
fairy tail, Dragon Takeover

A man reincarnates into fairy tail only to be rushed into slavery. How will he deal with the new world with his magic? Found image on google.

Juipt · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 2 home

A/N Decided to post this 1 day before Friday so enjoy early chapter other chapters will be posted on Friday completing the 10k 

I flew and flew until I felt my mana drop to near depletion. 

'Only lasted 5 minutes , damn I am too weak.' I thought to myself.

I flew down the the ocean and saw a piece of drift wood. I untransformed before I was knocked out due to mana depletion. 

I grabbed onto the plank like it was the heat that kept you alive in a blizzard. I managed to push myself onto the plank to be able to lay down on top of it.

'10 years of hell. I finally escaped... I'll return and deliver 10 times the damage they did to me. I'' tear it down, brick by brick.'

I closed my eyes, allowing myself to the realm of sleep, listening to the waves.


Unbeknown to Ernest, his wounds were too great and the amount of mana he used was too much for a first timer so he fell asleep not for 1 night nor day, but 2 months.

Ernest POV

'That was the deepest sleep I ever had.' I thought with a yawn while I stretched my bones. I looked around to see that I was not in the ocean but was on a beach.

Another thing I relaized, was that I was starving. It felt as if I haven't eaten for 2 months. I needed to find food fast.

I stood up and began to walk down the beach. It went as far as I could see with my eyes. If there's a beach there might be civilization, hopefully not people like in the tower. 

I felt strange, I had killed people before but not in this brutal way. Well I guess all killing is brutal. But not ripping out spines brutal. 

' I will just get used to it.'

i continued my walking for what felt like hours. The sun had already set from the middle of the sky to the end of the sky. It would be night soon. 


It became night but I had no worry. i had confidence that I could either run or fight anything I come across. My stomach grumbled but there was no food insight.

Soon I felt something off. It was leading into the forest. The only reason why I noticed it was because it was my magic that noticed something off. I decided to follow my instinct and walk into the forest.

I walked and walked until I saw a deer. It was as big as a car and had white horns but I did not care. All I saw was food.

I crouched down and hopped up on a tree and began to tree hop to get near it. It was grazing the ground so that meant its head was near the ground.

I got on a tree that was angled behind the deer. I had a couple of options but I narrowed it down to 2. I can hop on it head and bash it in with magic. Or hop on it back and choke it out.

I wanted to dragonize my limbs but it took too much energy and I needed to focus before hand. 'Guess being tied down is a way to help mediate.'

I ready my legs and- Jump.


I land on top of the deer as it gets up and tries to throw me off but I held on. 

'Fairy dragon Impact Claw' My hands become claws as I try to cut off the head but only cut a 1/5 of the way in. 

'Do I have to say it out loud?' I question my magic.

"Fairy Dragon Impact Claw" Once again my hands become claws as I cleanly cut through the head. 'Chanting seems to boost the power of it.'

I drag the deer to a nearby cave and dragonize my insides so I can eat the deer raw, since I did not have fire. I also dragonized my nails, mainly 1, to skin the deer and use it as a blanket to rest in.

I was feeling tried due to my use of dragon take over and dragon slayer magic. 'Lights out.'


Roubaul POV

'Well this is odd' I thought as I saw a child, no younger than 11, sat and slept in a cave covered in deer pelt. Not just any deer pelt but a magic deer pelt.

I walked over to the boy, the skin covered him up to his neck. But I couldn't help but wonder, 'I have felt this magic before... No... Time really does come around...'

Enough thinking, this kid needs shelter. I realize now that this kid will need help. I guess it is time to use these old bones.

'Been awhile since I used my magic to this point.' I said as I used my illusion magic to its peak, creating living beings. 

A bright light engulfed the forest, when it went away Roubaul bent down and lifted the boy up.

To his shock and horror the bodies body was lined with scars. 'What torture did they do to a young boy like you...'

He held Ernest in a princess carry as he traversed the forest heading to a clearing where the houses lay but now filled with life like illusions. He walked towards a house that had a bed and laid Ernest down and covered him with the now cleaned deer pelt. 

He left the house to allow the boy to rest and headed to the biggest house. It was his house. He needed time to plan on how he needed to help the kid mold his magic. But he felt his time nearing. He began to write something that would shock the world to its core.

He began to write into the silence of night into the bright and gentle sunrise.


Ernest POV


I opened my eyes to see... a house? 'Where am I?' 

I immediately look down to see chains that strap me down. 


It goes away as I just now see the deer pelt that I skinned and a bed in a tribal hut of sorts.

I slow my heavy breathing. And lull my high heart rate. 'So I am not chained up, that's a plus but where am I?' I question my current location. I stand up and begin to walk towards the door and open it.

I am welcomed to the bright light of the sun. Once my eyes adapt to the light, I saw people and more tribal huts.

"Calm down little one, we mean no harm." A short man said. 

"Who are you." I demand.

"I am Roubaul, and who are you child?" He questioned with an eyebrow raise.

I hesitate for a moment but my magic seemed to calm when I arrived here so I decided to answer.

"My name is Ernest."

The man seemed to think for a moment before saying,

"You got anywhere to live?"

I stared at him with a blank face. "No."

"Ok you can stay here, if that helps."

I was still on guard but more relaxed.

"What is here exactly?"

"Oh it is our village." The man smiled brightly.

'Village?' I thought to myself.

He suddenly waved his arm and a book appeared. It was a thick book with red and brown writing on it. I stared in amazement because this was the first time I have seen magic that wasn't meant for harm.

Roubaul noticing my shock begins to speak, "so kid how would you like it if you can learn magic."

I responded. "But I already know magic."

"Do you know everything? How to use the bare minimal mana in each spell? How spells are powered? How mana works and the principle of it? What your magic is and what it limit is? Or how it is used in combat?" 

Roubaul asked me questions that I had no clue on how to answer, so I just sadly shook my head.

"This is what I can help you with. But will you accept?"

I thought about the pros and cons of letting Roubaul teach me, I took a few moments to process it. Which was a surprising dumb choice? Having someone teach me magic when I barley know a few things would be a blessing.

"Yes I would like to be taught about magic." I said to Roubaul with determination in my eyes.

"Then let us begin." He said walking back out to the exit of the are where the guild was located, heading towards the forest. I hurried to follow him.

It took us about 10 minutes until Roubaul stopped and turned around to face me. Staring in my eyes he addressed me, "Ernest I suspect that you know what your magic is?" He questioned with an eyebrow raise.

I hesitated to reveal the information, but my instincts were calm so I decided to tell him. 

"Dragon take over magic." I said as Roubaul smiles sadly. 

'Ah, seems like I was sadly right... I hope you end up the same as him.' Roubaul thought grimly.

"That is very good, I have some knowledge of how that magic works and how to train it." Roubaul said, his eyes now normal size and a smile plastered on his face.

'Ah so this magic isn't uncommon' I thought to myself as I prepare to learn how to master and harness my magic full potential. 

"First thing that we will talk about is, your dragon you currently have" Roubaul said.

"The fairy dragon?" I questioned 

"How am I supposed to know, I just felt draconic energy coming from you."

'If he can feel it and can tell that my magic is draconic..' "I need a way to hide that before anything" I told to Roubaul after collecting my thoughts.

"Oh ho you do not wish to learn how to fully use the dragon soul?" Roubaul questioned with a laugh.

"No, I wish to learn how to hide the draconic energy before I learn how to make it grow." If I cannot learn how to hide the draconic energy then I will be easy found out.

Roubaul seemed to think before responding to my question. "Mediate. Try to feel a warm energy in your blood and body, then push it back into your heart, where magic rests."

That simple? I been doing that already. I took a second to active it and Roubaul seemed surprised that I already did it.

"Either you're a once in a lifetime prodigy or you done this before" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I've done this before." I answered. 

"Good, you just need to either circulate it or keep it in your heart. Either way it works."

I nodded my head at that while I sat in a meditate position. Roubaul opened his mouth to speak,

"Now I will tell you what I know of dragon take over. 1. You only have 20% of the souls power until you fully conquered it. Second, you gain dragon slayer powers. Third you have a limit on how many dragons you can take over, though you can remove their soul. And lastly it takes huge amounts of mana for you to use it." Roubaul said the limiting part and the mana cost in a very serious tone. 

Even though I had suspicions about how he got this knowledge, I knew that it would be helpful either way.

"Now we will mediate until you can lower the amount of mana it takes. Try to dragonize you left arm and keep it up for long as possible while trying to lower your mana cost for it."

I sat down and did what he told me... For hours then days.


A/N someone told me that I probably should not just group big chapters togeather and sperate them into 3k 2k or 1k chapters so that is what I'm doing.

This should still be 10k+ words togeather