
Fallen Angel - An Eternal Love Story

"Let's meet again in our next life.. Ok?" "Don't say like that please.." "I love you" "I love you too".. A forbidden & heart-touching love story between A Fallen Angel and A Human being.. Duke, a fallen angel who was supposed to be the cause of Juliet's death fall in love with each other. Will their love bloom or let them to a dead end?

Scarlet_C · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 14: Essence of Reality Part 2

Juliet woke up in her usual time in the morning and got ready for office. But today there was no one to welcome her in the car. She got a text from Duke early in the morning saying,

"I have something urgent to look for so I'll be taking a day off".

Juliet was in a foul mood for his sudden leave of absence. But it's also true that Duke never took a leave after he joined the company,

"But why texting at 5 a.m. in the morning!? Did some serious problem occurred!"

These questions were going on her mind. To solve these mind war Juliet texted Duke and called him several times also but Duke didn't took it. Only "the number you have called is currently switch off" tone ringed to Juliet's ears. She was restless about it. It was a feeling that she couldn't express through words. The first thing that came into her mind was what if Duke would never return!?

Juliet's thoughts came to an end as the driver said "we have reached ma'am".

Juliet got out of the car and went straight to her office. The busy day started. It was about ten minutes after she started working on her computer, she noticed an awkward silence. An incomparable emptyness that was covered the whole cabin. She used to work in silence, lot of noises were always a distraction for her. But she couldn't deny that in the present situation she cannot work without the person who always sit in the opposite direction. She was missing those shy eye contacts with him,his typing sound on keyboard, clicking sound of the mouse....which were insignificant to her until now. But these all things were making a big hollowness in this situation. Noone gave morning coffee to Juliet today, noone is saying 'eat first then get back to work." , Noone will get lunch for her.... It's not like she cannot do these works by herself, it's just she got used to Duke doing these things for her that she doesn't know the way back from these habits now.

Juliet didn't has much appetite so she skipped her lunch. It was 4:30 of the evening, when she left for home today because she couldn't stand watching the empty chair in front of her anymore. She drived back home and went to her bedroom, even refused to play with Lisa as well. She was upset, she felt like an abundant child. She tried to call Duke few more times but the result was same as before. It has already 11 o'clock but Duke didn't get back to home. Now it was too much for her to bear. She took her car keys and rushed down. But where will she go? Where will she find him? In the middle of the night her questions seemed to be scattering in the darkness. As she opened the main door of the house, a man appeared in front of her. The man he was missing the whole day was now standing in front of her.

She was relieved to see Duke again but he seemed zoned out for some reason. Juliet was worried so she asked,

" Where did you go suddenly?? Was any relative of yours got ill?? Why your phone was off this whole time??? Why do you look so pale?? Did you eat anything the whole day!??? Duke!!! don't just stand there tell me what happened?? Mmm???"

But Duke didn't answer anything. His complexion became so pale just in a day. Juliet put her hand on his cheek and again said " it's ok if you don't want to tell me... Hmmm!? Let's go inside... I'll make you some instant noodles ok!?"

Juliet was saying these while caressing his cheek. Duke's heart quivered in this warmth and he dropped his head on her shoulder and snuggled in her nape. Juliet sensed something was wrong so she only patted his back and said "it's okay I am here, it's ok".

These words made Duke more vulnerable as warm tear drops felt on her shoulder. She could feel that Duke was really upset because he is not a person to cry until the very end. She embraced him tightly while patting his back with a shushing sound. They stayed like that for ten more minutes then she said "are you alright now?? Should we go ea.."

Before she could finish her sentence,Duke lift his head and without uttering a word he went  towards his room.

Juliet thought he needs time for composing himself so she didn't follow him. She closed the main door but her heart was aching as she  watched him in that state. So while going upstairs she stopped by his room and put her hand on the door as if she realised on the other side Duke was standing. She said in a very low and comforting tone "Duke, I don't know why you are sad or what happened in a day that made you cry like that, but remember one thing... Everything will be fine with the new day and I will always be there for you whenever you need me, take a rest I will see you tomorrow".

Juliet left after saying these heartfelt words but on the other side she didn't notice a man was crying silently while holding the door like his dear life.

Thank you for reading..❤

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