
Chapter 1

Twilight trotted briskly through the forest, a ferret in his jaws. He knew this wasn't his assigned hunting ground, but he didn't care. He didn't like being told what to do. Besides, prey was prey. Snowrapture told him to find food, didn't she? And he did. What did it matter where he'd found it? He teleported forward to the border between the forest and tundra. He jumped over it, onto the white snow. A frost-colored fox immediately came running towards him. "Twilight, why did you disobey my orders... again?" Snowrapture growled. "Because there was more prey in the forest," The younger fox crooned. +And because I don't care+ he thought. "Food is food, is it not?" Twilight smiled, with that crooked, smug figure that he knew ticked Snowrapture off. "If you continue this irresponsible behavior, you will have to be expelled from the clan," The frost fox said. "Which would've already happened, if Wraith and Frostwhisper hadn't felt sorry for you. You're lucky to still be here, Twilight." She grabbed the ferret, and turned back towards the north. "See that it doesn't happen again," Twilight rolled his eyes. +No one's /lucky/ to live in a place as ridiculously cold as this+ he thought. "And don't think I don't know you disrespect the clan area," Snowrapture called back. "You're quite practical." Twilight groaned and went back into the forest, and teleported into a tree. "The world doesn't revolve around you, Twilight, you're not as special as you think," Snowrapture had told him many times. "You're just an ordinary pup who ended up on the wrong side of The Divide." But Twilight still believed he was better than all of the foxes in this clan. +I'll show them,+ he thought to himself. +then they'll see.+