
Fairy Tail - White Haired Mage

Allen had finally succeeded in occupying the position that had been assigned to him. The position is the Monarch of Creation and Destruction. With the position he had obtained, he changed many of the rules in the Douluo Dalu universe. The rules changed by Allen brought huge changes to the world of Douluo Dalu. Apart from Allen, there are many of his acquaintances who succeeded in inheriting Monach's position. For example, Gu Yuena, who was Allen's partner, held the position of Monach of Life and Death and several others. Slowly, the world that was previously intended for monarchs to regulate the world in the universe has begun to experience development where many humans have succeeded in reaching Monarch level strength. Allen and the other monarchs felt a very long peace. The same also applies to creatures living in the world ruled by monachs. It's just that the long peace was suddenly shattered. The universe where Allen and the others live will collide with other universes. The impact of the collision of the two universes will produce a very large explosion - the Big Bang. This threat is known to all powerful beings in the two universes. Even though they knew it, none of them were able to withstand the threat they would face. They began to accept the fate they would face. The two universes finally met and a very strong and devastating Big Bang explosion occurred. All living creatures in both universes were affected and died except for one of them. That person is Allen. At that time he was on the verge of death due to the explosion. Suddenly a beam of light immediately enveloped his body and then disappeared from the location where he was at that time. The light took him to a world in another universe. During the transfer process, Allen fell into a coma. There was something else that happened to him. This was his body slowly turning back into that of a seven year old child. Even though he has returned to being a child. He still retained the power he had. It's just that the energy he has has been changed to follow the energy used by the new world where he is. Even though his energy has followed the energy used in the world he is in now, Allen can still use all the abilities he had before except for the abilities of creation and destruction. These two powers can no longer be used by him, or in other words, he does not have access to use these abilities. Even though he can no longer access these two abilities. Allen's other abilities are terrifying. He could easily manipulate the nine elements consisting of lightning, earth, air, fire, wind, light, darkness, healing, and space. Each of these elements has various abilities ranging from low destructive power to very frightening destructive power. It took him a full week to adapt to the new energy he was currently using. After he finished adapting, Allen immediately visited a city that was close to his current position. In this city, Allen will find out that the world he is currently in is a world he recognizes. ------------- Patreon.com/Allengraynet

Allen_Graynet · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 16: Hell Training

Two months passed.

Allen hasn't done any work in the past two months. He spent those two months reading books in the guild library while paying attention to the training carried out by Laxus and Cana. Both are developing very well, especially Cana. The amount of magic energy he possessed in these two months had increased by four points while Laxus's had increased by two points. This amount was more than the increase in magic energy possessed by other guild members.

During these two months, Allen had also helped Makarov in improving one of the super magic owned by the Guild - Fairy Law. The improvements made by Allen lie in the punishment that the user will receive while using this magic. Previously, every time the user used this magic, the user's health would decrease according to the number of enemies affected by the ability.

The more enemies affected by this ability, the more lives the user will take. Allen has improved the punishment for using such magic. Now, every time someone uses that magic. One does not need to be afraid to worry about the life they have running out because this magic only requires the consumption of large amounts of magic energy to release it.

The assistance provided by Allen made Makarov very happy and happy. He was really happy because one of the super magic owned by the guild had been improved by Allen. During this time, Makarov always tried to force Allen to inherit his position when he was an adult. However, the answer given by Allen was still the same as before.


Fairy Tail Business District.

The Fairy Tail business area is a business area owned by the Guild - Fairy Tail. This area is in the eastern area of Magnolia City. The size of the business area owned by the guild is 100 hectares. Currently the area is in the development process. There are many things that will be built there, such as special shophouses for selling, various kinds of hotel buildings, and the most important thing is a fighting arena which covers an area of 50 hectares.

The funds used to build this business area are quite large. Purchasing land for this area has cost two billion Jewels while the overall development costs amount to 250 billion Jewels. The funds used by the Guild - Fairy Tail to build the area came from Allen. Previously there had been an agreement that the Guild - Fairy Tail only needed to return the amount of funds used for development to Allen. The business area will later be owned by both parties. Guild – Fairy Tail will hold a 51% stake while Allen will hold a 49% stake.

Then in one of the areas in that area. The area appears to be untouched by the workers currently working there. The area is around 15 hectares. It can be seen that four people are currently there. The four people are Makarov, Allen, Laxus, and also Cana.

"You two must be wondering why I invited you two to come here."


Laxus and Cana nodded, they were a little confused about the reason behind Allen calling the two of them here. As for Makarov himself, he just came to have fun. He himself already knew the purpose behind Allen calling the two of them here.

"As you both know. This area is a business area owned by our guild. This area will be built with shophouses, hotels, and also a fighting arena which will probably be completed in the next few months," Allen said casually, "The area we are currently occupying is one of the areas that will later be developed too. However, compared to building shophouses or hotels. In this area, a park will be built with an artificial lake right in the middle."


"Artificial lake?"

Laxus and Cana were a little surprised to hear this. They hadn't heard of this before. Allen and Makarov also didn't mention this before.

"Hahaha~ This kind of thing is still a secret and only Allen and I know about it" Makarov said with a smile, "Actually, the plan to build a park and artificial lake was not in the plan that was first drawn up. However, Allen asked for revisions regarding the development plan and then the plan for the construction of a park and lake came about."

"The attraction of this area is the fighting arena. Everyone will focus there. It's just that, I feel like it's not enough to just use the fighting arena to attract visitors to this place. Therefore, I added plans to create a park and artificial lake as a place to relax and do various fun things."

"If that's the case. Why doesn't this region have any workers at all?" Laxus asked while frowning.

"Why? There's a reason for that." Allen smiled slightly looking at the two of them.

"The reason…"

"Wait a minute!..." Laxus swallowed with a little nervousness inside him, "Y-you...You two, don't say..."

"You guys will start the real training from now on" Allen said with his facial expression turning serious.

Laxus and Cana were stunned to hear and see the expression shown by Allen.

"Previously the training I gave you only increased and made you familiar with the magic energy you have. Now, your magic energy has increased and you are familiar with the magic energy you have. Therefore, we will begin the actual training." Allen paused for a moment and continued, "Your training will start from this place. The two of you will create an artificial lake with an area of ten hectares and the depth of the lake must reach five meters. Don't think this training will be easy for the two of you to go through."

Allen immediately took out a number of tools from his storage space. This tool is in the form of a bracelet made of iron. He immediately threw it in front of Laxus and Cana. Four for Laxus and two for Cana.

"The bracelet is a weight bracelet that I previously ordered. The bracelets in front of Laxus weigh three kilograms each while for Cana each bracelet weighs one kilogram. During the process of making the lake that the two of you will carry out, you are required to wear the bracelet. "You are prohibited from removing the bracelet until the lake is finished. Even if you sleep or carry out your daily activities, you are required to wear the bracelet."

Expressions of horror were shown by Laxus and Cana at this time. Even though both of them are still children, they both have smarter minds than children their age. Therefore, they knew how hard the training they would be doing this time was.

"When you work, you are required to use magic energy during your work. When your magic energy runs out, you have to stop working and wait until your magic energy is full. As for the use of magic energy, you are prohibited from increasing your body's strength using magic energy. The magic energy you use is only used to cover the equipment you use to create an artificial lake. If you violate these rules, you will be punished. The punishment you will receive is that every time you break the rules, the bracelet you are wearing will be replaced with a new bracelet, where the new bracelet weighs one kilogram more than the bracelet you are currently wearing."

The explanation given by Allen made Laxus and Cana fall silent for a moment. They knew that Allen wouldn't joke about something, let alone training. Therefore, they knew as long as they broke the rules set by Allen. So, they will receive the punishment that has been determined too.

"Then, about one kilometer north of this place. There is a river there. A few meters from the river bank there were a large number of river rocks that I had collected. The river rocks will be used as a tool to filter the artificial lake water so that it remains clear at all times. Therefore, the two of you must carry the stones here without using any magic energy at all. You can use magic energy as long as the magic energy you use envelops the tool used. As long as it is not a tool used, you are prohibited from using it."

The addition of this explanation made Laxus and Cana even more depressed. They really didn't expect the training they would receive from Allen to be so tough.

"Finally, this task itself has a time period. You are required to complete this task within a period of five months from now. If you don't complete this task within a period of five months from now…" Allen stopped and looked at them seriously, "I won't teach you anymore."


Laxus and Cana were very stunned to hear Allen's words.

"Allen…You mean…"

"As you two listen. As long as you don't complete the tasks given by me. You don't need to study under me anymore. You can find your own teacher or you can learn by yourself. I won't teach someone who can't even complete the tasks given by me. To me, such students are a waste. I don't want to waste my precious time teaching useless students."


Laxus and Cana were silent hearing this. Both of their hands were clenched into fists very tightly. Their gazes showed a very strong determination to complete the task given by Allen.

"You two must remember this. This assignment will be my first assignment for the two of you. As long as you two can complete this task, then, I will officially accept you as my disciple. I will help increase the strength you have and teach you the abilities and skills I have. However, if not, then you have failed to become my disciple. Of course, you can still come to me to ask questions about training or whatever is needed. However, I will only answer without teaching you directly about such things."

Laxus and Cana were pensive when they heard this. Their minds are currently still haunted by Allen's previous words.

"Lastly, this task itself is a task issued by the guild. Therefore, as long as you successfully complete this task. Each of you will get a reward of 2.5 million Jewels."

Allen's words did not spark Laxus and Cana's enthusiasm. Both knew that the value of money was nothing compared to the teaching provided by Allen. Both of them knew that many people in the guild envied them for getting direct teaching from Allen. They were both sure that as long as Allen spoke up about wanting to accept students, everyone in the guild, even Makarov, would be willing to become his students.

Allen then took out a number of equipment from his storage room. Shovels, sand trolleys, and various kinds of equipment that can help both of them in creating artificial lakes in the area. All the equipment was immediately arranged neatly in front of the two of them. Each of them got their own set of equipment.

"I have marked the area that will be used as a place to create an artificial lake. The sign is a yellow line. You will work within those yellow lines from now on. You can take the soil that you dig out of the yellow line. You are free to place it wherever you wish. You don't need to think about the land issue. The land that was excavated will be managed by someone else. You just focus on building an artificial lake and don't need to think about anything else. Okay!"

Allen clapped his hands together which brought them both back to full consciousness.

"You can start working now!"

Laxus and Cana looked at each other. The two nodded solemnly. Their current goal is the same, namely completing the task given to them by Allen. They quickly put on the bracelets given by Allen. Laxus uses it on his hands and feet while Cana uses it on both feet.

Laxus didn't protest that Cana had fewer bracelets and they were also lighter than his. He was older and stronger too. Therefore, Laxus understood the reason behind Allen giving more and heavier bracelets to him than to Cana. Besides, Cana is a woman.

After the two of them ate the bracelets given to them. They immediately took the shovel which was their respective share. They then started walking towards the area that had been determined to be used as a place to build an artificial lake and then started work.

"Aren't you being too harsh on them?" Makarov asked quietly.

"That's a necessary thing" Allen said calmly, "As long as I'm too gentle with them. They may be lazy or postpone the work they have. This has an impact on projects currently being worked on. That's not a good thing. Therefore, I need to provide stimulation so that both of them have the determination to be able to complete the tasks given according to the rules that have been set by me."

"Well…" Makarov sighed then said, "But, they are still children. If they were forced to train like this. Isn't that not good for their growth?"

"Don't worry, I'm here" Allen smiled, "As long as there are any bad complications for them. I will definitely act immediately."

"Okay..." Makarov finally didn't say anything else about the decision Allen had taken. Even though he knew that Allen would not harm the two of them, Makarov still felt a little sorry for the two of them, "With the training they received from you since childhood...I wonder, how far will they be able to go in the future?"

"At least... These two will surpass you and maybe even become the best wizards on the Continent... Hmm," Allen shook his head then looked at Laxus and Cana, "Both of them will definitely become one of the greatest wizards in this world."

"The greatest wizard, huh?..." Makarov looked at the two.

Cana was starting to show signs of exhaustion. His entire body began to be soaked in sweat and his breathing slowly began to get a little heavy. As for Laxus, he was starting to sweat but his breathing was still as steady as before.

"Hopefully I can see that one day…"