
Fall in love? What a waste of time

Ji Yunyue thought she had it al l home, love, and a baby she was expecting. What more could she ask for? She was a happy and contented housewife. But that changed when she was betrayed in the worst way possible by the people she least expected her husband and the person she took as her good sister. Both of them took all she had and the life of the baby before selling her to a dark organization to be a test subject before she later succumbed to death. Given a new life and a new identity for a fresh start, she has given up on love. But who can tell how she can't seem to get away from this multi-billionaire CEO just because they had an accidental nightstand and he is making her take responsibility? A Certain CEO: "Now that I caught you, let's register our marriage." Ji Yunyue: "You are kidding me, right?" A Certain CEO: "No, my love, I'm quite serious. Let's build a lovely family and home." Ji Yunyue: "Sorry, I'm not interested; try another person."

Omiglow · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 5:Fever

It was at the hospital that baby Ji Yunyue was diagnosed with a fever due to too much exposure to the cool breeze. She was later given treatment, and a cool patch was placed on her head.

The attending doctor told Grandma Ji to monitor the baby's temperature after the fever broke and to call on the doctor or the nurse on duty if she noticed fluctuations in baby Ji Yunyue's temperature.

Fortunately, baby Yunyue's temperature was stable all through the night, but Grandma Ji kept watch all through the night nervously while blaming herself for her carelessness and did not sleep a wink till daybreak.

It was later when the village head and his wife, along with a few villagers, came in the morning and saw the prominent dark circle decorating her eyes, making her resemble a relative of a panda.

They were the ones that persuaded her to stop blaming herself and get some sleep after assuring her several times over and over again that they would take proper care of the baby and monitor it carefully. Was she convinced and got herself some proper sleep she needed?

Yunyue was later told by the villager that ever since then, her grandmother has never let her of her sight and always brings her along with her everywhere she goes. Grandma Ji even built a shed beside the vegetable garden, and that was where she put down baby Ji Yunyue to play, surrounded by enough toys to keep her busy.

Furthermore, whenever Grandma Ji is busy in her flower house because she is a flower collector and a collector of rare and expensive flowers such as orchids and the like, Baby Ji Yunyue can always be seen nearby, beside her lovely grandmother.

This continues until Yunyue can walk around and make a mess of the power garden, destroying many expensive flowers. Grandma Ji did not take it to heart; she took it as the baby appreciating and studying the flower in her unique way.

A few years later, when she started going to kindergarten, was the only time that the grandmother and granddaughter were first separated. It came as no surprise that both of them bade each other farewell with tears streaming down their faces, and this funny scene made the villagers that witnessed it a day.

It was even more hilarious when they later discovered that Grandma Ji was reluctant to go back home but decided to hide and peep at the school, watching over Ji Yunyue through the gaps of the fence like a thief.

The school management even sent a teacher to persuade her to go home and come back at closing time to pick up her child. She pretended to go back home, turn back, and hide better so that she would not be discovered, and she took her child home at a close time.

The following day, it was said that grandma wanted to try yesterday's trick but was told not to even bother to try by the schoolteacher that was sent to send her home the other day because she was let off yesterday because they knew about her family's situation.

Grandma Ji was blushing red in embarrassment by the time the teacher was done talking to her and went back home with her red cheek like a monkey's butt.

Till she became a teenager, her life at home was very good and peaceful, even though Grandma Ji had become older and frail. They still enjoy living together.

Deep in thought, Ji Yunyue could not help but shed bittersweet tears. Comparing her life now as a test subject to her former life in the village, it was worlds apart.

A few minutes later, she fell asleep.

The following days were not that great for Jo Yunyue; her health quickly started to deteriorate due to the illegal drug rested on her by the scientists, even after the life-threatening one she was injected with by Doctor Ko. More had been tested on her.

A few weeks later, the scientists saw that Ji Yunyue's body couldn't keep up with their research and was an empty shell; she was deemed useless and then abandoned by them.

Moreover, living has been hellish for Ji Yunyue. Her determination to exact revenge was what kept her alive, along with her desire to see Zhang Luo.

It has been up six to eight days since she last saw Zhang Luo. And that is enough for her to be worried about her.

As it could only mean two things. She could either be under monitoring in Dr. Ko's laboratory or dead. And what Ji Yunyue hopes for is the former, not the latter.

After hoping and waiting patiently for Zhang Luo to be brought back and not seeing her, Ji Yunyue began to lose any hope of Zhang Luo being alive.

Lost in thought, unaware of her environment, the door to her cell was unlocked and pushed open. The guard who opened the door entered and stood in front of the door, looking menacing as he looked around the cell looking for someone.

Sighting the person he was looking for, he proceeded to walk in the person's direction briskly until he got to the individual and started to call the person by their serial number.

The guard calls out, "00737, stand up and follow me. Let's go."

Still, deep in thought, Ji Yunyue gave no response.

The guard, upon getting a response from the dazed Ji Yunyue, got closer to her, pushed her roughly on her shoulder, and watched as she fell and collided with the wall behind her.

The pain of her head hitting the concrete wall snapped Ji Yunyue out of her thoughts. She struggled to get up with the help of a hand while she sued the other hand to put pressure on the open bleeding wound on her head.

As soon as she balanced her feet, her eyes became blurred and dizzy. Blinking rapidly to have a clear sight. Soon her vision became more clear.

She glared at the guard standing and looking at her with hatred. "Bastard! How dare you put your dirty hands on me and push me?"

The guard became very nervous, making his already menacing face scarier. He slapped and rained punches and kicks on Ji Yunyue while hurling insults at her: "You filthy slut, animal, I will kill you."