
Fallen Earth

Mx_175 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The dark castle chapter 2

You open the door to see an spear fly out barely scratching your face, the spear lands on the ground and lights the carpet on the stairs behind you on fire, the door shuts, locking you in the room, you wander around the room until a fire lights up, and then multiple torches light up to reveal a bridge covered in vines and moss, the bridge is wooden and unstable, it shakes when you step on it, but the stables Ness of the bridge is the least of your worries as a big canno like pertrusion comes out of the front wall.

it fires a another spear at you but you manage to get out of the path of the spear quick enough to see that the fire goes out immediately after it lands, the spear dissolves into the air, not a single particle left of it, you walk out onto the bridge and immediately figure out the mechanism.

first, the spear gets fired from the cannon like pertrusion, then when the spear dissapears, it is dissolved and reformed back in the trunk of the launcher to be fired again, as for the fire, that still remains a mystery, and the launcher seems to have a motion detecting method of some sort bt there are no signs of anything of the sort.

as the third spear fires and misses, you walk to the center of the bridge, suddenly the launcher starts moving up, down. left an right then finally focuses on you, it seems o be aiming at you unlike before when it was blindly firing in any direction without focus, the fourth spear narrowly misses and also leaving a trail of blazing fire in its path, the fire almost burns your arm.

you run faster than before not thinking about keeping balance but about making It to the other side as quick as possible, you dash forward with each time a spear passes your body leaving a hot sensation in your arms everytime they pass, the fire keeps blazing by each time coming faster and with more force, the spear nwo dissolves in a second as soon as it goes past you.

you reach the last part of the bridge and suddenly mre pertrusion come out of the wall, five of them, the fire from the spears is beautiful as it is dangerous, the fire dances in every second of flight, whilst te spear symbolises its fury and wrath.

yo reach the other side, but the spears sare still firing, you run around the platform around the pertrusions, and enter a dark room, you hear the spears hitting the roof of the room but not piercing it, the room is hot and starts heating up even further, you stop to look for either a way out or a button to stop the spears and heat, the room looks like a maze, with the heat increasing in one minute intervals, it appears the source of the heat is coming from behind the right wall of the room, so you decide to stay on the left.

luckily you made the right call and managed to enter a large room with a tall roof overhead, stained glass like in medieval churches, the light of the sun shines in, a door opens leading to a stairway out of the castle, but you feel as if you mustn't leave and go deeper inside, there lies a stone tablet, a puzzle, "there are four buttons across the room, fint the right order and the tablet may move." you look around the area and see the four buttons.

looking for clues to solving the puzzle, you look under the chairs and find a old piece of paper from a person who was here before you, someone who also had the resilience to brave the challenges, it reads "the key to the puzzle is to think not with an open mind, but with your eyes." you think to yourself why someone would write something like this instead of immediately saying the answer, you go to one of the four buttons and read te tablet above it, to the south, you go to the south button and it reads, "to the north.." onto the north button it reads "the east is near" it think the east button is the first one.

you press the button and nothing happens, so you move onto the west and press it, still nothing happens, then as soon as you pressed the south button the sets of armor start rising nearby the North button, they hold iron swords, clad in chain mail armor, with bones cracking and twisting, the undead charge at you and start swinging their swords, thankfully they are slow but they are numerous in numbers, looking at them there are too many to count, you dodge the skeletons and reach the North button, then suddenly wind blows you back as a large skeleton breaks through the wall behind you, it starts stomping towards you, until it finally reaches you as you gaze at it from below, it raises its sword and prepares to strike.

you run away and go behind it, the sword goes down, smashing the floor revealing a hole too deep to see the bottom, the skeleton swings around the room leaving holes everywhere and making it harder to reach the North button, the human sized skeletons stand up again and this time start charging towards you, they are hit into a hole by the larger skeleton and you run off towards the north button hoping that it will bring you back to the peace of the library, you slam the button with all your strength exhausted.

The skeletons stop moving and a door opens up going up a set of stairs, on top of the stairs there is a pathway that winds and goes up and down until finally reaching the prison cell you were kept in before, and same as last time, the door dissapears behind you as soon as you shut it, you are finally back at the library and eat some food before sitting down to rest, then you think that you should explore the rest of the castle to see if there is anything that could possibly help you with the next challenge.