
Fall in love? What a waste of time

Ji Yunyue thought she had it al l home, love, and a baby she was expecting. What more could she ask for? She was a happy and contented housewife. But that changed when she was betrayed in the worst way possible by the people she least expected her husband and the person she took as her good sister. Both of them took all she had and the life of the baby before selling her to a dark organization to be a test subject before she later succumbed to death. Given a new life and a new identity for a fresh start, she has given up on love. But who can tell how she can't seem to get away from this multi-billionaire CEO just because they had an accidental nightstand and he is making her take responsibility? A Certain CEO: "Now that I caught you, let's register our marriage." Ji Yunyue: "You are kidding me, right?" A Certain CEO: "No, my love, I'm quite serious. Let's build a lovely family and home." Ji Yunyue: "Sorry, I'm not interested; try another person."

Omiglow · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 6:Vicious beasts

lying carelessly on the ground, without even bothering to guide her vital parts or fight back. Laughing hysterically, she shouts back at him, "Coward, do your worst; it will be better for you to beat me to death, you animal, vicious beast."

" Bitch! You want to die in my hands? No, I'm sorry to disappoint you; I won't let that happen," said the guard as he stopped punching and kicking at Jo Yunyue.

He grabs at her hair and drags her toward the direction of the open cell door to the hallway where other cell are located."Since you don't want to listen and surrender your cheap body to me, you will have to suffer for it since that is your choice."

"I would rather die a miserable death by the mouth of a wild animal than give my body to the likes of you assholes," Ji Yunyue said angrily and spit at him, holding his hands on her hair with her left hand and also using her right hand to hold his legs for support to stand firmly on her feet.

Meeting eye to eye, seeing Ji Yunyue's harsh glare, the guard let go of her hair, suddenly pushed her down roughly on her stomach, twisted her hand while resting all his weight on her back, removed the handcuffs from his waist, then proceeded to put them on her hands.

Dragging her off the hallway floor, he pushed her back to the wall and smirked arrogantly, "Now that you are defenseless, I can do what I want to you, and no one would say anything or save you, not even you little friend. You are now left all alone.

Starting with the vile creature laughing madly, Ji Yunyue became dumbfounded. She stretched her trembling, cuffed hands to grab at the guard's clothes.

"What did you just say? Repeat it?" her eyes showing hits of craziness. "What happens to Xiao Luo? Tell me right now."

Shaking the smiling guard's body with all her strength, she asked again. "What did you do to her? Tell me this instant, what have you creeps done to her? Why are you not talking?"

Forcing her hands off his shirt, he shoved her back. Watching her as she falls down with no trace of the cold beauty she always shows. The guard laughs at her in mockery.

"And why should I tell you? With what identity are you questioning me? Bitch!" he enunciated. "Tell me, I want to hear you say it. Is it my boss or my bitch?" he said in a sing-song tone. "You just have to pick one since the words both start with "B."

"Please tell me where she is; I beg you, please," she begs on her knees. Gone was the graceful woman that she was; now all that was left was a desperate woman anxious about her friend's wellbeing.

Grinning in delight, the guard spoke in arrogance, "Since you are on your knees begging like the female dog you are, I can see that you acknowledge yourself as a bitch. "It will be nice to take you there to see for yourself with your bitch eyes."

Shoving her forward, the guard and Ji Yunyue move towards the lab, passing through the other cell containing other test subjects.

Momentarily, they got to Doctor Ko's laboratory door. The guard scans his staff identity card and enters as the door opens.

In the laboratory, Dr. Ko was standing with his back facing the door; it seems he was busy fiddling with the chemicals and apparatus. On hearing the approaching footsteps, he turned towards the door and saw both the guard and Ji Yunyue.

"Tsk tsk What turns you into this, looking so haggard?" he asks as he walks towards Ji Yunyue. Stopping in front of her, he grabbed her chin, turning her head from left to right, and said, "Who could have been so stupid and done this to you? I want to see the person and say a big well done because you deserve it. Ha ha ha ha ha!" he laughs out loud as Ji Yunyue glares and steps backward to remove her chin from his claw.

Doctor Ko turns to the guard that accompanied Ji Yunyue, laughing uncontrollably, and says, "This is your handwork, I suppose? You did a good job bringing her down a notch," he said, clapping at the guard's shoulder and going back to the table he was working at.

"You can go lie on the bed and prepare your mind because this experience is going to be horrific for you and enjoyable for me ha ha ha" he said with a laugh his back to Ji Yunyue and the guard.

"No," responded Ji Yunyue, "I will not lie on that bed until I see and know what happened to Zhang Lou. Where is she?" She continues in a shaky voice.

"Sorry, you said what? I couldn't quite hear you clearly. Could you repeat that pet?" asked Dr. Ko.

Angrily trembling, she repeated her words: "I said, I will not lie on the bed and let you do whatever shit you want to do to me unless I see Zhang Lou. And if you don't know who that is, she is 00621, you monster! And I'm not your pet!"

Dropping what he was doing, she turned to face Ji Yunyue and said in a low and gentle voice coupled with a gentlemanly facial expression, "Oh, what a temper you got there, Missy. And mind you are are nothing but a pet useful for my research understand?"

Chuckling, he got closer to her, grabbed her neck, put pressure on her neck, and continued to speak as his expression turned dark and scary. "And since when have you got the right or privilege to say anything to me or ask me anything?" Huh, since when are you little maggots qualified enough to speak in the same room as me?"

With a red face, Ji Yunyue tries to release her neck from the hand strangling her by grabbing at the hands, but she is powerless and continues to struggle till she feels faint.