
Falling for the Fallen

Eloise was just living her regular unextraordinary life when she was faced with death, but to her surprise death had other plans— and it turned out death looked really good.

breadcheeks · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Adrianna's jaw was hanging open, "You're not going to meet this guy alone." She said finally. Their class had just ended and Eloise had just recounted to her the events of the day. She didn't leave any detail out, from the truck almost hitting her to seeing Adam again by chance while she was walking around campus.

"El, you shouldn't even meet up with this guy at all. He sounds like a stalker!" Adrianna exclaimed as they both walked out of their classroom, a few heads turned towards their direction because Adrianna had said this quite loudly.

"First of all, there's no need to be so loud about it. Second, I don't think he's a stalker and I won't be alone when I meet him, it's a public place and there are tons of other people." Eloise said to her friend.

"It doesn't matter if you're going to meet him somewhere public. Did you even hear your story? This guy literally broke into your car and followed you after your class. Eloise, I know you're naive but this is another level." Adrianna said, exasperated.

Eloise just shook her head at her friend, "Look, you can come if you want but he really isn't a stalker. If he wanted to harm me he would have already by now, and I really need to know what he meant when he said he saved me this morning. It really makes no sense." She said as her eyebrows knitted together.

"Eloise, none of it makes any sense. Of course your stalker would tell you he saved you!!! He's a creepy stalker!!!" Adrianna said loudly again, now with her arms flailing just to prove a point. "You only want to meet him cause you have this weird fascination with people and an endless thirst to find out more about strange people. Let's just go and get lunch somewhere else, just bail on this guy and report him to the police!"

"This is not one of those situations, Adrianna!" Eloise defended, "there's something going on, I just have a feeling you know? I'll just have this one lunch with him and find out what he has to say and if he really is just some weird stalker I'll drop it and go to the cops, okay?"

"Fine, but if your body is found in a ditch I'm going to walk up to your casket and say 'I told you so.'" Adrianna crossed her arms and pouted, "Please do not let that happen, Eloise. I sincerely hope this guy isn't a freak stalker"

"Well I guess we'll just have to go and find out if he really is one then, are you coming or not?" Adrianna said as she gestured to her friend to start walking.

Eloise and Adrianna walked into the 3001, a diner next to their campus that they both always went to. It was their hang-out spot, or comfort place in a way. They would go there in between or after classes, just to talk and not have to deal with other people because 3001 usually wasn't crowded.

Today was no exception, there were only 3 occupied tables in 3001, and sitting at one of them was Adam.

Eloise spotted him right away. He was sitting by a window seat and staring out into the grass outside the diner. He was sitting alone, at least to human eyes, but Noah was actually sitting next to him blabbing away into Adam's ear. "That's him" Eloise whispered to Adrianna pointing towards Adam's direction by tilting her head.

Adrianna whistled, "I gotta say El, you have one hot stalker." She said as she grinned at Eloise.

Eloise rolled her eyes and started to walk towards where Adam was seated. As they approached the table Adam looked up at Eloise and she shivered as her hazel eyes met his incredibly black ones.

"So this is her…." Noah said, unheard and still unseen by humans, he stared hard at Eloise as if to study her. Adam ignored him and stood up. "Hi." He said as he smiled at Eloise revealing that adorable dimple again, then he noticed that there was a girl standing next to Eloise who was glaring at him. He lifted one eyebrow in confusion and Eloise noticed, "Oh this is my friend Adrianna, she insisted on coming with me." Eloise said timidly. Adam gestured at the chairs and Eloise went to sit across from him while Adrianna sat right next to her.

Adam opened his mouth to speak but Adrianna beat him to it, "ARE YOU A STALKER?!" She blurted. Noah burst out laughing next to Adam, "I like this human" Noah said in between laughs.

Adam cleared his throat and calmly spoke, "No I'm not a stalker, I actually wanted to talk to Eloise to explain that--" "How'd you know my name?" Eloise interjected as Adam was speaking.

"Bro this is not going well at all." Noah said to Adam.

"You're wearing an ID, I have very clear vision." Adam quickly responded, which made Noah roll his eyes. "Alright, that makes sense…" Eloise said as she and Adrianna exchanged a look.

"As I was saying, I wanted to explain things to you, Eloise. But I was hoping I could talk to you privately about this" Adam said, then glanced at Adrianna.

"No freaking way." Adrianna said as she crossed her arms and glared at Adam.

The group was silent for a bit, with Adrianna and Eloise staring at Adam, while Adam staring at Eloise, and Noah looking back and forth at all of them. "What now?" Noah whispered to Adam. "I guess I take both down." Adam replied. Noah's eyes grew, Adam just spoke to him but to Adrianna and Eloise it appeared that he just spoke to himself. The two girls naturally grew more confused, and as Eloise was about to stand Adam said, "Do you believe in souls, Eloise?"