
Fallen Earth

Mx_175 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The dark castle chapter 3

you walk towards the next room in the hallway to find a another bedroom, you look around for a diary or an paper of any sort but find nothing.

you figure since you haven't found anything in the beroom, you go onward to the next room and see that there is no other room beyond that point, the whole castle seemed to be at least a two person home, 2 bedrooms, 1 kitchen and a library, but whoever first lived here is a mystery since this place has never been researched into before.

you head back to the library and go up to the third room, you stretch a bit before entering, after having rested for awhile you feel energized and ready to take on any challenge or puzzle, but nothing could've prepared you for what came in the third room, a large skull hang above the ceiling, slits with auto-aiming crossbows in them following your every move, a large boulder sitting at the top.

You wonder to yourself, "how is this possible? is there any way around it?" you hde behind the only wall and all the crossbows immediately lock in place directly where you were last seen, you walk out of the right side after having entered from the left to test the crossbows first and see that they will only follow something that is visible from where they are locked in.

The skull on the ceiling didn's seem to be moving but you know that it has the have something to do with the challenge, the boulder sitting atop the small mountain starts slowly going down, but it hits a large rock and flys off the side, the sound of the boulder hitting the ground doesn't come back up.

Only the shattered fragments of the boulder are all that's left of it, the other large stone seemed to be wedged in place unable to move, but then when you approach the mountain with utmost care, you hear a clicking sound and the bridge behind you opens up a hole at the center, the bolder comes rising out of the Hoole as the skull above starts shaking like it's about to fall, the boulder starts moving towards you slowly.

The boulder was slow so dodging it was easy but If the skull above falls and destroys the bridge behind you, you would have nowhere to run to, you walk to the mountain avoiding the boulder that is defying physics and going upwards instead of downwards.

climbing up the mountain with only your bare hands, multiple times you nearly fall all the way back down, the mountain seems to be man-made with multiple areas along the mountain which looks like camping gear from people who have been here in the past, it looked like they had already knew about the challenge beforehand and had Brough food, water and made a small home with materials brought in from outside.

you look up above the mountain which has no roof, you start breathing heavily as a sudden feeling of weakness binds you again, your bones are ow starting to grow weaker by the minute again, as water below the bridge starts to rise, the skull starts shaking more as if struggling to get free from its chains, dirt starts pouring in from the ceiling along with small rocks peeking in through the crevices in the ceiling.

The water has now risen to the surface of the bridge and the skull shakes even more, you immediately stand up and start racing agaisn't time to survive, your arms weaken making climbing the mountain increasingly difficult, if not for your fear of heights, you would have gotten to the top already, even climbing the mountain all the way up to the castle was extremely difficult added with his fear.

The water level has now risen so high the mountain now looked like a hill and the room rumbles as the skull disattaches itself from the roof, plunging into the water causing massive waves of water to flow in every direction causing the room to rumble more, because of the skull falling the water level instantly rises even higher, you near the top of the mountain to see a black sword resting atop the mountain, you pick up the sword and see a place to place it into, you plunge the sword into the hole and the water stops rising.

by the time this happened the water had already risen to your feet, now the water goes down from what sounds like a draining system, but the floor shakes and a another large skeleton stands up from the bottom f the hole, this oe larger than the other, much much larger, you can't see its legs but know that it is standing.

a small hole opens just barely large enough for a person to fit inside, you starts crawling inside the hole as fast as you can as the skeleton raises its hand and smashes the area of the hole behind you, upon each smash more rock block the way you came, and soon you reach a point where the skeleton doesn't seem to be able to touch you anymore, so you keep crawling until you find a door evading to a small garden with a glass roof, you are able to see the surface of the outside mountain from the garden roof, the sunlight reflects on the glass bouncing off it and shining on you, in the castle it is dark, but on the surface the mighty sun shines bright.

but this isn't the last challenge, a door opens leading down more twisting and winding stairs before reach the prison cell again as it dissapears behind you for the third time leaving you in the library with the wind no more, you decide to rest for two more days and then continue down the stairs, you are extremely fatigued after facing three near impossible challenges.

instead of sleeping for two days, due to your fatigue you end up sleeping for a week, then when you finally wake up, you go eat and drink and descend down the stairs, you don't know what to expect because nothing is predictable in a dungeon, you go into a wide and tall room.