
My first day at school: part 2

Not wanting to find out what they were talking about, I quickly dashed to my bedroom and shut the door. When Ashley called for me a few minutes later I had brushed my teeth already and had my bag in my hand. I went for the door and went directly for Ashley's car. I found it unlocked so I got inside. Ashley and Bryce finally got out of the house and she locked the door. They both headed for Bryce's car. It seemed as if there was something that they were trying to settle but couldn't come to a proper decision. I felt a sharp pain in my chest before Bryce's car drove away. Ashley stood there until it turned at a corner and out of view. I saw her wipe her eyes and then walked towards her car. Her eyes were red and as soon as I saw that the pain in my chest got worse. She took the driver's seat and turned on the engine. "are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah I'm fine" she replied with a sob.

"That's a lie" I said with a suspicious look on my face.

"Wanna tell me what it is you were dreaming about last night?" she turned towards me.

"Don't change the topic" I said returning the same questioning look she had just given me. After a moment of silence, I asked her directly, "Did he hurt you?" even though o already knew the answer. "You are not answering my question" she answered. "nor are you, mother." And she gave me the stern look she always gave me when I was not complying. "Quit giving me that look mom, I've done nothing wrong" She gave out a loud sigh and brushed her hair back with her hand. We pulled up at the school's gate and she turned to look at me. "Please behave yourself and do not cause any trouble on you first day." She said solemnly.  "Yes mother" I replied. As soon as I opened the door a wave of uncertainty washed past me. I got the feeling that something was going to go wrong. I felt fear spreading in me but I hid it well and composed my posture. I stepped out of the car and I got the feeling that I did not belong there, mean it was true; I do not belong in a school for humans but then hey, when you just went head to head in the car with your mother you can't turn around and tell her that. I was heading towards the entrance when Ashley called me, then it hit me; I had forgotten my bag in the car. I went back to get it. "Be safe, please" said a desperate Ashley. "Don't worry mom," I said with a very convincing smile "I'll be fine" and I closed the door. I took a few steps forward and then I froze; I didn't know what to do or where to go. I was about to panic when I felt familiar hands wrap around me from behind. I stood there limp with my eyes wide. I then felt a warm kiss on the chick before she let go and went back into the car and drove off. I felt confident at that time that I could do just about anything. I walked towards the entrance only to find an unfriendly but familiar face. She walked up to me and said "You look presentable. Anyways I'm here to make sure that you behave yourself here. Impress me and I might let you stay around a little longer." And she walked away. And once again "I do not like that lady" I said to myself. She was the woman who had informed Ashley that she had orders to take me home so that I could live with her. Anyways as I was following everyone else I couldn't help but notice that they were staring at me. I pretended to ignore that but inside I was wondering what exactly was wrong with me. Unable to resist it, I looked at myself through another person's eyes; the victim was a blonde girl who was passing by me. I saw myself all normal looking except for one thing, I was glowing. In instinct, I tried to turn it off but only made it worse because I glowed brighter which got every person's attention. Now, they were not just staring, they were pointing too. I tried really hard to suppress it but it didn't help so I gave up and let it be. I found another victim who was a red haired boy but I still saw the same image as before. I looked like a freaking model and there was nothing I could do about it. I was a bright light wearing black leather clothes. Not wanting to be the center of attraction, I went through the boy's memories and I found the location of the reception. I picked up the pace and went there. When I got there I was surprised more that she was. It was Ashley's friend Barbara. She let me in and hugged me. "You look good in those" she said. "Thanks, you look magnificent yourself." I replied. She moved away and pressed a button on the wall next to the door which made my ears ring. I covered them as pain shot up to the front of my skull. She released the button and attended to me quickly. "I'm so sorry, I forgot you have super senses" I just nodded as a way of accepting her apology although it didn't make the pain go away any faster. I stayed there with her for a while as she told me everything I needed to know about the place, like where to find the men's room and where the cafeteria was and all that not. "I like your glow by the way" she said without looking at me.  In fear, I gave her the questioning look. "Relax," she held my shoulders "Ashley told me all about you." In that moment I didn't know what to do; mean, I couldn't get inside her head. What if she felt my presence there, that wouldn't be good. And it's not like I could ask her any question. What she asked me why I didn't look inside her thoughts for the answers of the questions I would ask her. When the hall ways had cleared up, she led me to my first class for the day; Biology. She knocked at the door, opened and walked in. I saw her talk to the lecturer before gesturing me to walk into the classroom. As soon as I did, the room went quiet as everyone looked at me. I heard a few gasps while others held their breaths. I went to the lady who was teaching and gave her a note from Ashley. After reading it she said "Mr. O'Casey, please be seated." As much as I hated being told what to do by strangers, I could not argue with her order. I looked around for the perfect seat if anything like that even exists but most of them were occupied. The corners which are usually good for people like me who do not want to be noticed were both occupied so I settled for another seat next to a blonde girl with fair skin, a sharp nose, crystal green eyes, perfect bunchy lips and nice rosy pink cheeks. She kinda looked familiar although I couldn't remember where I had seen her. My heart skipped a beat as I sat next to her and as soon as I did, I sensed something like disappointment or jealousy, or was it both? I'm not sure. Discarding the thought from my mind and shielding it, I faced the front like a good student. Then I looked around the laboratory; it was just like most laboratories that I had seen just not like the ones from back home, those were way more advanced than the ones down here. I started fixing the laboratory to make it look like the ones from home in my head… instead of charts I imagined the walls were painted with all the details on the charts, however, that was not enough to distract me from the thoughts of the people around me, mean I could feel my mental links brushing against everybody's thoughts. I wanted to lower my barriers and take a few peeks at their thoughts but I knew better. I felt some unusual pressure on my right side and I knew that someone was getting close to me. I turned in time to find the girl looking at me with dreamy eyes and a stretched out hand. "Hi, I'm Dalia" she said with a big smile. "I'm Kyle, pleasure to acquaint" I replied in an uninterested tone while shaking her hand. Something told me that she would have continued talking had the lecturer not started talking.