
Fallen Earth

Mx_175 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Dark cube

you stand up to see the cube gone, what looks like a portal left in it's place, you ponder whether to enter or not before walking up to it and placing your hand inside, someone thing grabs you and pulls you in, it then showings you around until finally throwing you out another portal landing on the sand on your face.

you quickly get up before getting burned, you look behind and the portal is gone, so is the other, you start wander the desert in search of water or the cube, you see an oasis just over the horizon and run as fast as you can, your mouth is dry, your throat too sore to speak, you drink the water as it turns dark, night falls and the cube reappears behind you, you see it in the reflection of the water.

in the water it looks as If its waving at you, but that's just the ripples in the water, a large dark tentacle emerges from behind the cube and starts chasing you, it finally stop after running for what feels like an hour, the cube is not far behind but it seems that the tentacle can only go so far from the cube before having the be stretched out to go any further, just then, the cube teleports in front of you, and nine more tentacles grow out of its back, they all chase you as the cube follows in pursuit as well.

The tentacles smash the ground with every miss lifting sand up and blocking the cubes vision of you, you think that you could use this to your advantage so you run to the oasis, once you reached the oasis the tentacles smash a wall of sand in betweenn you and the cube, you quickly hide behind a tree avoiding being seen, you cube circles the oasis as you circle the tree avoiding detection by the cube.

The cube spots you as your arm goes behind the tree, it destroys the tree and starts giving chase again, this time the tentacles now look like spikes with an angle facing downwards at the end, the cube uses its spikes to make a cage around you, just barely too small for a adult to get out of, you try to squeeze out of it's grasp but see no way out, it holds you there until sunrise and a black jelly starts oozing out from the bottom of the cube.

it flows until the entire area of space under you is covered in the black ooze, you slowly sink down into the ooze and see yourself on top of a large cave, larger than any you've seen before, you try to jump out but end up grabbing a part of the tree that was destroyed earlier.

you drop down and nearly land on your head, but land on your arm to break your fall, the place seemed to have close to no gravity, some places you rise and some you get held down unable to move, but you were teleport Ed into what you wanted to call the "goldilocks zone" it has neither no gravity or too much gravity, just enough gravity to stand but not float.

The cub slowly enters in from the top, but now the cube is white, white humanoid creatures rise from the ground like ooze coming out of the cave, they surround you not allowing you to run anywhere, the cube comes down and smashes into the ground, it lands just in front of your feet nearly smashing your foot into nothing, the white humanoids starts shaking and explode launching the ooze everywhere, the ooze gets onto your arm and starts burning.

a fire with heat but no flame, heat but no burns, invisible fire that doesn't scar, only the heat from fire but from that which is not visible, a monochrome color surrounds the now square cave, with black swords falling from the ceiling that aren't visible due to the color of the place, black swords blend in the the black background in every direction, the cube still floats atop the area watching you, waiting for you to die.

you bump into a long object, you pick it up and the sword becomes white, you can now see the sword in the black surrounding and attempt to fight off the white humanoid creatures, you swing your sword downwards on one of them cutting them down, the sword gets stained in black when you killed the creature, it lay still on the ground slowly turning black, you then spot a green potion falling from the ceiling towards you,it drops nto the floor but it doesn't break, you try to pck it up but the creatures grab you from behind dragging you backwards as if trying to not let you reach the potion.

you cut more of the creatures down and the sword becomes even more stained in the black blood of the creatures, but the floor becomes white hen the creatures die, in a visible puddle of blood, when black touches white it becomes black, when white touches black it becomes white.

you kill each one of the creatures in an desperate attempt to get to the potion, but your man concern becomes the creatures as more and more start rising out of the ground, they swarm you and it is extremely hard to kill them all but you decide to charge in one direction to get out the circle you were trapped in, you hack and slash through the horde to get not be surrounded, the bodies start piling up until all that's left is a dull sword in your hand and multiple piles of bodies.

The creatures are thinning in numbers and don't seem to be coming as quickly as they were before, you have scratches all over your body from the creatures, after killing a few more creatures, the floor shakes, the cube seems angry, creatures start rising from the ground faster than before, swords start raining from the sky again, the swords stab and impale the creatures and nearly you as well, the swords cut your arm as you hurry to raise a body overhead to block the swords.

but the force from the swords is too great and you lose hold of the body, the swords rain down around you killing everything, the creatures scream as they are impaled and cut until they die, there are multiple bodies seen throughout the place now littered with multiple swords in them, then when all the creatures die, the cube targets you, the swords all chase after you, with every step you take a sword drops down behind you, you bump into a sword and the swords catch up to you, the potion was still safe so you went towards the potion thinking it migh be able to help defeat the cube, just then as soon as you were about to pick up the potion, a sword falls down piercing your hand and breaking the potion.

you scream in pain as the sword goes through your sword almost instantly, the swords then catch up to you again and you get impaled by over a hundred swords, your journey was over.