
Fall in love? What a waste of time

Ji Yunyue thought she had it al l home, love, and a baby she was expecting. What more could she ask for? She was a happy and contented housewife. But that changed when she was betrayed in the worst way possible by the people she least expected her husband and the person she took as her good sister. Both of them took all she had and the life of the baby before selling her to a dark organization to be a test subject before she later succumbed to death. Given a new life and a new identity for a fresh start, she has given up on love. But who can tell how she can't seem to get away from this multi-billionaire CEO just because they had an accidental nightstand and he is making her take responsibility? A Certain CEO: "Now that I caught you, let's register our marriage." Ji Yunyue: "You are kidding me, right?" A Certain CEO: "No, my love, I'm quite serious. Let's build a lovely family and home." Ji Yunyue: "Sorry, I'm not interested; try another person."

Omiglow · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 :Give me back my child!!!

"Look at how stupid she looks sprawled pitifully on the floor; no one wants her; no one wants to help her, hahaha." A woman dressed scantily with makeup on her face said as she used her stiletto-clad leg to kick at the half-conscious woman laying in a pool of blood gushing in between her legs, twisting her body and moaning in pain.

While laughing obnoxiously, the woman squatted down on her knees to be closer to the woman on the floor and said in a whisper, "

"Ji YunYue, I told you that I would take everything and everyone that belongs to you, loves you, and holds dear to you, leaving you with nothing and no one but pain and sadness.

She stretched her hand and squeezed Ji YunYue's jaw hard. "Now look at you suffering alone, betrayed by your one true love. Hahahaha, true love, that is so funny. You are dumb and stupid, Ji Yue, a blind fool." She laughs loudly, drops Ji Yunyue's face, and stands up.

resumed kicking at Ji YunYue's pregnant belly: "See, no one can save you from I Su Ran; not even your beloved husband Yi Ling will save you. So die die die!" Su Ran kicks Ji Yue angrily like a deranged patient.

"Baby, stop. Don't dirty your shoes by kicking that filthy animal." A gentle-looking man dressed in well-ironed shorts and trousers walked briskly with a frown shown vividly on his face to Su Ran and carried her away from Ji YunYue.

"I know I am the one you really love, not this slut, I'm I right Yi Ling?" Su Ran said, gloating while turning around to face Yi Ling for better kissing access.

Yi Ling smiled lovingly after the kiss and replied, "You are the only one I ever loved; others are nothing."

"Can you hear that Ji YunYue never loved you, and I love you?"

Ji YunYue struggles to open her eyes, but what she sees is a blur; her husband hears her ringing, and she's losing blood and her life force.

'Her baby is gone; what she is living for, her only hope, is gone. No, she can't accept that. Her baby is not dead; her baby is alive. Yi Ling cannot be that cruel not to save her baby, which is his first seed. She needs help, and before anything else, she has to hold on for her baby's safety.' She thought

"Yi..yi Lin..li..ling help help," she struggled to say in a faint voice, almost in a whisper.

"Bitch, what did you just say? You better shut your stinky mouth and save your strength; you can't die yet, not until you have no more use," screamed Su Ran as she glared viciously at Ji YunYue.

"Don't worry, you will not die yet, at least not until I get my hands on those things you are protecting with your trash that you call a little life. Boys, take her to the hospital; she is dirtying my tiles," ordered Yi Ling as he looked away. I'm disgusted as she was carried away by fierce-looking men.

As she was carried outside, she was shoved roughly into what seemed like the back of a van, and the door was closed with a loud bang.

After what seems like hours on the rough road with nothing but the sound of men drinking and laughing and making bad jokes without regard for a bleeding woman in need of urgent medical attention,

The vehicle came to a stop, the door was open, and she was roughly carried out and placed on a stretcher into a hospital. Later, she was placed on a bed to receive treatment.

During the treatment procedure, she could faintly hear the attending doctor say the baby had been lost and she was in a critical condition as she went into shock before everything faded away as she lost her consciousness.

Later, when she regains consciousness, she looks at her stomach area and discovers it has gone down noticeably, and she has been cleaned up and changed into a hospital gown.

She looks around the hospital room in a trance and shifts her gaze to her left hand, she could see her wrist was connected to the IV, she violently removes it as she struggles to climb down from the hospital bed. She staggered to the door. She had to look for her baby.

Where is her baby? Her thoughts were in shambles. As she reached the door, the door was pushed open, and in came Yi Ling.

Seeing him comes in, she lost her sense of reason and grabbed at his shirt while shaking him vigorously and demanding, "Where is my baby? Where did you keep him? Where is he? I must see him. Give me my baby, please. I beg you. He is also your son. Please, I will do anything. Just give me my child. You can take the jewelry. I don't care. Just give me my child."

Looking at the rough-looking, emaciated woman with dark circles under her eyes.

Yi Ling felt nothing but disgust as he removed her hands from his chest and pushed her away with force, and she fell to the hospital floor inelegantly.

"You filthy animal. I have told you times without number that never in your life must you touch me with those witch claws you call hands."

"And for that bastard in your womb you call a hand, it is dead and forever remains dead. Good riddance," he said in a repulsive manner.


Ji YunYue looked at him blankly for a few seconds before she scrambled to get up and charged at Yi Ling with hatred and vengeance vividly evident on her face, her hands and sharp nails ready for attack as she swiped at his face and body. "Bastard, you lowly scum, give me back my child. Where is that witch Su Ran? She was the one that pushed me from the stairs. Tell her to give me back my child, both of you."

It was a pity that her attack was nothing like the strength of a man; it only left a few bloody marks on Yi Ling's face before punches and kicks rained on her as she lost consciousness.