
Fallen Angel - An Eternal Love Story

"Let's meet again in our next life.. Ok?" "Don't say like that please.." "I love you" "I love you too".. A forbidden & heart-touching love story between A Fallen Angel and A Human being.. Duke, a fallen angel who was supposed to be the cause of Juliet's death fall in love with each other. Will their love bloom or let them to a dead end?

Scarlet_C · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 13: Essence of Reality Part 1

The next few weeks went quite well, with Juliet having the best time with her newly formed 5 membered family, living happily under one roof. The office was also gearing up it's pace. One more thing changed in Juliet's life in these last few months. A special nameless relationship started to sprout from the deepest part of her heart with that person who suddenly appeared on her life, the person whom she thinks her guardian angel, Duke.

If it was one sided then may be the feelings would not found a place which it can call a home. But it was on the way for finding it's sweet shelter. The feelings seem to get reciprocated from the other person as well. Both of them started to feel the same. Though they didn't said it to each other until now but that 'first kiss' started to take a step from lips towards heart. They both were happy in their own way but together. And this happiness make Duke forget about the actual reason for which he had became an earthling.

The car's windows shattered into pieces, the glasses spread everywhere, a thick stream of blood was flowing from Juliet's forehead. Her voice light and low "Du..ke... Duk...e, ho-ho-how could yo..u do this to me..." A bloody hand was pointing a person who was none other than Duke.




With the rapid breathing and huffing sounds Duke got up from his deadly dream... No for him it was a nightmare. Duke poured the glass on the stand with water and gulped it down in one go. Small sweat drops forms in a line on his forehead, his heart is racing, uneven breathing and a throbbing pain in the head was killing him. He couldn't sit on his bed anymore. He went towards Juliet's room. He knew it is inconvenient at 2 a.m. in the morning to go to someone else's room but Duke felt helpless.

The main door and Duke's room is connected through a passage and as Duke sometimes has to work in Juliet's main house the main door of the house remains open. The outside door of the house is closed which is the other door for Duke's room as well. He tiptoed the main door then the staircase. Atlast he reached in front of Juliet's room.

He tried as low as possible and made a clack sound of the lock opening for the door. He slowly slided through the small passage. Juliet had her lights on since after the accident occurred in the car. Duke went near her but saw her sleeping peacefully. Neither she was covered in blood nor she pointed any finger towards Duke. Duke felt relieved. He sat down on the floor near Juliet's bed. He took her hand in his. His heart was still a mess. He placed her hand on his forehead and whispered "How can I do this!? How did I become so selfish that I tried to kill you by making you fall in love!! But what should I do now Juliet!? I think I'm already in love with you... Now in this situation how can I give you up!? How will I be able to live on without you around anymore!?How!!?" Small drops dripped from his eyes. The nightmare he had it was not a mere dream but also an indication that he is drifting away from his actual goal. The mission was to make Juliet fall in love but it backfired Duke and made him helpless towards Juliet.

After about half an hour Duke placed her hand under the blanket and planted a kiss on her forehead. He left the room with the thought that there must be a way to change her fate... There must be. So he has to search it and make it possible for Juliet to live on even if the price would become extreme. So he had to meet Angelo, his friend. Without wasting further time he put on his jacket and get out of the house in the middle of the night.

It was nearly 4 a.m. when Duke reached the old church and tried to contact Angelo, the angel of life. He appeared as he promised. Angelo said "long time it has been... right Duke!"

At the sight of Angelo, Duke went towards him and suddenly collapse on his knees. "Please help me!"

" Help me Angelo!!!"

" I can't let her leave!!!"

" I can't make her die!!!"

" I love her and I know she loves me too but she is dying!! She is dying for loving me!!!The death of her would be because of me!!!? Please tell me a way or any remedy to change this cruel reality to happen to us!! Please I beg you mercy!! I beg the angel of death for mercy!!   I beg the almighty for mercy!!!"




After finishing his one breathe words he couldn't stop his tears from flowing down his eyes. Angelo was already aware of this weapon of human that is Love. They have infinity amount of love and affection that make them the best species over the whole world. But that is also make them vulnerable, break them, compel them to sacrifice, hurt them and tear them apart, leaving them with nothing but sorrow. And this love of a human was equally divided in any earthlings even the supernatural was no exception. No one could ever escape this affectionate behaviour and character of a human. Duke, an angel despising humans also couldn't able to deny that. It's not like Angelo didn't think about this possibility but he didn't really think that it can even make an Angel like Duke, who is always righteous and devoted towards almighty this vulnerable.

Duke's head was dropped as he tried to stop his tears."NO" A stern voice made him look up and in his eyes one could see the last straw of his life sinking down in the deep cold blue water.

Sorry for a week late update... It was exam time but this week there will be two updates.

Thank you for reading..❤

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