
Fall in love? What a waste of time

Ji Yunyue thought she had it al l home, love, and a baby she was expecting. What more could she ask for? She was a happy and contented housewife. But that changed when she was betrayed in the worst way possible by the people she least expected her husband and the person she took as her good sister. Both of them took all she had and the life of the baby before selling her to a dark organization to be a test subject before she later succumbed to death. Given a new life and a new identity for a fresh start, she has given up on love. But who can tell how she can't seem to get away from this multi-billionaire CEO just because they had an accidental nightstand and he is making her take responsibility? A Certain CEO: "Now that I caught you, let's register our marriage." Ji Yunyue: "You are kidding me, right?" A Certain CEO: "No, my love, I'm quite serious. Let's build a lovely family and home." Ji Yunyue: "Sorry, I'm not interested; try another person."

Omiglow · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 7:Slacking on your training

With a disgusted expression, he released his hand from her neck. "Filthy animal," he said, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket, then proceeding to use it to wipe his hands by cleaning his fingers one by one.

After he was done using it, he made a gesture to the guard to come closer to him and dropped the handkerchief in his outstretched hands, then signaled to him to dispose of it.

Meanwhile, as soon as Ji Yunyue's neck was released from being strangled, She fell to the ground on her buttocks and began to cough uncontrollably with a red face while holding her neck with her handcuffed hands.

"Now let's do this again. Stand up now and go to the bed and lie down on it, ma'am," Doctor Ko said, patronizingly with a gentle smile, while squatting on his leg to be at the same eye level as Ji Yunyue.

Scowling fiercely at his nauseatingly smiling face, Ji Yunyue couldn't hold back from spitting on his face as she cursed at him, "Not unless I see Zhang Luo, you scumbag!"

What Ji Yunyue did came as a surprise to the guard, because no one has ever talked back at Doctor Ko or disrespected him and lived in peace afterward. In truth, he was dumbfounded.

He could remember that there was a co-researcher of Ko's who offended Doctor Ko by talking badly about how he greedily spent almost all the funding they got from their sponsors without caring about how others were going to cope.

Somehow, Doctor Ko got to hear about what the researcher said about him and only waived it off with his gentlemanly smile.

Later, the researcher went missing for a few days before he was later found dead in the most bizarre way, and his incomplete corpse was found in a secluded place within the organization.

At the scene where his body was located, the state in which his corpse was found was scary and mind-numbing. It shows that she died a horrible death. He was found with cuts all over his body, some body parts missing, such as internal organs, his tongue pulled out, and his lips sown shut, with his eyeballs bulging out in horror.

It was said that shortly after the incident happened, A few fresh human body parts were added to Doctor Ko's collection, which he displays in jars in his laboratory. And this human part coincidentally matched the missing body part from the deceased researcher's corpse.

Although people know in the back of their minds that it was no coincidence that the human parts Doctor Ko added to his collection of cadavers and other human parts he had before Because the parts were owned by the unfortunate dead researcher, no one confronted him about it out of fear for their lives.

Since the incident serves as a blatant threat and warning for those that had it in mind to go against not to proceed with the plans they had, so as not to come to the same ending as the deceased researcher,

Ever since then, the other researchers and staff have tended to stay clear of Doctor Ko with reverence. And learned not to be deceived by his gentle and easygoing character. So as not to be too relaxed and offend him or get on his nerves.

In reality, people tend to give Doctor Ko wide breadth wherever he is.

Now witnessing what Test Subject 00737 had just done made him scared for her ending, as it would be worse than he expected.

Doctor Ko flinched at the impact of the spit with closed eyes before he stretched out his hand and the stunned guard snapped out of his daze. He went to the table Doctor Ko was working at earlier, took one of the napkins he saw at the table, and handed him a napkin, which he used to clean his face from the spit on his face.

After he was done wiping his face, he stood up, his face void of any expression. Calmingly walking towards the trash can to dispose of the used napkin, he calmly went back to his working table and said with his back turned to both the guard and Ji Yunyue, "Help her to the bed and safely secure her to the best with the utmost care that has been taught to you by this organization."

The guard looks at Ji Yunyue with pity, as she was the one who brought this upon herself. Before, he changed his mindset because, to him, she was not worth his sympathy.

He grabbed at her hair, then used her hair to drag her to the bed. carried her and placed her roughly on the bed while she kicked and hit him with her cuffed hands as she struggled to free herself.

A few minutes later, the guard was able to restrain Ji Yunyie on the bed. He walked unsteadily to the side, breathing heavily for a moment before he called to gain Doctor Ko's attention that he was done.

"That took a while, Jin; don't tell me you are slacking on your training," said Doctor Ko as he turned to glance at the tired guard before he turned back to continue to do what he was busy doing. He continued to say sternly to guard Jin, "I think you know what else you ought to do, or did you need me to instruct you before you would do it?"

Surprised that Doctor Ko knows him by his name, guard Jin became nervous and began to stammer, "So..sss.sssorry sir, I..i... I will go and accept my punishment, sir," he hurriedly said as he rushed to scan his staff card and ran off.

Leaving only Ji Yunyue and Doctor Ko alone in the laboratory.

Finding herself alone with a lunatic, Ji Yunyue began to lose hope of ever seeing Zhang Luo alive as she stared at the ceiling. By the time she turned to look at her side, she discovered she was being stared at creepily by Doctor Ko.

Unnerved, she flinched back before she shouted at him, "Beast, I don't care what you do to him; at least let me see Zhang Lou. Let me see how she is fairing."

Looking at Ji Yunyue smiling, he said, "My dear pet, do not fret; you will soon know how your dear Zhang Luo is fairing after I'm done with you.