
My first day at school...

I opened my eyes early in the morning and heard voices from a distance. There seemed to be two people having a word exchange and it was not going well. As if they knew I was awake they decided to continue it later. I got out of my bedroom and went to the bathroom. I opened the glass doors of the shower and found a note inside saying "Use the Bath tub today" I did not like the idea, firstly because I had never used the bath tub, plus I had seen a lot of movies where assassins drowned their targets and at that moment I felt like a target about to be drowned. I was about to turn away when

I got this sick feeling, you know that feeling that you get when you are about to disappoint someone important to you? That's the feeling I got. I decided to put aside my fantasies and cleaned up. When I was done, the whole tub was glowing with my divine dirt and essence. I didn't know that this could even happen; mean, back home I just had a regular shower in the water falls and nothing happened, at least not something this spectacular. Maybe it was because I had my wings back then. I didn't enjoy the bath but then again it's not like I could complain about it to anyone.

I went back to my room after cleaning the tub and removing all the glowing cobalt blue scum on the walls of the tub. I found black leather clothes on the bed; it was properly made, not the way I had left it before heading out. I put them on and felt them absorb my body heat and then my body started glowing. My hair rearranged its self and became spiky.

I was heading to the kitchen when I started thinking about Bryce, he had a look of terror on his face last night not to mention his hands being scalded. The weird part was that there was silence in the kitchen. At first I thought they weren't there but then I heard their heart beats and I continued heading there but slowly. I walked in to the kitchen and the whole environment changed. There was a lot of tension in there. I sat down on the table and Ashley brought me some left over pizza slices from last night.

Since I wasn't hungry, I packed them in a lunch box. This whole time the only thing they had done was respond to my greeting, nothing else. No words, even their breathing patterns had changed; it was like they were holding their breaths and hoping that nothing like last night's events would be repeated in the kitchen. And that is what tempted me to read their thoughts, I mean, I was curious as to what was running up and about in their minds. I started with Ashley who was very easy to read. I felt her eyes on me before hearing her thoughts; "I wonder what he was dreaming about last night, I mean we all have bad dreams, even nightmares at times but it's like his attack ten times fold when he's asleep. And when he wakes up in the morning it's like nothing happened. He's all happy and smiling and optimistic. Makes me wonder if he has split personalities." Wait, what! Deities cannot have split personalities, it not in the manual. I mean I know that when we live double lives then it can happen that we adopt another personality but I was not living two lives so Big N When I went back into her thoughts I found her wrapped up in her work schedule and so I left her alone. Now, I knew I was banned from looking into Bryce's thoughts but from the frown he had on his face I was certain that something juicy was running in there so I dived in. The weird thing was, when I dived in, I was stopped by a very strong wall. I looked around but I couldn't find any weaknesses to it. It was like he knew I was going to get inside his head. Confused as I was, it was not possible for a human to shield their mind, or so I thought. I retracted my mental links and tried again. I saw him frown at me when I got inside his head so I just faked a smile and pretended to be going about my own business.

I found only fear in Bryce "I know that he is an alien but which species of aliens produce radiation in their sleep? Mean it's like living with a time bomb right next door. How are we supposed to sleep in the same house with this thing?" I knew that I was an alien but calling me a thing was going a little overboard. "And then there's Ashley who hangs on to this thing like it's a fragile egg that should not break by any chance. Talk about motherly love to an alien alright. Plus, she didn't even see the need to explain to me that she would be bringing work home, like what is the whole purpose of a relationship if there is no communicating? Guh! My working away from home was so much better and less complicated when you compare it to sharing a house with a freak like this kid. In fact, him being right next to me gives me goosebumps." I wanted to respond to his thoughts badly but I held back.

Partly because a moment ago he was shielding his thoughts and the fact that Ashley would know I had disobeyed her. When he said something about exposing me to the authorities my whole perspective about humans changed. I knew I would have to be careful on how I approached them. I shut off my mind and turned to Ashley but she was gone. As if on cue, Bryce also left the kitchen and I was alone. I was heading back to my bedroom when I heard hushed tones in Ashley's bedroom.