
Fake virtue

[just one more chance .... i need one more.....] Alina was feeling a huge weight on her chest. This weight was so unbearable that it was making breathing difficult. [i will make everything right...] Alina feel to the ocean floor with a huge impact. The sand which was moved due to the impact started to cover her body. Alina felt as if every bone of her body was being broken. She felt as if her cells were being ripped apart and were being dissolved into the ocean. But the sand didn’t let her move, making her sink even more deep. Even in this agony Alina only had one sentence in her mind [just one more chance] .............. ---------------------------------------------------------- This story takes place in the world where magic is common. The story revolves around alina, who gave her life for her sister. she gets reincarnated to when she was a baby. she was given another chance to live her life once more. alina gradually finds out the reason of why her parents treated the way they did in her past life. she starts to discover a lot more but she still knew that was just a tip of the iceberg. alina had made her mind that no matter what she will live her this life to the fullest with her family. she will correct everything that was wrong in her previous life and maybe find love in this one.

lazy_potato · Fantasy
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21 Chs

just one more chance...

"It is… I saw it myself" alina freed her arm from within Sandra grasp and jumped into water.

"Alina don't!" alina could here hear her friend scream before the friend started calling other people.

Alina kept swimming towards the place where she thought she saw something.

She was sure it was not a sea animal.

She dives down as soon as she reached the spot.

[I knew it that it was not a hallucination] She saw a girl drowning.

The girl was struggling as she was kept being pulled downwards.

Alina got a hold of that girl and started to swim upwards but no matter how much she tried to swim upwards with the girl she couldn't.

The girl was in the water for so long, alina knew that she must be needing oxygen. They were half a meter at most beneath the surface. Alina quickly went to the surface to take a deep breath she back down and gave it to the girl mouth to mouth. She wanted to see if something was holding the girl in the water but before she could do it. She saw a white light flash around her and the girl.

The girl vanished with the white light. Alina looked around to find the girl but she couldn't no matter what.


Alina saw someone drive into the water. That someone tried to help her get to the surface of the water but the person couldn't move her at all.

Alina then saw her going back up again, she thought that the person have given up. Alina knew that no matter how much she tried, she won't be able to move from her spot. She can only move with the waves.

Alina then saw that person coming back towards her. She was happy; her heart was filled with warmth after such a long time. She never wanted to let go of this feeling. Out of nowhere the person kissed her.

Alina was shocked; she didn't know what she was supposed to make of it. As soon as the girl kissed a light covered both of them.

Soon the light vanished and with that the person also vanished. Alina started to have head ache, it was like something was trying to get into her head.

Alina blocked it; she didn't like the feeling of something forcing its way inside her head.

As days passed on, alina started to feel lonely. The lonelier she felt, the more she wanted to go back. She wanted to go back to before everything started. She wanted to feel the warmth of her family and her friends.

[Just one more chance is what I ask for] alina begged in her mind.

[Just one more chance…] alina felt a strong pull from within the water. It was stronger than ever.

Alina started to feel her throat burn from the water going inside, her whole body was in pain. Before her mind was occupied to even notice this pain as she has her fair share of painful experiences.

But as soon as she felt that something was trying to invade her mind, she blocked it but by doing that her mind got occupied with the task and she became aware of the state her body was in.

Even after experiencing this pain she just one thought that surfaced in her mind that she would give anything for just one more chance.

In fact with just one thought in her mind she became more determined, her desire for this wish became stronger and as her desire became stronger, the force which was pulling her downwards became stronger.

She felt more pain as she was going down deep into the ocean. The burning sensation was becoming stronger and it had spread in her whole body. Not only that she could feel pressure on her body increase to the point it was unbearable. The pressure on her mind was also increasing.

[Just one more chance .... I need one more.....] Alina was feeling a huge weight on her chest. This weight was so unbearable that it was making breathing difficult.

[I will make everything right...] Alina fell to the ocean floor with a huge impact. The sand which was moved due to the impact started to cover her body.

Alina felt as if every bone of her body was being broken. She felt as if her cells were being ripped apart and were being dissolved into the ocean.

But the sand didn't let her move, making her sink even more deep. Even in this agony Alina only had one sentence in her mind [just one more chance]

She getting buried deep within the ocean. All the pains she had ever felt before didn't even compare to this. Her mind was being crushed with the pressure exerted by the invading thing.

[Just one more …. Chance] alina couldn't hold on any longer. The pain was so much that she could help but let herself go.

The moment she let go of her body and mind, images started to come into her mind. She could see herself as a baby. She saw as things progressed.

Alina knew that these were memories of someone. In these memories she was alina Ian. Alina experienced everything first hand in all these memories, she felt what the person in memories, and it was almost as if she was the one living the life.

The last memory she saw was that of herself jumping in the water to save someone and the last thing she saw was the white light covering both the people in water.

Alina woke up. She was screaming and crying [huh, what is going on? Why am I crying…]. Alina started to notice her surroundings, she couldn't see properly or at all. But she could hear a baby cry and some muffled voices. These voices were not originally muffled but alina couldn't hear anything over this crying.

[Wait, is this me crying?] Alina was shocked. Why was her cry like a baby and why can't she stop herself from crying. After a few minutes, the room was filled with another cry of a baby. This new cry was even louder than the first one.

During all this commotion, alina fell asleep and soon the other baby followed.

sorry ... i would be updating this chapter later today... right now its half of its length... my father has been tested for covid and it came positive so.... yeah... please pray for his health..

stay safe and healthy... ^u^

lazy_potatocreators' thoughts