

There is only one true Queen. A Queen who is loved by her people and ruled the world with fairness and kindness. But be careful, don't make her your enemy. You'll die. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• The Queen was betrayed and the darkness consumed everything she ever have. Her beloved people were brutally killed and the kingdom she called home are destroyed and burned. On the verge of death, She made a deal to 'hell' itself. A man with red eyes who comes from darkness that consumes the blood of her people. "I can kill them for you." "No." "I'll kill them with my very own hands" "As your wish, My Queen." Now they will walk to the road filled with blood, revenge and death. P.S: The art is not mine, If it yours and you want to remove it, please don't report and just message me. Thank you~!

AikishiaOmano · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter Six: The Kingdom of all Kingdoms fall

As the wind swirling around, the smell of death fills the land. The Queen, Lady Luna stares at the body lying on the ground, rotting bodies and some become bones. The sounds of the hawk and vultures eating the body piece by piece. No words came out from her mouth as the body of her people reflects in her eyes.

'My people.'

'Dearest people.'

At that day, a silent cried was hear from Her Majesty, Queen.

An hour had passed but the silence still lingers in the place. The darkness is slowly eating the sun.

"Your Majesty" Zero called out her. She was still sitting in the ground in silence. Thinking about everything.

"The sun is almost -" He was cut off by her piercing tone.

"Silence." A warning from her. Zero only closed his eyes and kept silent. The smell of death lingers in the place.

'This is getting interesting' Zero continues to close his eyes and keep waiting to Her Majesty to called out his name and order.

′Her Majesty, must be thinking the answers now. It lasted 3 days for her to know everything.′ He glanced at her and closed his eyes again, not paying attention to what was happening around him.

After a couple of minutes, a laughter was heard from Her majesty's mouth.

She bend her body and keep shaking. But the scent that's coming from her is not from fear but instead-

A scent of darkness and madness.

"Now I know." She muttered and her laugh is not something that you can hear everyday. This is different. The Queen is different. The clouds slowly covering the light that comes from the moon. The atmosphere become heavy and dark. What surrounds the Queen is something that can't be describe just words.

"That damn goddess." Zero only look at her- he can smell those sweet black smokes from her. The smokes that is darker than black.

'Ahhh...This is the best.' A hungry smile was written in his face and his eyes glow in red. He looked at Her Majesty like the most delicious food his ever seen.

'The darkness inside of her is so Majestic and deliciously sweet. I want to eat her.' The eyes of Zero cannot hide his desires anymore.

'Don't worry, I'll enjoy eating your soul. That darkened soul of yours.' The two people has darkness in their eyes as the moon is the only light, tonight.

"I never expected that the one I keep praising in my whole life did this to me" she said it in an angry tone. Her majesty, Lady Luna covers her face with her two hand, shaking.

The Queen is still surrounded by black smokes. The hawks are making noise as the dead trees are like panicking and the wind are dancing like swords. Her eyes- her eyes that shines of hope and light are now in the past.


I can't stop shaking in madness. Now I know why I can't find a single clue why this chaos is happening. Why everything has no sense in the first place. The answers of all my questions are all here. I looked up in the sky, "You..." I gritted my teeth in anger. I glare at the sky, "How could you do this to me? to my people? What have we done to deserve this?" I couldn't control myself. My eyes keeps wandering- looking everywhere.

I want to kill.

I lost my people because of her nonsense boredom.

I want to destroy.

Nothing is left because of her nonsense enjoyment.

I can't believed that I have been played all this time. I sold my soul to nothingness just to know the truth and to destroy the devil but it turn out to be-

I laugh. Everything is a joke. A damn joke. I breath out and closed my eyes. I stand slowly while struggling in pain and shaking from madness. I clenched my fist that the nails dug in my palm. I felt pain and something liquid flow from it. My hand is bleeding yet it feels nothing.

"Zero." I called out his name. I felt everything inside of me is dead.

"Yes, Your Highness?" He took once step to face me and he bow down, kneeling. I looked down at him with my dead eyes.

"We have a goddess to kill."

Then the beast smile as her red eyes glow.

"First. Turn this hideous place into nothing. Just like the rumors, make it into a desert. That's an order." Zero stands slightly bow down and smiled. "Should I eat their souls?" He smiled.

"Don't be greedy. My soul is enough to satisfy your hunger." She only looked straight when she answer.

"Of course, Your majesty." He pays respect and then look in front of him. Zero slowly raise his right hand and snap his finger. Then the dark smokes suddenly coming out from the ground below him.

"Rise" More of the dark like living smokes are coming out from below. Then he slowly spread his hand as the dark smoke slowly spreading. The Queen did not show any reactions nor hesitations even she knows what will happened in the place she once hold dear. Zero smiled devilishly as his red eyes glows.

"Now. Eat."

In a sudden, the dark smokes covers the whole place and the pile of dead bodies as well the wind is like slashing and in chaos. The hawks and vultures falling down from the sky, their cries in pain and agony.

"That's it. Eat my children. Alive or dead, you need to eat everything as our Dearest Majesty wishes for it." Zero chuckled after seeing that there's no emotion in Her Majesty's face.

The dark smoke feels like alive as the crunching of the bones are heard all over the place. Everything is eaten.

"The souls of your people- Shall I leave it all here behind. Your Majesty?" The Queen looked in Zero's eyes as he looked back at her.

"Don't let me repeat myself again." Her voice is empty. No emotions.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty"

That night, the moon witnessed the darkness of nothingness eating the kingdom of all kingdoms, PHILLEDIA.

Hi! I'll try to update the story for once a week @ 2:45am- Sorry for grammatical errors and spellings. I hope you have fun reading!! Thank you~

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