
Fall in love? What a waste of time

Ji Yunyue thought she had it al l home, love, and a baby she was expecting. What more could she ask for? She was a happy and contented housewife. But that changed when she was betrayed in the worst way possible by the people she least expected her husband and the person she took as her good sister. Both of them took all she had and the life of the baby before selling her to a dark organization to be a test subject before she later succumbed to death. Given a new life and a new identity for a fresh start, she has given up on love. But who can tell how she can't seem to get away from this multi-billionaire CEO just because they had an accidental nightstand and he is making her take responsibility? A Certain CEO: "Now that I caught you, let's register our marriage." Ji Yunyue: "You are kidding me, right?" A Certain CEO: "No, my love, I'm quite serious. Let's build a lovely family and home." Ji Yunyue: "Sorry, I'm not interested; try another person."

Omiglow · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 4:A miracle

Chapter 4.

Breathing deeply, Ji Yunyue turned to face her and said, "I'm still not quite alright, but I can manage. What does Doctor Ko mean by it being a miracle I survived? Was he certain of my demise before?"

" Yes. The drug he injected you with was a faulty product; aside from that, the chemicals and herbs used as the ingredients are highly poisonous, and he injected you with your death in mind," Zhang Luo said with anger.

"That man is a monster; in fact, he is the devil himself. Even other scientists are scared of him."

"That is not surprising; when I saw his creepy smile earlier, I knew he was up to no good, and I was ready to fight for my life. Don't I succeed at last by surviving? That I did, and I will try to survive till I take my revenge on those two scumbags that sent me to this wretched, godforsaken place," "Ji Yunyue said with a cold smile.

"But first you have to rest to gain enough strength before we can plan our escape." Zhang Luo urges as she stands up and helps Ji Yunyue lay back down in her bed, "Now sleep, I will keep a watch."

Zhang went back to her side of the bed and sat down, facing Ji Yunyue directly. This was easy for her because their beds have been side by side since the day they met each other.

"Thanks, Xiao Luo," Ji Yunyue said in appreciation.

"You are welcome; now close your eyes and sleep before I change my mind."

Ji Yunyue immediately turned to face the wall and closed her eyes as she started to think about the wrong step she took by meeting the bastard Yi Ling.

Ji Yunyue was an orphan from the day she was born. She was abandoned by a deserted pathway in a small village. This was the story she had heard countless times while growing up. From the villagers as well as from Grandma Ji when she asked to confirm the truth.

She was said to have been discovered and rescued by an old grandmother named Ji on her way home after visiting a friend from the neighboring village. The old woman was the only one that walked on this pathway aside from people that either came as visitors or delivered groceries from the village store.

And they only come once a week or when she calls them. Visitors only appear rarely.

Grandma Ji was very happy she found the baby not quite long after she was dropped because if she had not been rescued the following day, she would have been found dead due to the low traffic on the pathway that led to her house.

This happens because she and her late husband built their home far away from the village. After all, she loved a quiet and peaceful environment, so her husband fulfilled her wish by acquiring the land and building the perfect home.

So they left their city life after they got married and moved to the village with the hope of starting their own family.

That did not work out as they expected because, throughout their marriage, they were not blessed with any children, and that did not cause them any problems.

The old woman and her husband were both in love and cared for each other until death took away her husband.

Presently, as the old woman rescued the weak baby, she decided to keep her and raise her. The old woman's only regret was that her husband was not alive to witness this miracle with her.

Because Old Man Ji always said a miracle was on the way, whenever she was sad due to their childlessness, And now, two years after his death, his words came to pass, but he was not alive to be a witness.

Grandma Ji took the baby home and named her Ji Yun Yue. Grandma Ji took her as her biological granddaughter, as she could not be called her daughter as Grandma Ji was at an advanced age when she rescued Ji Yunyue.

It was not that Grandma Ji did not try to find Ji Yunyue's biological parents and claim her as her family's child. No. She did try by taking the newborn baby to the village head house to report how she found the child.

From there, they ask around the village if anyone is missing a baby or if anyone knows someone who misplaced a baby or just gave birth and was without the baby. And no one came forward to claim the baby as their own.

Later, they went to report the case of the abandoned baby to the police station in town, but in the end, the investigation led to a dead end, as if the baby was not wanted, so she could be considered abandoned.

As there was no claim for the newborn baby, Grandma Ji decided to adopt the baby as her family's child. And took her home after she was done with the necessary paperwork.

Grandma Ji said it was quite hard when she started to take care of her because it was her first time taking care of a baby. But with the help of the villagers, she was able to get the hang of it.

She said there was a day she laid Ji Yunyue down on a baby mat in the living room. She was busy in her vegetable garden, and she was not aware that the baby's clothes were not properly covering the body due to the baby rolling about on the mat.

Later in the evening, she discovered that baby Ji Yunyue seemed to be running at a high temperature. She tried everything she knew to bring down the temperature, but it all worked to no avail.

She became confused and scared before she carried baby Ji Yunyue and rushed to the village head's house. From there, she and baby Ji Yunyue were carried to the nearest hospital in an electric car by the village head.