
Fallen Angel - An Eternal Love Story

"Let's meet again in our next life.. Ok?" "Don't say like that please.." "I love you" "I love you too".. A forbidden & heart-touching love story between A Fallen Angel and A Human being.. Duke, a fallen angel who was supposed to be the cause of Juliet's death fall in love with each other. Will their love bloom or let them to a dead end?

Scarlet_C · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 8: First Day

Duke was working on his desk opposite to Juliet as he was her personal secretary so his desk was inside her room. Juliet was a bit zoned out because..meeting this guy 3 times a row was too much to be a coincidence.. and more to add that he was her personal secretary now.... but as she had tons of works to deal with so she didn't thought much about it and concentrated on her PC.

On the other hand Duke had taken an oath to himself for making her fall for him so that he can complete the task as fast as possible. He knew it that first two meetings were coincidental but the third time it was a very well planned one for a longer time..he had a motive to approach her this time so he was gonna stick around her all the time until she deeply fall in love with him.. it was a matter of pride for him.. He wanted to take a revenge on her for making his years of hard work in vain. He was determined to do the task by hook or crook.

"Ma'am this file needs your signature." Duke went to Juliet's desk and placed the file. Juliet looked at him and ask him to sit down.

"Is it a coincident again?" Juliet asked while signing the file.

"Sorry ma'am I didn't get you." Duke replied like he didn't has a clue of it.

"I'm asking you that we are meeting for the third time is it really a mere coincidence?" Juliet explained politely.

"Yes ma'am I have been applying to companies and when I got a call from "Dreams" I was really happy..... and for the last time on the Graveyard I'm sorry to say you like that actually I lost my previous job so I was depressed." Duke lied the whole without a stop.

"Oh...then it was like that.... it's ok I didn't mind at all. But may I ask you one question?"

"Yes ma'am please." Duke said after easily getting away from that matter.

"On your resume you didn't mention your surname.. I don't want to sound rude but..." Duke cut her words..."I don't have one.. I was born and left alone on an orphanage's door. So they named me Duke.."

Juliet felt sad about it.... though they had a different childhood but in this world they two were kinda similar.... They didn't have anyone whom they can call mom,dad. "I'm sorry for asking like that.."

"It's ok ma'am.. then I'll get back to my work."

Time skipped to 7:50 p.m.

Juliet was waiting in front of her office as Duke went to bring the car.

A black car appeared and Duke came out from the car. " Ma'am please get in." Duke opened the car door for her. Juliet went in. Duke started driving. "Duke I do the rest of the work from home after 10 p.m. so I may need to contact you then but is it a problem for you?" Juliet asked while staring at her tab.

"No ma'am you can call me anytime for the work." Duke replied. Juliet said "actually it's just for some weeks that you need to work overtime as you know I was away from work for some days..... And you don't have to call me ma'am when we are off work I saw your resume and you are 3 years older than me so just call me by my name when we are outside the office."

Duke left a sigh while thinking..." Idiot woman I'm not 3 years but more than 333 years older than you.." but leaving that thought aside he said " ok ma'am.... Sorry I mean Juliet."

"Where do you live!?" Juliet asked Duke. It was a golden opportunity for him so he wanted to use it properly. So, he said "I was unemployed so I couldn't pay the rent and I had to leave the apartment for that. I am sleeping in the Sauna at night for now & I guess I'll be living there for some time until I manage to find an accommodation." Duke made up an emotional story because he knew Juliet will buy it.

And likewise Juliet felt sad for his messed up life as being an orphan and now not even having a home to stay so she said "Actually it will be a real help if you can work with me after office hours as well..As I was hospitalized for a while, there is a lot of piled up work.. and for the accomodation you can stay in my house because my previous secretary also used to stay there. I have plenty of vacant rooms in my house... Is it okay for you to stay there?"

Duke got what he planned to get. A smirk appeared on his lips which was unseen by that innocent girl. " Yes it's absolutely fine with me and thank you for your help.. I'll move out when I find a suitable accomodation." Duke said to Juliet.

"Okay then you can move in tomorrow." Juliet said Duke with a smile.

They reached the mansion..and Duke opened the door for her. She stepped down...

"Julie...!" A baby voice startled Duke. He looked back for the owner.

"Lisa don't run! Ah slow down baby!!" Lisa ran to Juliet and hugged her knees... Juliet bend down and picked her in her arms..." Did you bring the Barbie I told you to!?" Lisa asked with a questioned face.

"Yes I did baby but I told you to not run then why were you running and it's so cold outside...you are only wearing a thin frock! What if you catch a cold!" Lisa kissed her cheek and said "You are holding me so I am not gonna catch a cold and please make me some yummy food Lisa is starving Julie" Lisa pout after saying these things. Juliet chuckled on her cuteness saying "okay my drama queen let's head inside first and I will make you something delicious." Juliet started walking but paused and looked back at Duke...." Duke there is a Barbie doll on the back seat..can you please bring that inside!?"

Duke replied "yes." Juliet went inside while carrying Lisa on her arms. Duke was standing still like a stone statue. He thought to himself " How can I make a woman who is a mother fall in love with me!!!"

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