
Fallen Earth

Mx_175 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The dark lair

descending down the stairs a large room with a tall roof is visible, a large set of Knight armor sits in the center with a large iron broadsword stuck in the ground next to it, you accidently step on a trap on the floor making spikes rise out of the ground too fast for a human to react to, the spikes nearly penetrate through your stomach but luckily they only grazed your leg. you lose your balance and fall onto the ground as the spikes recede into the ground, the spikes are then covered back up under the floor by a piece of stone being pushed above the spikes but under the floor s that the spikes were not visible.

you take a closer look at the floor, and accidently trigger a tripwire that sets off a trap that shoots a spear and it lands right in between your legs, you have a frightened look on your face as the spear dissolves, the tripwire sets itself back up to be triggered again, you try to take another close look at the floor and realize that the majority of walking space on the floor are just unpredictable traps which makes them deadly.

the armor in the center of the room is still not moving so you look at the ground being careful of your every step aso as to not trigger another trap, you feared that a certain trap would activate the armorin the middle of the room, then when you were looking at the ground, you weren't paying attention to the top of you, then you trigger another tripwire, this time with your head.

another spear falls and dissolves as you trigger another trap after having stepped back to avoid the spear, then flames shoot out of the ground burning your foot, you sit down slowly to wait for the pain to reced as you eat painkillers and try to cool your foot, good thing you were wearing thick boots for climbing the mountain so your burn wasn't too severe.

The armor starts moving and you wonder why, since you haven't stepped on anything since the fire, then you realize that it wasn't a specific trap the triggered the armor, it was if too many traps were triggered, the armor would stand up to get rid of the intruders that were still alive after having not been killed by the traps already deadly enough to kill, but combine deadly traps with a large set of possessed armor with a large broadsword and It would seem impossible to survive.

as soon as the armor stood up, cold and blue particles started gathering on your hand, it slowly formed ice in the shape of a square, it freezes over your entire hand making It harder to move, the armor slowly walks towards you avoiding the traps, you think if only you could use the armor avoiding the traps to your advantage to find out where the traps are then you could avoid them and get to the door on the other side.

but the ice slowed you down too much to be able to do that, did the creators of the traps intend for that or not was a question he had in his head but didn't have the time to ponder about it as the armor swings making you have to jump out of the way and stepping on another trap, you lie down quickly and the spikes go around your body, you had memorized the pattern of the spikes making it easy to avoid them, and you can tell whether or not it is a spike trap when there are five small points in the ground.

The armor stepsin a weird pattern, the traps were basically made so that the armor could walk around the room normally while avoiding the traps, you think that maybe you could use the traps against the armor to slow it down so that you can watch for traps and go towards th door safely, you see a trap with no points going down and make the armor walk on top of it, you then throw one of your shoes onto the trap to trigger it, the spear flys down stunning the armor, you run and pick up your shoe and triggering the trap again, you run towards the door while carefully avoiding the traps, then a wall of fire blocks the door, when you attempt to enter.

the armor starts walking towards you again with each step going louder as it comes up behind you, you count down , one, two, three and jump out of the way of the door, the armor swings its sword down and breaks open the door along with the fire wall trap allowing entrance to the other room, any normal person would've died before they even reached this room, you try to enter the next room, but the armor swings its sword to the side unexpectedly slamming you into the wall, you land on a trap but it doesn't activate, you nearly pass out but then you remember something, you were climbing the mountain in iceland, but not this mountain.

it was the same mountain but in another dimension, you remember that you only knew you had to enter the castle but couldn't figure out why, you didn't think much f it at the time, but now that you think about it, you were able to see a village when you were in the middle of climbing the mountain, but after a large cloud bloakced your vision you couldn't remember anything, you think that you were transported into the dimensions after the cloud blocked your vision making it impossible to see behind you.

but you clearly remember that the village wasn't there when you looked back, instead there was only a ghost of the village you first saw before being transported, it was destroyed, with no smoke or anyone visible in it, it was just wrecked at sitting there to be forgotten in snow.

you get your focus back after being in a daze for awhile and see that the armor had stopped moving for good, you had dropped the shoe and it landed on a spike trap, this made the set of armor stop moving after being stuck in place since the spikes weren't receding, then when you walked up to the armor, the legs of the armor were ripped off as the spikes receded, and you realized one more thing about the traps, they would only deactivate if someone were close to them, alive or dead.

you think to yourself, "if that armor wasn't alive or dead, then what was it?" you can't think of a logical explanation to say what the armor was or if something was possessing it, for now the answer of something was possessing it was the closest answer.

a bright light shines from behind the door, you go up to it despite it's blinding light, and see a scroll, you open the scroll and it reads a message, "if you see this scroll, then congratulations, you have made it passed the first challenge on your way to resurrecting the human race in this dimension, the world was destroyed in this dimension after WW3 happened, major powers across the globe were hacked and every missile and nuke in the world were sent to every location on the globe.

because of this, the hacker was also killed in the destruction that ensued, after this the remaining survivors killed each other to survive, now all that's left of the world is ruin and death, to restore this world so that the bombing won't happen, you must go to every dungeon until you reach the final chasm where the orb is left to charge for this very moment, I regret that I cannot personally see to this matter but I am a God and must abide the law."

just then, you grab the scroll off the table and see dark blue orbs surrounding you from head to toe, you see a blinding white light, as you slowly open your eyes, you see a large desert, too large ofa desert to see over the horizon, a black cube floats above it, barely touching the ground, it radiates a dark aura, black circles around it, as the wind blows up sand in your eyes, the cube turns, as if it's looking at you, the cube glides over to you and you take a few steps back, it goes up above you slowly, then as fast as a human can react, the human drops down nearly smashing you into a pile of boneless flesh, like a jellyfish.

The area goes black as a black circle cuts off you and the cube from the world, you start to float up slowly as well, like in the circle there is anti-gravity, you reach the ceiling of the circle and get propelled right off nearly hitting the bottom and incredible speeds, you can feel your body being pushed down by a sudden weight, it appears the cube can control the gravity in the circle without affecting itself.

you get held down for well over five minutes before the circle dissapears, you fall to the ground face first into a mound of sand, the wind picks up again blowing more sand into your eyes, the desert turns scorching hot as the sun rises, touching the sand for even three seconds would scar your skin, this challenge would prove to be a lot more difficult than the first later on.