
Fall in love? What a waste of time

Ji Yunyue thought she had it al l home, love, and a baby she was expecting. What more could she ask for? She was a happy and contented housewife. But that changed when she was betrayed in the worst way possible by the people she least expected her husband and the person she took as her good sister. Both of them took all she had and the life of the baby before selling her to a dark organization to be a test subject before she later succumbed to death. Given a new life and a new identity for a fresh start, she has given up on love. But who can tell how she can't seem to get away from this multi-billionaire CEO just because they had an accidental nightstand and he is making her take responsibility? A Certain CEO: "Now that I caught you, let's register our marriage." Ji Yunyue: "You are kidding me, right?" A Certain CEO: "No, my love, I'm quite serious. Let's build a lovely family and home." Ji Yunyue: "Sorry, I'm not interested; try another person."

Omiglow · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 3:Subject life is of no importance

"No, no, please don't do that. Remember the torture you went through at the hands of Doctor Ko and others? It was inhumane. Please don't go through that again."

Ji Yueyue said as she went to stand beside the other victims, Zhang Luo following at her back to stand before the door, her hands stretched out, waiting for the guards to place handcuffs on them.

A few seconds later, the sounds of footsteps came, and the door was opened to a group of fierce-looking men clad in black, form-fitting uniforms.

One of the guards steps forward and walks in the direction of the first person in line to scan the chip implanted in their wrist with the scanner he is holding.

After he was done, the person moved out of the room, and she was then escorted by one of the guards standing outside to the units she would need to serve as a test subject. After her, the guard with the scanner moved to the next person in line.

This was done until it was Ji Yueyue's turn.

Soon she was cleared and was on her way to be escorted to her unit.

This is the routine they go through every day; the chip planted in their wrist serves a monitoring purpose for their vitals, how well they were fed, how much sleep they got, and how sound their mental health is. In short, everything about them will be extracted from the chip and then transferred to the scanning machine.

This was not for their well-being. No, it is for the daily data of the scientists and doctors in charge to know how much progress they have made in their research.

They don't care about the subject of life and death and talk less about their mental health.

The subject's life is of no importance to them because the scientists only view them as objects that could aid them in making breakthroughs in their research.

And if any of the test subjects are deemed useless to them, they will be disposed of. That is if all the body parts of the test subject are condemned and cannot be used for transplant purposes.

As Ji Yueyue and the guard got to their destination, they both stopped before a closed door. The guard then stepped forward to scan his staff identity card, and with his hands, the double door slid open.

Immediately, both of them walked into the lab. Upon looking at the things placed in the lab, any sane person will be scared to the bone because this laboratory is a place of horrors.

The first time Ji Yueyue was forcefully brought into Doctor Ko's experimenting lab, she knew for a fact that the owner must be insane. A few hours later, she was proved right when Doctor Ko started carrying out his experiment on her with a gentle and smiling expression shown on his face as he ordered his assistants to hold and tie her down and cut her open all the while he was commenting on her body, calling her the best test subject he has ever seen with special physic.

Surrounded by various surgical equipment, several jars contain creeping human body parts and also human cadavers from test subjects like herself who have lost their lives after suffering countless days, months, and years of torture before succumbing to the cold hands of death.

And she was horrified that, after death, they were not let off. These crazy people were like, 'No! We still have more use for you guys. Don't think death is the end; it was not the end but only the beginning.'

Before their demises, they were tortured both physically and mentally, and after their deaths, their corpses were still not let off, both adults and children.

Now that she was in the doctor's lab and she saw his despicable face with the gentle and smiling façade he was parading, she began to dread every second, every minute, and every hour she was going to spend in this lab.

And, judging by the incredibly pleased expression Doctor Ko was wearing, she began to fear for her life and rethink whether she would be able to fulfill the promise she made to Zhang Luo.

A few hours later, Ji Yueyue was already lying down on the surgical bed and was connected to several monitoring machines. The pain she was experiencing was so painful and mind-numbing after she was injected with a colorful liquid by the grinning Doctor Ko.

Firstly, she felt a chilling cold sensation that made her whole body go numb before a piercing pain took over her body, and then her vision became blurred.

And she started to see some familiar flashes of scenes from her life.

When the pain became intolerable, she went into shock, and then everything became black as she lost consciousness.


A few hours later, Ji Yueyue was back on her bed in her cell. She tries to open her eyes, but her eyelids are as heavy as lead.

After several struggles, she opened it and immediately closed it back due to her eyes being used to the darkness and becoming quite sensitive to the brightness of the halogen light in their cell.

Several attempts later, her eyes were able to adjust to the light, and she could see with her eyes.

Seeing Ji Yueyue awake, Zhang Luo walked closer to her bed and supported her in sitting comfortably by moving her closer to the wall for her to be able to rest her back on the wall comfortably.

When she was satisfied with what she did, Zhang Luo went to get the cup of water she prepared for Ji Yueyue from her side of the bed, then she went back to Ji Yueyue's sideband, handed her the water, and watched as she drank it to the last drop before she took back the empty cup.

"I hope you feel alright, Yueyue." Zhang Luo said as she sat down by the side of Ji Yueyue's bed, "I heard about what happened to you, and I was quite scared. I thought I had lost you when I overheard Doctor Ko say you stopped breathing for a minute, and it was a miracle you survived."