
Fallen Earth

Mx_175 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The dark castle

The dark castle lay still in the mountaintop in iceland, covered in snow and frozen in the sands of time, approaching the castle a dark feeling rests on your shoulders, you walk slowly as the weight of the air surrounding you gets heavier and heavier, you sit down momentarily to catch your breath and try to squint your eyes to see what's around you, but as far as the eye can see is just snow.

a single being exists in the castle, left in it for who knows how long, you enter and venture the long halls, the windows wide open letting in cold air and snow, you turn left on the first hall on reach a room, it looked to be a bedroom of some sort, a book lies a table nearest the door, you approach the table and pick up the book, a diary.

The diary reads, "iv'e been in this castle for far too long, my bones grow weak by the passing day, the puzzle harder to solve, I pray that the next one who enters breaks the curse and frees the spirit - Henry"

it seems like others were here before you, your breath comes out cold, each breath you feel the warmth in your body being sapped away, maybe the curse is real?, either way, you feel like you must go in as if your life depended on it, going deeper through the halls, you reach a second room, this castle seems quite lacking in rooms for a castle.

in the second room a bookshelf is seen first, then around it, a large library, in the center is a door in the floor, you open it to see a flight of steep stairs going down, suddenly, the air got colder, you find it hard to breath and finally, you collapse.

you wake up in a dark room, the air is warm, the smell of iron is strong and your bones are limbs are weak.

a few weeks prior, a riot first broke out in NYC, some people died including police officers, this caused the second uproar, after the second uproar, more people died causing an outrage worldwide, with a domino affect like in the first world war, more countries started going to war with eachother, the riot was first caused by a failure in war with a rival country at the time, many soldiers were sacrificed in a bloody battle, the families of these soldiers were outraged at the act and decided to start rioting, first they gathered members online on the internet, they made websites

the time the riot started, they had amassed over a hundred thousand people by the end of the year, others who had pride in their nation now felt disgusted.

you stand up, holding onto the wall to keep balance, the floor is cold and hard, there is nearly no light in the room, you don't know where you are, just that you are not in the library anymore, everything hurts, as if your bones grow weak by the hour, you recall the diary, "it must be the curse, it's real." you whisper to yourself.

The wnd blows into your face as if whispering for you to follow it, the iron barred doors lowly creaks open with the smell of rust, you look around and light a fire with a lighter you had in your pocket which you had used to keep when climbing the mountain, you look into the other cells and see the empty shells of creatures who were once human, though they looked as if dead for a thousand years, their bodies are preserved by the cold temperature of the mountain, but they are as skinny as the human skeleton with only flesh left on the surface but no organs on the inside, dried blood sit next to the bodies ongoing to return to where they belonged.

you follow the flow of wind, thinking there might be the exit or a door towards the exit,

you walk out and see the library, you look around to make sure this was the library you had passed out in before, you look behind you and the door is gone, as if it never existed there in the first place, when you first entered you didn't see any doors either.

you try to go down the stairs towards the basement of the castle, the wind is gone, yur bones free of the curse, you think to yourself "something must've happened to me in the cell." the library had a another floor, but you wanted to go down the stairs first, then all of a sudden the air came rushing from the stairs again, so you decide to

go upstairs first to see if there is anything to stop the air, the first room you enter has many stone slabs on the side with empty holes in the floor, under the floor lies iron spikes with many dead inside, it appears most who challenged the puzzle died in the first room, you pick up a slab and slowly walk towards an empty slot, putting down the slab, the floor suddenly turns to ice and wind blows in front of you pushing you backwards to the entrance, but by now the door was locked shut.

you had thought this as a easy puzzle but the difficulty just went up hundredfold to a life threatening situation, you look around for any way around the ice and wind, but see o other way, then you spot a rusty sword and tiptoe over to it carefully avoiding slipping, you pick up the heavy sword and stick it into the ground, it worked to keep you standing and not being pushed back, you pick up the second slab and keep stabbing the sword into the ground, and pushing forward with all your remaining strength, you lower your hand along with the slab and put it into the empty slot.

you take out the sword purposely letting yourself get blown back, but the force of the impact was greater than you had anticipated and you nearly broke your spine agaisn't the wall, but the stone wall still holds still not making a single crack or dent, you limp over to the last remaining slab and do the same thing again, but this time when you got to the center of the room whilst the empty slot laughs at the back of the room, water comes out of the walls, the floor is covered in water, as you lose your balance and nearly falling down, you walk forward with the utmost caution for even the smallest change in the room, when you finally reach the side of the empty slot, the water makes you lose your balance again and you slip into the empty slot.

you hold onto the sword as hard as you can, but your hands are sweaty and you start slipping off, when the water stops and you throw the slab into the empty slot and climb up before it goes in.

you climb up to see the room full of multicoloured lights, floating round rainbows dancing around the dark room as the lights dissappear as quickly as they had appeared, you walk out to the library stairs and sit down on a couch in the middle, you take a book from one of the bookshelves and start reading, after reading for about two hours, you walk around the castle more and what looks like a kitchen, before the world went to hell, you had studied history but never had you seen anything like the kitchen in this castle in any of your studies before.

I the kitchen you find an assortment of foods that appear to be fresh and well preserved, but you are worried whether or not to actually eat the food, because you had ran out of rations when climbing up the mountain, so you went to pick up your backpack and started stuffing food into it for later, you eat a large meal first along with some water and head to the next door.