

There is only one true Queen. A Queen who is loved by her people and ruled the world with fairness and kindness. But be careful, don't make her your enemy. You'll die. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• The Queen was betrayed and the darkness consumed everything she ever have. Her beloved people were brutally killed and the kingdom she called home are destroyed and burned. On the verge of death, She made a deal to 'hell' itself. A man with red eyes who comes from darkness that consumes the blood of her people. "I can kill them for you." "No." "I'll kill them with my very own hands" "As your wish, My Queen." Now they will walk to the road filled with blood, revenge and death. P.S: The art is not mine, If it yours and you want to remove it, please don't report and just message me. Thank you~!

AikishiaOmano · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter Four: The Starting point

He stands up from the black chair and walks, stopping his steps in front of her and staring her. His face is closer than before and they both felt each other's breath. But the Queen stands still and didn't look up to meet his eyes or to see his face.

"Did you forget all those screams, cries and their begging for you to save them?" He looks at her worried, And with a sigh, he continued.

"I was even helping you not to forget all of that!" The Queen felt annoyance about what he said then looks up, staring at him with anger in her eyes.

"Finally, your looking right through my eyes." and cupped her right cheek with his hand. "Don't tell me that you got all soft again, your majesty?" He said with a naughty smile and enjoyment written on his face. Then he slowly caressing her neck and gently touching her collar bone and hair . The Queen breathes changes, feeling his gently touch.

'this bastard, making fun of me!' The Queen glared at him yet he didn't remove his hand and still gently playing her hair.

"I didn't" The Queen replies with a serious face and his eyes widen as he sees what is written on her eyes, something interesting.

" Like I said-" She takes a one step forward, and looks at him in the eyes. They are closer than ever, she tiptoe and whisper in his ear.

"I'll kill them with my very own hands" She said with a seriousness in the tone of her voice and she continued,

" I'll make them pay for what they did" A sweet aroma which he can only smell fills the room that made him delighted. A fragrance that filled with hatred, rage, anger, hungry in blood, darkness and a thirst of unimaginable death. It makes his blood boiling when a person feels all these negative feelings and the desire and wanting of bloodbath.

'I really like this smell.' The young man can smell the strong negative desire of a person. As an unknown identity that comes from the ground, he'll surely enjoy the smell and taste of it. And this time, his most favorite smell comes from the Queen. That's why he looks down and felt disgusting if the person he made a covenant changes it's smell. It means the covenant starting to fall.

'Now I can claim and call her My Queen.′

"I'll do anything that you desire" then he slowly caresses his finger again in her neck like water. He smiled and his red eyes glow,

"In exchange for your life" The dark prince suddenly choke her. But the only reaction he sees in the Queen's face first shocks and turns into an empty serious face. The Queen didn't struggle, not even a second. He grins and takes his hand, leaving a red mark on her neck.

"I like that" And he winks with a naughty tone in his voice and turns back to sit in the chair. The Queen rolled her eyes in annoyance and cross her hand, trying to ignore what he did. Then she decided to take a shower.

When she enters the bathroom, she immediately takes all of her clothes and stands in front of the mirror. She stares at her body, a large black scar on the stomach, and small dark black scars on her once beautiful body. She touches the scars and thinks-

'How did it turned to this...' She signed, 'Everything is like a nightmare' and frowns then shakes her head sideways remembering what just happens, ′But that guy is hella annoying'. and wash.

After a while, she frowns again and thinks about her people and the kingdom. She doesn't have any heir and felt suspicious about the events. She keep thinking about the work but then she realized,

'They are all dead and you alive. That's why I have to find those bastards who are responsible for everything. The bastards who are still out there, alive. I'm not going to let them live happily. I will destroy their lives and torture them every second and every breath they take.'

Rage in her heart reflects in her eyes. Slowly, fumes emitting from the scars in her body, 'I'm gonna rip them apart until they wish they are dead!'

A sudden force broke the mirror to pieces. She stares at the broken pieces and ignores them then dressed up with a cut and short gloves on both hands.

Thinking about coming out, with only a towel around hiding her body. ′Whatever.′ She walks out towards the door and sees the young man sitting on the black chair.

"I knew that dress suits you- with your golden hair and glowing green ash eyes." He looks at her, feeling proud of himself for choosing the black and mix dark green dress. The dress is off-shoulder, showing her collar bone and long sleeve, covering her whole arm. "Didn't show too much skin but you still look sexy." teasing the beautiful Queen.

"Are you done? It's disgusting." He smiled after hearing the Queen's comment. "OH. Can you hide the color of my hair?" Zero nods on Queen's questions. "Turn it into dark brown hair." He didn't ask any questions and only follows her orders.

"Your sword and armor are already hidden in my pocket. So you don't need to carry it with you always." That's good but I want to keep my sword where I can easily reach it. The young man sigh and black smoke appear in his right hand. Something happening in his hands the suddenly he closes his palm then lifts it in front of her.

"Palm" He commanded. She places her hand below his with an open palm. Suddenly something drops in her hand and look at it. A necklace with a pendant of a black stoned key.

"Wear it and you can always have your sword" After he said those words, his red eyes glow for a second. "It seems your ready to leave" She only nodded.

"So, what's the plan?" The Queen look at him baffled. He let out a big laugh which makes the Queen frown ′I want to strangle this asshole.′ but she keep her mouth shut and waited until that he stops laughing.

" You keep talking about making them pay and killing them, yet you didn't know WHEN, WHERE, or... WHO!" The dark prince smiles and then looks at her like she was the biggest idiot in HELIOS.

'I'm making a covenant to the naive and useless yet interesting person' He thought while looking at the Queen from head to toe. The Queen hissed but he still continued,

" Once upon a time, There was a Queen who nearly die from stabbing herself and when she was saved, her ultimate goal is revenge for her 'DEAR' kingdom and people, yet she didn't know who's responsible. She's a foolish and dumb Queen, isn't she? Maybe that's why she lost something she holds dear for eternity." The Queen feels like his words we're knives stabbing her heart. She throws him everything she grabs in her side out of frustration, embarrassment, and annoyance, but he just avoided them all easily while closing his eyes and smirking. Her emotions are written in the face and keeps saying to herself

'Damnit! Damnit! DAMNIT!! I'm so useless but this one is a jerk! ' The Queen really wants to kill him because of what he said.

" Should I help you, Queen?" Out of nowhere, he suddenly appears in front of her. The black smoke and shadow are himself. He bends and smiled at her. the Queen quickly grab his collar and said with seriousness on her face.

"Why else do you think you are here, huh?" gritting her teeth, her hands are shaking from anger. Leaving the collar, she walks away and went outside. She instantly covers her eyes from the sudden brightness of the sunlight.

′Huh? Sunlight?′ she ask herself confusedly and turns her head, facing the young man behind him who was smiling mischievously.

"You are inside my territory that's why it's night. But after you went outside, it shows the real-time and place of this world" The Queen immediately understood what he says.

"Before continuing, give me a name." He looked at her directly in the eye, waiting for her answer. A second of silence the Queen open her mouth and said

"Your name will be ZERO." He bow down and accepted his name.

"We are going to wander in this town, gather the information that can help us. Our covenant will end only after I finish my revenge. Until then, you will always be with me. Do not lie and betray me." The young man's red eyes glow and he smiled

"Yes my Queen"