
Fall in love? What a waste of time

Ji Yunyue thought she had it al l home, love, and a baby she was expecting. What more could she ask for? She was a happy and contented housewife. But that changed when she was betrayed in the worst way possible by the people she least expected her husband and the person she took as her good sister. Both of them took all she had and the life of the baby before selling her to a dark organization to be a test subject before she later succumbed to death. Given a new life and a new identity for a fresh start, she has given up on love. But who can tell how she can't seem to get away from this multi-billionaire CEO just because they had an accidental nightstand and he is making her take responsibility? A Certain CEO: "Now that I caught you, let's register our marriage." Ji Yunyue: "You are kidding me, right?" A Certain CEO: "No, my love, I'm quite serious. Let's build a lovely family and home." Ji Yunyue: "Sorry, I'm not interested; try another person."

Omiglow · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 8:Mysterious Jewelry

Terrified by Doctor Ko's deranged laughter, Ji Yunyue began to struggle to free herself from the things holding her down on the bed but was not successful.

Witnessing her futile struggling Doctor Ko gave a mocking look before the took a vial that contains a Purple colored solution that he had already prepared before the arrival of Ji Yunyue. The Syringe contains the liquid form of his latest creation of KHM55 or KM5 in short.

KM55 is the preliminary product the got from his study or research he dedicated almost all of his career for. The research is based on the creation of super strong and intelligent humans.

If the solution could be placed under a microscope, it will show a lot of active factors in the purple-colored solution. Some of them are beneficial to the human body while some of them were detrimental to the human body.

Although using them together helps to balance the negative effects, a change may occur when the solution is introduced to the human body. The solution was capable of destroying the human genetics making it abnormal.

Doctor Ko has been spending majority of his time perfecting the solution to its current state in the laboratory. And he could not wait to see it's manifestation in the human body.

Doctor Ko always had a fantastic belief that human body as not been living up to it's optimum potential. He believes that if human body can be studied and altered genetically, by introducing foreign things into the human body. A whole new type of human beings will be created and he will be the head of the human food chain.

Since he will be the creator of this new human species and he will be the most powerful man on the planet. And the most amazing part will be, he will not have to hide in the dark when conducting an experiment.

He will surely have access to any materials he needs for his research with the help of his super soldiers he created. Even the Federal Government will have no power over him, instead he will rule over the world.

Meanwhile, on Yi Ling side it had been tough on him. Ever since he was cut off by his investors he had troubles keeping his company afloat.

Who would have known that the antiques jewelry set he later got with difficulty from Ji Yunyue was a fake. He still could not believe it.

Because he made enough research about the antique jewelry, from it's history till when it was later discovered in ancient tomb and was later housed in the royal treasury of a powerful King.

The King loves the jewelry so much that so much that he named it his most priced possession only befitting of his Queen.

It was said that the Queen was the King childhood sweetheart. Whom has been with him ever since he was poor till he became a wealthy King. The king loved her so much although she only had an average look and can not be considered aa pretty.

Ever since the Jewelry sett as been bestowed to the Queen, she became more and more pretty by day with clear and flawless skin, and have powerful magic making the king falls deeply love with her. Having no time for other concubine.

As the legend continues, later in the years of the kings reigns. A war broke out and the king was defeated and overthrown by his opponent. Both he King and Queen lost their lives to the war.

Making the new king owner of the jewelry sett. Having the knowledge of the mysterious jewelry. The new king also bestowed it to his favorite concubine. But there was no changes in the appearance of the concubine. Concluding the story of the miraculous jewelry was a lie.

The concubine abandoned it and there was no more news concerning the mysterious Jewelry. It was not until a rumor started that there was a miraculous object in a mysterious powerful family that could solve any problem was discovered.

Several theory was made on what the object could be, then later it was concluded to be the ancient mysterious Jewelry, but now the story had changed. The jewelry was believed could be worn either by male or female and the wearer could become the most powerful being on Earth.

Later the legend turns out to be unreal when the real owner came out with it and gave it to the government for research purposes. Later the Federal Government made the announcement that it was nothing but an ordinary Jewelry sett.

At the end of it everyone believed the Federal Government and forgot about the issue concerning the miraculous jewelry set.

Even Yi Ling also put it at the back of his mind. It was not when he was struggling with starting up his Company and was lacking funds. That he was contacted by a mysterious person and was promised to be funds and be sponsored by them if he could fulfilled a task he will be given.

Desperate for funds for his underdeveloped company he hurriedly agree to do the task without asking what the task was about beforehand.

After signing the contract stating the pros and cons of doing the tasks and of breaching the contract. The some details of the task was divulged to him.

He was told to go to a remote village and try to befriend a village girl in the village to get his hands on the girls family inheritance, and he was told it will be better for him to try all his best to make the girl fall in love with him for him to gain total control of the girls.

Although he was disgusted by the task, he went ahead to get it done.

Meanwhile, he knew the task will be easy for him to compete because of his good-looking visage. He knew any girl he chases will eventually be in his control.

Reality hit him hard when he discovered that the girls grandmother made disliked him upon first meeting and warned of off.