

There is only one true Queen. A Queen who is loved by her people and ruled the world with fairness and kindness. But be careful, don't make her your enemy. You'll die. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• The Queen was betrayed and the darkness consumed everything she ever have. Her beloved people were brutally killed and the kingdom she called home are destroyed and burned. On the verge of death, She made a deal to 'hell' itself. A man with red eyes who comes from darkness that consumes the blood of her people. "I can kill them for you." "No." "I'll kill them with my very own hands" "As your wish, My Queen." Now they will walk to the road filled with blood, revenge and death. P.S: The art is not mine, If it yours and you want to remove it, please don't report and just message me. Thank you~!

AikishiaOmano · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter Five: The Aftermath

The two of them walk around in the place that filled with noises: shouting, arguing, and yelling. Then the Queen looks around, seeing that there's many people living in this world- serving her, making a living with a different two different ways, good and bad- she only stared at them. They both wearing a long black wool cape over their clothes.

The people who are present in this place can't recognize her at all because this is the north side, the most far away from her kingdom. But the people around here is still under her laws and command and they only sees her once, 20 years ago.

The Queen thoughts about coming and visiting the person who she appointed to this place. 'Well, even I am the only Queen of this world, I can't just rule every places and country that's why I appointed deserving people to rule them under her laws and command.'

The people she appointed won't make big decisions without her permissions. 'But I still knew everything. All information about the kingdoms flows in my mind naturally without anyone telling me, I have eyes and ears. There's also a church in every kingdom which every prayer and wish of my people, I knew them. I have this kind of power yet the end of my kingdom, even I, the Queen didn't know anything about it. Nor the reason and behind of it. NONE.'

"My Queen-" The Queen stop at her pace and turn behind her

"Luna. Lady Luna" Zero only smiled realize what it meant.

'The Queen doesn't have a name but I need to change.' They continue walking and observing the place. "Everything seems fine-" The Queen, Lady Luna stops walking again.

'Something isn't right- Why isn't there any rumors or news at all?' The Queen sighs and changes her decisions.

"Zero- go to the dark alley and find some interesting information for me." As he bow down and went to the dark alley, she went in the tavern with a sign board of an oak tree.

As she walks by, her hood fell off and all the people can see her face. Everyone was stunned by her beauty and elegance. The drunk people whistle and envy from girls working in the tavern.

"You must be new in this town." A man in the stall commented while cleaning the glass. "I'm Charles, the owner." He continued while she sits in front of the man. She nods and looks around "Mysterious Traveler? or-"

"I'm looking for the whistler." The Queen made it clear and sure that only Charles heard what she said.

"For a beauty like you shouldn't walking in this path." Before she went in to the tavern, Zero told her about the informant in this city besides in the dark alley. The holder of dark secrets and info is in this place, the Oak Tavern.

"Just give me a name and post" Charles only sigh and walk away.

'I guess now is not a good da-' A bell rang from Charles hand which made all the people stand suddenly and walk out from the tavern. Leaving the unfinished foods and alcohols in the table.

"Looking for me, beauty?" A man sits besides the Queen. He wears a black mask, long and big coat, hat and muffler scarf.

A smile from her lips looks gentle "Tell me what I need to know about the war that happened in 'PHILLEDIA."

"Interesting" Before the words comes out from the mouth of Ed, the whistler, zero walk in. "I'm already done asking the birds, my Q-" before he finish his words, The Queen glared at her.

"Lady Luna" Charles and Ed went silent after hearing the name that Zero uttered. "Luna- It fits in your image" Charles commented, "Ring the bell after you're done here" and left. Zero stands behind the Queen, "Is it necessary to let him hear it as well?" The Queen only nod while Ed sighs.

"About the war that happened in Philledia- I'm sorry to say but no one knows." The Queen throats went dry as she hears what Ed says.

"What do you mean no one knows?" Zero was the one who ask the question. "That's the mystery. The news only spreads after the war is done and Our Almighty Queen died. It says that even the neighboring kingdom haven't heard about the war nor knows who's the people of Philledia's enemy. When the war ended, a black clouds appears in Helios. I even see it in my own eyes- the black clouds and the moon seems large yet dim. When the other kingdom sees it, they rush to the Philledia with their royal army but all they sees is a vast sand."

The Queen widen her eyes after hearing the words. "The kingdom of all kingdoms turns into a sand and the Almighty Queen died with her people."

After their time in the Oak Tavern, Zero and the Queen went in to Zero's territory. The Queen sat in the chair and thinks deeply.

"How come the kingdom turns into a vast sand? And the reactions of the people of Helios are suspicious. It's like they hear the news about the war and the next day everything's becomes normal." Zero stated, "And the news I gathered in the dark alley seems like the same Ed told us, My Queen. The whistlers are suspicious and haven't much gathered information about the situation"

The Queen thinks deeply and whispers "a dark clouds" then she look at Zero who's sitting at the black chair. "Did you see any black clouds when I made a deal with you??" Zero look at her eyes

"What was the last thing you remember, My Queen?" The Queen did not like his behavior, answering a question with a question but-

"The last time I remember is when you kissed my hair- That's all." The Queen sips the Castleton moonlight tea that Zero prepares with a chocolate cake. They are still in 'that' room but it looks much bigger than the last time. A queen size bed with a mini table for her accessories and make ups, then there's wide closet, book shelves, and a tea table.

"After that, I move you in this room but I never forget to observe the outside. There's no black clouds nor changes to the surroundings my Queen. And there's no person nor an army arrives in the Kingdom as well- until now." The Queen flinch after what she heard "And what about the Kingdom becoming a vast sand?"

"I left one of my cute bird there and I can see there's no changes. Even the bodies are still there-" The Queen grab his collar with a rage in her eyes.

"What the hell are you saying? The bodies are still laying in there?" Zero didn't flinch nor affected, he only smiles and replies

"Yes, My Queen. Not even one body was moved." After hearing his reply, The Queen eyes turn red and she grit her teeth