
fairy tail, Dragon Takeover

A man reincarnates into fairy tail only to be rushed into slavery. How will he deal with the new world with his magic? Found image on google.

Juipt · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 3 Mission

Ernest POV

After weeks of hard work to maintain my mana so I only use the minimal amount when I use my take over magic or dragon slayer magic, I can confidently say that I have it down.

Roubaul seemed to be impressed about my progress. After the first week he told me that "You're doing good kid. In a week or so I'll let you go on a mission."

Roubaul also informed me that my magic was increasing but not to transform into the full dragon form unless it was life or death. And even then he stared at me with dead eyes and continued "ONLY when your on the brink of walking to the realm of the dead."

I didn't know why the old man was so constant in his per suit to make sure that I won't go full dragon. Might have been the "Take over too many dragons and go nuts" part but I do not know.

Or might have been the chance that the dragon madness will start to fuse with me. Say I take over a dragon who really hates humans, and if I take over it then transform into it. I will have weird tendencies in it and there about a 25% chance that some of it will rub off to me.

Which is a very bad thing. It will either make me run about and kill humans or just drive me insane and kill everything insight. Very bad.

But the fairy dragon, Tilia, seems to be peaceful. Wonder why I can't fuse with the good tendencies. Speaking of her, I reached a point where I now know her name and a secret art. 

'Fairy dragon twister of rage.'

Another thing that I learned in this weeks were that Tilia was a fucking monster when she was alive. Tell me would a fairy dragon beat the king of fire dragons and the dragon of hell fire? No that sounds impossible.

No she fucking destroyed them. She barley got delt ANY damage, and kept absorbing their attacks. She also ended it in a twister of rage, literally. 

She made what we humans would call a category 100 hurricane.... It went about 5,000 miles a hour. It also knocked out and nearly killed atlas, the hellfire dragon, and knocked out and injured Igneel, the fire dragon king.

Also it sunk the island they were fighting on and made the sea floor sink. Wonder how I know this? Well apparently I didn't fully take over the soul. I just took control, I still didn't have all the powers and what not. So the more I take over the more glimpses of the power is. 

Any ways I am going on a mission today. It should be a c tier mission. 


I walked to Roubaul house, or the guild hall, waving to passerby's . I had become relatively famous since I cleared out a B rank magic bear near the village. It was huge but I quick shot it with a fairy dragon roar to the cranium out of no where point blank. 

Then followed up with some dragonized stuff then it was died. Leaving out the details because it wasn't that interesting. 

But this was the main reason why Roubaul even let me go on a c rank mission, citing that I had the power to be a b rank but not the brains for it.

I thought he was calling me dumb but he said I lacked experience fighting other mages. Which made since. I only fought once against real wizards. So any and all experience will be helpful. 

I took a look around the room. It had seats and a couple of book shelves. I had read the books that Roubaul had in here . It was mostly books about Flore and its cities. As well as the currency and common knowledge. 

I looked ahead and saw Roubaul staring at me. "Well I think it is time for the little dragon to fly." He said with a cheeky grin. 

"Yeah, time for the 'small dragon' to fly. If I am small, then what does that make you? A dwarf of dwarfs?" I retoured back with a smile.

"Well played. But to the matter on hands. I have gotten you a c rank mission. It is to help a merchant travel from this city to the city of Magnolia. The merchant said their should not be any troubles but he classed this as a C+ mission so there might be some problems along the way. Think you can handle it?" Roubaul finished with a question as he looked at me.

"Who do you take me for? Of course I can handle it." I had plastered a closed eye smile on my face and sent a thumbs up towards Roubaul. 

"Alright this mission will take approximately 2 weeks so here. An early Birthday gift." Roubaul tossed me a rectangular box. 

I rose an eyebrow and opened it. It was a small dagger. It had a very sharp edge and the handle was gray. Overall it was beautiful. 

"Thank you Roubaul, I shall return with the mission complete."

"Good, I will see you off." Roubaul stood up as we walked towards the entrance. 

We walked and all the villagers and mages said good bye as I walked towards the gate. Evan, one of the A rank mages tosses me a bag. 

"What's inside?" I question Evan. He was Blond and was tall with a muscular body. He had black eyes and had a katana on his waist. 

"Some money, food, clothes, and a compass." Evan said while slapping my back with a smile. "Good luck out there." 



"See you in 2 weeks kid." Roubaul waved, the villagers followed.

"Bye ya'll!" I shout back as I run towards the city eager to finish the quest.

"You think that kid will do alright?" Evan asked towards Roubaul with worry in his tone.

"Eh he will make it back." 

"Did you tell him this was a B+ mission?"



A/N Missions will be like this 

D- D D+

C- C C+

B- B B+

You get my drift?


"So your the kid that they sent?" The man, Ernate, the merchant said pointing at me.

"Yes. You need to go to magnolia from this town and I will keep you and your goods safe."

Ernate stopped to think. 'This must be one of those prodigies that I been hearing about. But one this young doing a B+ mission? He must be really good. Along with the other 5 guards I hired we should be ok.'

"Welp the cargo you will be protecting are some magic books, food, gold, and weapons that I will be transporting to Magnolia. You think you can handle it?" He questioned.

"Yeah but why not take the train?"

"The train doesn't transport this much resources and it also cost too damn much."

'If it makes a merchant swear at how expensive it is to transport some goods then it really must be expensive. But it would be safer. But ay I am just the guard.'

Ernate showed me the wagon. It was quite big and was being pulled by some of the biggest horses I have ever seen. One of them was easy 6'6 and the other 6'4. 

Ernate saw me looking at the horses and commented. "Those there are magic horses. They can pull and go faster than normal horses but do take quite a bit more to feed. And if I remember correctly they were imported here from Joya"

'From Joya? wow.' I thought. 

"Well make your self comfortable up there. Ernate said as he hopped on the front of the wagon and grab the reins. I hopped on to the back of the wagon and gripped my dagger in case of a ambush. 

I kept my guard up as we made our way through the forest. Every foot step of the horse, I looked around. I even dragonized my nose, ears and eyes to make sure the wagon was safe. 

5 days later

Noting had happened so far, well besides the odd wolf or two that tried to attack the wagon but I took care of it fairly easily, and the ones I couldn't the other guards could help. 2 of them lacked magic but the other 3 had some magic. One had water, the other had earth, and the other had fire. Quite basic magic but they could handle themselfs.

Me and Ernate talked a little bit, he even let me read a book about the guilds and Flore. There was 3 guilds that caught my eye. They were some of the top guilds but one of them was up and coming.

Fairy tail. The guild was pretty much family to each other. They valued it more than gold. The guild master, Makarov Dreyar, was a magic saint. His magic, giant , was quite powerful. That wasn't his only magic though. He posed quite a collection of magic. I envy his collection since anybody who has dragon slayer magic cannot master any other magic. Roubaul told me that since dragon slayer can eat their own element, they cannot posed any other form of magic.

Next was Phantom Lord. They were one of the richest guilds and one of the most powerful. Their guild master, Jose Porla, was a wizard saint like Makarov. He had powerful magic in the form of shade magic. The guild also had quite the amazing track record of completion of missions. It had many branches too.

Next was a up and coming guild, Saber tooth. The guild master was Jiemma Orland. He was not a wizard saint but he posed quite the fair share of power. His magic was blast magic. Not quite common but not uncommon. It was powerful in the right hands but was weak in the wrong hands. the guild had started up 3 years ago and had a completion rate of 83% which was quite good since it was quite a new guild.

I was going to read about the wizard saints until I felt something. "AMBUSH!" I yelled as ice shot out heading stright for me. "Fairy Dragon Impact Claw!" I broke the ice and hopped out to see 10 men wearing the typical bandit wear but then 1 dude came out of the lush.

He was tall and had on knight armor but no helmet. He had light gray hair but with a young face.

"Ohoho seemed like you survived my attack." The man began. "Hand over the wagon and we will let you off easily."

"No shot in hell I'll let you out of here."


chiff hanger

But any ways

I have decided on 1 dragon soul he will take over but I'll allow for you guys to vote on the other 5. The rest of the chapters will come out during this day and tomorrow morning- afternoon. Gotta spread out these chapter.

Word count- 1835