, they were only talking about the results of some of the tests they had me take. That I couldn't even understand since it was filled with complicated medical jargon.

After a short walk we can to a large metal door. It was unlike anything I had ever seen it was incredibly heavy duty and looked like it was build to take a blast form a bomb.

Just when I was wondering if I was in some sort of military base there was a loud hissing sound and the door lifted up into the ceiling. Before I could react to how strange the door was there was an even louder and more annoying squealing sound.

It was a young blonde girl no older than her early 20's. She was lying in a small hospital bed and was hooked up to several medical devices and IV's.

When the woman saw me her eyes went wide and she almost jumped out of the bed to try and run towards me but, the doctor managed to get to her in time and hold her down.

"Calm down Maria I'll bring him over to you. You need to rest in bed until you completely heal" Said the old man.

The young girl seemed to deflate for a second before locking her eyes on me again and excitedly

responded. "Ok ok uncle Dante just please let me see him."

Seeing the pleading look on her face the old man couldn't help but let out a small smile. He walked over to her with me in his arms before saying "Here" as he let me out to her.

By this point I already had a pretty good idea of who she was. As she held me in her arms I looked up at her deep blue eyes and a strange nervousness started fill me. Her blue eyes were piercing as if she could see into my soul.

Soon she smiled "Hello there little guy. My name is Maria" after giggling a moment she continued "but . . . you can just call me mom."

The old man had a warm smile on his face as he asked "So have you decided on a name yet?"

"I have" answered Maria "his name is going to be Daniel." She looked down at me asked "How about it little guy do you like the name Daniel."

I couldn't help but laugh at that Daniel was my name in my last life too even though I always went by Dan. I couldn't help but wonder if I was just a coincidence or if it was fate.

"Awe" Maria swooned.

"I think he like his name" Dante laughed.

"Me too" A voice sounded for the doorway.

I looked over it was a middle aged man with a black shirt, jeans, and an unbuttoned lab coat on. I could tell just by looking at him he was one of those serious looking people who hate the word fun and always have a stick up their butts.

"Aaron?" Dante questioned "Shouldn't you be working at the lab?

"I was Dante but, I got a message that the Overseer has finally gotten around to seeing us so I had to come pick you up."

Hmm Overseer I thought that sounded familiar but, I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"What about Maria? The Overseers office is on the other side of the compound she is still injured and is in no shape to walk that distance not to mention the baby".

"Relax old man I have already asked one of the nurses to bring us a wheelchair and apparently there is a security detail waiting for us in the lobby. They are going to give us permission to use the mag-trains" Aaron Explained.

"Well let's get going already" Maria Exclaimed "We have already been here for over a month and they are STILL working on the stupid paperwork even though we are the first people to actually be qualified enough to move here in years."

"Alright calm down Maria. It's not a big problem; in fact I'm just thankful that they let people of our unique background join their organization in the first place."

"Whatever" Maria puffed.

"So are we going or not" Aaron asked slightly annoyed.

"Of course we are let's get going right now" Said Dante!

"Hmpf look at you telling Maria to calm down when you're just as eager to get this over with as any of us." Aaron retorted.

Sorry about the long gap between this and the first chapter. I had some stuff going on (Like being lazy) but, from now on I'll try to get out at least one chapter a day.

9Lightningcreators' thoughts