
My first day at school: part 3

"So thanks to technology now the lab can be accessible to anyone at any time. All we have to do is take your fingerprints and register them in the system and you guys can have full access to the lab for study purposes."  Said the lecturer. He approached the first student and took his prints and then went around the class doing the same. He finally got to the girl next to me and scanned her. The girl gave an unusual smile as if she knew the lecturer on a first name basis which I have to say I know nothing about. He finally got to me, "Mr. O'Casey, if you would please remove the glove" then it hit me, the glove was covering my glowing hand. I felt my fear rising; to think I would be figured out on my first day and in my first lesson. I didn't know what to do. "Mr. O'Casey, the glove" repeated the lecturer. Hesitantly and slowly, I pulled off the glove. I was more shocked than they were; my hand was not glowing, all that was left were the markings on my skin where the glow should have been. I put my thumb on the scanner and when it turned green I removed it. "You will have to remove that tattoo O'Casey," commented the lecturer "you're too young to be painting your skin." As I put back my glove everyone nearby stretched their necks trying to get a glimpse of my markings. "Pathetic" I chuckled. As the lecturer returned to the front of the class, I felt the glow return to my hand and as its light started showing at the tips of my fingers people in the room turned more of their attention towards me.

"Okay, we get it," said the lecturer, "he's handsome and maybe a little more than he should be" the laughter that erupted got rid of most of the tension in the room and made everyone face the front "but right now I need your attention too. I'm Mr. Naismith, Mark Naismith but students call me Mr. smith. I will be your new Biology teacher. Since I only have a few minutes left, I will just drill in my rules; first of, I value punctuality, so please keep time. Secondly, I noticed that some of you can hardly keep quiet so I can only allow occasional whispers but no noise please. Thirdly, I do not know most of you so in our next lesson you will have to introduce yourselves." And just then, I heard the gears of the bell shifting and I was in time to protect my ears from the agonizing ringing sound of the bell. As everyone was heading out of the room, Mr. smith beckoned me and I went to him. Just then, he grabbed the girl who sits next to me and said "Dalia Sweetheart, could you kindly show this young man his locker? Its number 547." She waited as I went back for my bag and returned to her. She left the classroom with me at her heels. I wanted to use my speed to look around the place, but then I saw cameras around the hallways. And since I was supposed to blend in, I didn't think that part of blending in would be to get caught on camera so I had to keep the slow pace. In this place," she said "you have to find your own crew to fit into; we have the Cool guys" she said pointing at some handsome gentlemen wearing jeans and baseball jackets on the left. "The Nerds" she said to a group of students who were wearing, the same glasses but in different colors. After passing by them, "The Infamous rappers" she said pointing at a group in guys wearing what I call rapper clothes from back in the early 2000s. "The Tech gigs" she said pointing at a group of students with big phones and a twitching drone in front of them. "The Crazy dudes" she said as we passed a group of guys who looked normal at first but then upon proper inspection were not as normal. "The Clowns" she said pointing at a group that was wearing funny garments. "The Saints." She said to the group of women approaching us; these women were the only people I considered to be wearing appropriate skirts and looking good in them. Their dresses were covering their whole bodies. She continued showing me some of the other groups and saved the best for last "And the Cool girls" she said approaching some really admirable girls with her arms wide. She hugged every one of them and then turned to face me. "Guys, this is-" "Kyle, right?" said one of the girls. The others turned to look at her completely surprised. "What, I heard it from a tweeting bird" said the girl who had said my name in a low and nervous tone.

Just then something at the corner of my peripheral view caught my attention. I turned and to my unexpected surprise it was Manda. Images of my first meet with her flashed before my eyes and I staggered. Luckily there was a wall nearby so I leaned against it. I felt a hand on my shoulder trying to turn me around. I shrugged it away as I tried to regain my composure. "Kyle." And I recognized the voice. I turned to face Barbara. "Are you okay?" she said with a desperately worried look as if she could feel that I was not okay. "I'm fine" I lied. As if she knew I did not want to talk about it, she took my hand and led me to my locker. By then I was on edge like crazy. If someone had approached me from behind I would have annihilated that person. She gave me the locker combination and I opened it. I found a picture of Ashley inside and I picked it up. I turned it around and found a note saying 'If you get nervous of scared, just raise your mental barriers. Protect yourself.' And I felt as if I had been splashed by a wave of calmness. I raised my mental barriers and composed myself. Then I took a book entitled Chemistry. I put it in my bag and followed Barbara. When I was walking next to her she said "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"So you are a mind reader"

"What?" I said surprised.

"I asked you in my head if you were okay and you answered me." She said with a satisfied grin.

"It just happens on its own sometimes. Even if I try to turn them off my powers just activate themselves when I'm not paying attention." I said trying to explain. It wasn't long before she opened a door and walked into the room. I followed slowly behind her and watched as she talked to the man standing in front  of all the students gathered in the laboratory. There were five rows in the laboratory and not to mention the fact that it was really big and full! I looked through the wall at the back and found allocated work stations with equipment used for conducting experiments. I looked around and found Dalia and her crew occupying one long desk with just one vacant seat next to Dalia. "Mr O'Casey, please be seated, it would be rude of me to have you stand throughout my lesson."