
Fallen Angel - An Eternal Love Story

"Let's meet again in our next life.. Ok?" "Don't say like that please.." "I love you" "I love you too".. A forbidden & heart-touching love story between A Fallen Angel and A Human being.. Duke, a fallen angel who was supposed to be the cause of Juliet's death fall in love with each other. Will their love bloom or let them to a dead end?

Scarlet_C · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Author's note: Apology

I'm sorry for not updating for sooo long .. I was busy with my studies and exams... now I am back again and from 12th chapter the story will take new turns..... I hope to get back my old readers as well as welcome new ones.... I am apologising from the core of my heart for this break.... I hope you guys will enjoy the story once again like last time..... sorry again.... FROM NOW ON THERE WILL BE 1 UPDATE PER WEEK... THANK YOU.... STAY HAPPY AND HEALTHY ❤