
Fairy Tail - White Haired Mage

Allen had finally succeeded in occupying the position that had been assigned to him. The position is the Monarch of Creation and Destruction. With the position he had obtained, he changed many of the rules in the Douluo Dalu universe. The rules changed by Allen brought huge changes to the world of Douluo Dalu. Apart from Allen, there are many of his acquaintances who succeeded in inheriting Monach's position. For example, Gu Yuena, who was Allen's partner, held the position of Monach of Life and Death and several others. Slowly, the world that was previously intended for monarchs to regulate the world in the universe has begun to experience development where many humans have succeeded in reaching Monarch level strength. Allen and the other monarchs felt a very long peace. The same also applies to creatures living in the world ruled by monachs. It's just that the long peace was suddenly shattered. The universe where Allen and the others live will collide with other universes. The impact of the collision of the two universes will produce a very large explosion - the Big Bang. This threat is known to all powerful beings in the two universes. Even though they knew it, none of them were able to withstand the threat they would face. They began to accept the fate they would face. The two universes finally met and a very strong and devastating Big Bang explosion occurred. All living creatures in both universes were affected and died except for one of them. That person is Allen. At that time he was on the verge of death due to the explosion. Suddenly a beam of light immediately enveloped his body and then disappeared from the location where he was at that time. The light took him to a world in another universe. During the transfer process, Allen fell into a coma. There was something else that happened to him. This was his body slowly turning back into that of a seven year old child. Even though he has returned to being a child. He still retained the power he had. It's just that the energy he has has been changed to follow the energy used by the new world where he is. Even though his energy has followed the energy used in the world he is in now, Allen can still use all the abilities he had before except for the abilities of creation and destruction. These two powers can no longer be used by him, or in other words, he does not have access to use these abilities. Even though he can no longer access these two abilities. Allen's other abilities are terrifying. He could easily manipulate the nine elements consisting of lightning, earth, air, fire, wind, light, darkness, healing, and space. Each of these elements has various abilities ranging from low destructive power to very frightening destructive power. It took him a full week to adapt to the new energy he was currently using. After he finished adapting, Allen immediately visited a city that was close to his current position. In this city, Allen will find out that the world he is currently in is a world he recognizes. ------------- Patreon.com/Allengraynet

Allen_Graynet · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 15: Guild Power Ranking List – Fairy Tail

Everyone looked at each other. This gaze was a gaze of anticipation towards each other. Yosuga smiled and immediately used a little of his magic energy to increase the strength of his legs. He immediately jumped forward, "You coward! Since no one wants to go first, let me the strongest do it!"


"Strongest you say?"

"Bastard! Get down here! I will let you correct your words!"

"Strongest? You bastard! Didn't you consider the presence of Master and Allen?"

"Hehehe~" Yosuga just smiled then looked at everyone across the stage, "The strongest here doesn't involve the three of them. I claim to be the strongest among you, you weak bastards!"

"This bastard…"

"Hehehe ~ Interesting" Keigo smiled and immediately continued, "We don't need to fall for his provocation. We just need to prove that our strength is stronger than that bastard! Let him eat his own words."

"Damn! Yosuga! Just wait a moment! We will definitely make you shut up."

"Oh? You are the first Yosuga. Previously I thought Rumi would come first," Makarov said with a smile.

"She's too shy to show her weakness, Master. Therefore, he was embarrassed to come forward the first time."

"What? Fuck! Take back your words!" Rumi immediately shouted angrily. She wanted to go up on stage but luckily the other guild members around her managed to hold her back.

"Start quickly, Bastard!" Jack said impatiently, "I want to immediately advance to prove my strength is the strongest among everyone here except Master and Allen!"

"Tsk, the weak say the same thing" Macao said disdainfully.

"Hah? Macao, do you want to fight?"

"Come on! We finished our unfinished business. I want to make you feel my new power!"

"Hehehe~ Interesting! Let's see how long you can survive my slash."

Yosuga immediately stepped forward. He touched the crystal ball then began channeling his magic energy into the crystal ball. The crystal ball immediately gave off a very bright light. The bright light emitted by the crystal ball made everyone in the guild immediately fall silent. Gradually the bright light began to dim and finally disappeared. The value of Yosuga's magical energy was finally shown.

"Hahahah~ Weak! Weak bastard! Only 22? You are only slightly stronger than Reedus, Yosuga!"

"Do you want to pose as someone who is stronger than us with just this kind of strength? Dream on!"

"Tsk, weak is still weak."

Yosuga listened to all the ridicule given by the guild members, his face immediately turned red. He previously thought the power he possessed surpassed Reedus by a huge margin. The results were as he expected. However, the difference in strength between the two was very close. This means that as long as the two of them fight, the outcome between the two cannot be determined.


"The power ranking list has changed!"

"Hah? Yosuga took third place?"

"Bastard! The position he currently occupies was obtained because he carried out the test for the first time. As long as I test the magic energy in my possession, I will definitely place third, not that bastard!"

"Quickly get down from there, Yosuga! I want to immediately test my strength!"

Magic Energy Power ranking list.

1. Allen [150 points]

2. Makarov Dreyar [65 Points]

3. Yosuga Musyogatake [22 Points]

4. Reedus Johan [20 Points]

5. Laxus Dreyar [15 Points]

6. Cana Alberona [2 Points]

"Shut up bastard!" Yosuga shouted angrily looking at the guild members, "It's not necessarily that you guys are better in comparison. Come on! Who can succeed in ranking ahead of me! I will pay for his food and drink for a whole week!"

"Oh?" Makarov immediately showed an interested response, "My son, are you serious about what you said?"

"Huh?" Yosuga was immediately stunned to hear this. He turned around with stiff movements looking at Allen and Makarov who smiled at him.

"I believe I just heard some very interesting words here" Allen smiled slightly, "Someone ahead of me in rank, right? Doesn't that mean Master and I are included? Yosuga, a swordsman wouldn't go back on words, right? Moreover, you are a man, you must follow your words or you are a woman."

"Hahahaha~ Got him!"

"That's right, Yosuga! You must keep your words!"

"A whole week of eating and drinking! Ah! I can not wait! Get down from there quickly, Yosuga! I want to quickly show my strength to all of you!"


Yosuga sighed sadly. He immediately walked down from the stage with his back lowered. He truly did not expect that the words spoken by him would backfire on him. All the guild members who saw this incident laughed out loud. They were very happy to see Yosuga who had just gotten his karma.

"Looks like you're going to have fun for the next week, Master."

"Hahahaha~ I will definitely enjoy it!"

The second person who wanted to test the strength of his magic energy finally came forward.


"Bastard! How could he get on stage so quickly?"

"Fuck! We didn't respond quickly because of the previous incident."

"Hehehe~ Don't blame me, okay?' Keigo said while smiling at them, "Blame yourselves for taking too long to respond. Apart from that, everyone will definitely get a turn, it's just that I feel sorry for those who will get the last turn."


Keigo's words immediately made everyone in the guild angry. However, Keigo didn't pay attention to it and just walked forward. He gave a slight salute to Makarov and Allen then placed his hand on the crystal ball. Keigo then began to mobilize his magic energy to channel it into the crystal ball.

The bright light came out of the crystal ball again and then gradually dimmed. The magic energy power value possessed by Keigo finally came out.

"Hey! Is what I see wrong?"

"If you see that Keigo's magic energy value is 25, then, you're not wrong."

"Damn! Is it possible that this bastard is stronger than Yosuga?"

"Hah?" Yosuga was stunned to see Keigo's results.

Keigo immediately turned to look at everyone there, "You underestimate me too much. All this time I have been training hard to prove that the best in this guild excluding Master, Gildarts, and Allen is myself"

"Damn Keigo!"

"He really hid very deep"

"Hey Wakaba, we can't lose to that bastard"

"Hah? Who wants to lose to him? Apart from that, think about yourself because you still have to fight Jack after this."

"Damn it! I will definitely win against him!"

"Heheheh~ It's weak to say win. Do you think I will lose to you? I will cut off the victory that is your dream!"

"Come on! I want to see how far your strength has grown!"

Keigo's gaze looked at Yosuga with a look of provocation, "Great! I'll get free food and drink for an entire week! Looks like I will have more practice time. Hehehe~ Maybe, the two of us won't be on the same level anymore."

"Tsk!" Yosuga gritted his teeth hearing this.

Magic Energy Power ranking list.

1. Allen [150 points]

2. Makarov Dreyar [65 Points]

3. Keigo Takami [25 Points]

4. Yosuga Musyogatake [22 Points]

5. Reedus Johan [20 Points]

6. Laxus Dreyar [15 Points]

7. Cana Alberona [2 Points]

"Stop talking nonsense there, Keigo! Come down quickly! There are still many people who want to test the strength they possess!"

"That's right! Get down quickly bastard! Don't think that only you can surpass Yosuga! I can do it too!"

"Shut up all of you! It's my turn now!"

Rumi is finally free from the guild members. She immediately jumped towards the stage and landed right in front of Keigo. The two of them looked at each other.

"Get out of my way, Motherfucker!"

Keigo immediately gave way to Rumi. He then slowly came down from the stage and as soon as he came down, he immediately looked at the stage to see the score obtained by Rumi. A small smile appeared on his face. As long as the grades obtained by him were better than Rumi's, he would be ready to ridicule him.

Rumi arrived in front of the crystal ball. She immediately touched the crystal ball then channeled her magic energy into the crystal ball. Light reappeared from the crystal ball and slowly began to dim.


"That…How is that possible? How could Rumi have such high marks?"


Yosuga and Keigo were very surprised to see the value of Rumi's magic energy. The magic energy value she possesses is higher than both of them.

"Look at this on all the bastards!" Rumi immediately shouted with a very satisfied facial expression, "You saw it, didn't you? The fourth strongest person in this guild is me!" Rumi pointed at herself with a look full of satisfaction, she then looked at Yosuga, "Don't forget your words, Yosuga! Hahaha~ I will definitely extort all the finances you have!"


Yosuga clicked his tongue. Currently, there are four people who have to cover their food and drink for one week. Yosuga is sure that the money he has will be extorted by these four people.

Magic Energy Power ranking list.

1. Allen [150 points]

2. Makarov Dreyar [65 Points]

3. Rumi Usagiyama [28 Points]

4. Keigo Takami [25 Points]

5. Yosuga Musyogatake [22 Points]

6. Reedus Johan [20 Points]

7. Laxus Dreyar [15 Points]

8. Cana Alberona [2 Points]

All the guild members were currently silenced by Rumi's magic energy value. Therefore, he walked down with his head held high. He was truly very happy to see everyone's faces showing envy towards him.

The guild members then began to assess the magic energy they possessed. The average magic energy possessed by guild members has a value of 18 to 20. It is very rare for guild members to reach magic energy of 20 points and above. Only a few achieve it. For those whose score only reaches dozens, that person will be ridiculed by all the guild members. Meanwhile, for those whose value reaches dozens, that person will not be ridiculed by all the guild members. Only people whose strength was higher than his would give him ridicule.

"My turn now"

Jack finally got his turn. A grin appeared on his face. He walked forward towards the crystal ball. When he arrived in front of the crystal ball, Jack immediately touched the crystal ball and then channeled his magic energy into the crystal ball.

A bright light immediately appeared in the crystal ball and then slowly dimmed. The value of Jack's magical energy was finally shown.

"Tsk!" Yosuga immediately gritted his teeth seeing the amount of magic energy that Jack had.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Jack laughed excitedly, he then immediately glanced at Yosuga, "Looks like this week is my lucky week! Free food and drink for a whole week! Oye!"

"Bastard Jack! I didn't expect him to be stronger than I thought."

"What? Do you choose to withdraw from the fight?"

"Hah? Nonsense! How could I possibly withdraw from the battle?! After all, the comparison of magic energy between us isn't that great! I still have a chance to get it from him."

"Dream!" Jack, who could hear Macao's words, immediately intervened in the conversation between the two, "I will cut you into pieces, Macao!"

"I will burn you!"

"Oh? There's a fight over here."

"Come on! Come on! Jack and Macao! This will definitely be very interesting!"

"The betting house will open when the fight between the two will begin! Come on, place your bets! Choose your hero between the two and get as much profit as possible!" Wakaba passionately started promoting the betting house opened by her.

Magic Energy Power ranking list.

1. Allen [150 points]

2. Makarov Dreyar [65 Points]

3. Rumi Usagiyama [28 Points]

4. Keigo Takami [25 Points]

5. Jack Ripper [24 Points]

6. Yosuga Musyogatake [22 Points]

7. Wakaba Mine [22 Points]

8. Macao Cobort [21 Points]

9. Reedus Johan [20 Points]

10. Enno Brich [20 Points]

The magic energy assessment resumed. The assessment atmosphere is still the same as before. If their magic energy value only reached dozens, maybe even lower than Laxus's, they would get ridicule from all the guild members. Meanwhile, for his magic energy value to reach tens, only a few would ridicule him. The point is, people who get ridiculed are not discouraged. They use the ridicule they receive as motivation to get up and become better.

Therefore, when the assessment has been completed. The people who didn't rank in the top ten without wasting much time immediately left to start their training again. There's no way they can let other people be better than them.