
Fall in love? What a waste of time

Ji Yunyue thought she had it al l home, love, and a baby she was expecting. What more could she ask for? She was a happy and contented housewife. But that changed when she was betrayed in the worst way possible by the people she least expected her husband and the person she took as her good sister. Both of them took all she had and the life of the baby before selling her to a dark organization to be a test subject before she later succumbed to death. Given a new life and a new identity for a fresh start, she has given up on love. But who can tell how she can't seem to get away from this multi-billionaire CEO just because they had an accidental nightstand and he is making her take responsibility? A Certain CEO: "Now that I caught you, let's register our marriage." Ji Yunyue: "You are kidding me, right?" A Certain CEO: "No, my love, I'm quite serious. Let's build a lovely family and home." Ji Yunyue: "Sorry, I'm not interested; try another person."

Omiglow · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 2:An organization that deals with human experiments.

On a tattered mattress on the floor, the woman who lay on it woke up in a cold sweat with a panicked gasp.

Her eyes looked frantically at the room before she remembered where she was. This room and the people she shared it with have been her home for the past few years.

Despair. That was what Ji Yunyue was feeling at the moment, as he had just woken up from the nightmare she had. That has been a nightly occurrence for years after she lost her sweet child and was sold to this dark organization.

This organization deals with human experiments that the government opposes. But that did not stop the scientists who carried it out, because they did it with confidence that they would not be caught, as they had the backing of powerful people and the black market.

And please, let's not think about the police force; they have no current or enough power to go against these people, as most of their superiors are among the backers or in the organization.

So, for the time being, there is no hope for her or the other victims on being released or save by anyone.

But she had not given up hope; she must leave this place and get her revenge on those wicked animals called couples.

With that in mind, she struggles to sit up and rest on the wall at her back while breathing heavily.

Soon she noticed a weak footstep that got close to her without looking up; she knew that was Zhang Luo, the pillar and strength that gave her reason to be alive till this moment.

Both of them have been a source of strength for each other from the instant they met till now. "Same dream? She asks if she handed over the cup of water she brought to Ji Yunyue before she sat down beside her.

"Yes, same," whispered Ji Yunyue as she gulped down the water to quench her thirst. "Don't worry, we shall pay them back in their old coins when we leave this prison, and I'm sure we will escape for sure," Zhang Luo whispered back with confidence.

That is how Zhang Luo has been since both she and Ji Yunyue met: ever optimistic, and Ji Yunyue loves that about her.

"Thanks for the water, Xiao Luo. Take it and go get some sleep. Sorry for the disturbance. Don't let the patrolling guard catch you up; we have a busy day tomorrow. I heard Doctor Ko has another drug to test tomorrow," said Ji Yueyue gently as she returned the empty cup.

"Okay, Yueyue, you too get some sleep." With that, she went back to her bed, placed the cup down gently, and lay on her bed. Ji Yunyue also lay down on her bed a few seconds later.

The following morning, the small opening on the door was slid open, and trays of food and water were sent in from the opening, which consisted of a mash of something that resembled pig feed and gave off an unflattering smell and taste.

That was the meal to start their day. Yay! God knows she craves a proper home-cooked meal, not this so-called nutritious concoction the scientist makes up for them to eat.

After the people who served the food were gone, she and her roommates slowly stood up and went to pick up their trays.

There was no rush; why would there be one as no one was excited or willing to eat the food? But they had no choice; failure to eat meant torture. As if their lives were not hell enough, who wants to go through more? Not Ji Yunyue, of course.

After Ji Yueyue got her tray, she went and sat beside Zhang Luo. "Happy Eating," Ji Yunyue turned to her and said as she began to shove her food into her mouth, as they only had five minutes to eat.

"Well, Bon Appetit, let's eat fast before the guards come shouting," Zhang Luo said in reply as she crammed her mouth full of the food "Yuck! I still can't get used to this trash they feed us, even after all these years. It makes me sick." Zhang Luo shivered in disgust as she swallowed what was in her mouth.

She cleaned her mouth with the back of her hands, drew closer to Ji Yunyue, and continued to grumble, " I could kill for a cup of instant noodles right now. The thought of it is tempting, but I'm stuck with this pig swirl they serve us as food."

Eating and looking at Zhang Luo in amusement, Ji Yunyue said smiling, " Do not worry, Xiao Luo, I will make it up to you after we get out of this place by cooking you lots of dishes to make a feast."

Ji Yunyue's thoughts of all the cooking classes she took to be a virtuous housewife for Yi Ling will come in handy to make Zhang Luo happy after they leave this hellhole.

Standing with her empty tray, Ji Yunyue said, "I'm done with my food. Let's get ready. Today is another day. Who knows what the beast might be up to today?" She says with a frown, "I hope no one dies today, especially those pitiful children; they have never seen the light of the real world just because they were born in this godforsaken place." She continued in anger.

Zhang Luo also packed up and stood beside her. "Yueyue, I understand what you felt, and the gods know that whenever I see those monsters that do this, I want to kill them off, but our hands are tied, and I can do nothing, not with this chip under our skin that serves as a monitor," she said with hatred evident on her face. Suddenly, a creepy and victorious smile crept up her face as she said gloatingly, "I am still happy whenever I remember the day I gave that short pot-bellied patrol guard the scar on her face, hehe hehe thinking of it wants to make me do it again to the stocky one always looking at the female with that disgusting look in his eyes."